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A. Giga Tower
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Giga Tower is the tallest and deepest building in Cyberland. There are 17 777 777 777 floors, numbered from  - 8 888 888 888 to 8 888 888 888. In particular, there is floor 0 between floor  - 1 and floor 1. Every day, thousands of tourists come to this place to enjoy the wonderful view.

In Cyberland, it is believed that the number "8" is a lucky number (that‘s why Giga Tower has 8 888 888 888 floors above the ground), and, an integer is lucky, if and only if its decimal notation contains at least one digit "8". For example, 8,  - 180, 808 are all lucky while 42,  - 10 are not. In the Giga Tower, if you write code at a floor with lucky floor number, good luck will always be with you (Well, this round is #278, also lucky, huh?).

Tourist Henry goes to the tower to seek good luck. Now he is at the floor numbered a. He wants to find the minimum positive integer b, such that, if he walks b floors higher, he will arrive at a floor with a lucky number.


The only line of input contains an integer a ( - 109 ≤ a ≤ 109).


Print the minimum b in a line.

#include<stdio.h>int mabs(int h){    if(h<0)        h=-h;    return (h);}int main(){    int i,m,n,j,a,b,c,t,s=1,h=0,o=0,k=0;    scanf("%d",&a);    for(i=0;i<16;i++)    {        a++;        t=mabs(a);        //printf("%d\n",t);        for(s=1,k=0,o=0;k<10;k++)        {            s=s*10;            h=t%s;            //printf("%d\n",h);            if(h==0.8*s)            {o++;            break;            }            t=t-h;            //printf("%d\n",t);        }        if(o!=0)        {printf("%d\n",i+1);        break;}        //printf("%d\n",o);    }return 0;}

