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How to handle csv file using python

As i need to read something from a csv file using python.  I got something and put it here.


Module: csv


import csv

FILE_FULL_PATH = ‘D:\\Work\\script\\My Script\\Book1.csv‘

def f():
  with open(FILE_FULL_PATH,‘rb‘) as csvfile:
    for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=‘ ‘, quotechar=‘|‘):
    print type(row)
      for eachcol in row:
      print eachco


if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:




C:\Python27\python.exe "D:/Work/script/My Script/my-test.py"
<type ‘list‘>  #here we know each row is read as a list
Col11,Col12,Col12,,COlE  #The col which is empty is stored as a empty in the list
<type ‘list‘>  

Process finished with exit code 0



how to write to csv file

def f_w():
  datas = []  #using list to store data
  with open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH,‘r‘) as f:       #read data from a txt file
  FIRST = True
  for line in f:
  if FIRST:
    datas.append(re.findall(‘[a-zA-Z]+‘,line))    #find word and retuan a list
    FIRST = False
    datas.append(re.findall(‘[a-zA-Z_ 0-9]+‘,line))   #as the data has _and 0-9
  for data in datas:
  print data,len(data)
  with open(FILE_FULL_PATH,‘wb‘) as csvfile:   #open file need to using b mode
    csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)     #converte to csvwriter
    for data in datas:                       #for each line in list write to csv

How to handle csv file using python