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robot framework接口测试之一-完整的测试用例

*** Settings ***Library           CollectionsLibrary           jsonLibrary           requestsLibrary           RequestsLibraryLibrary           HttpLibrary.HTTP*** Keywords ***登录大风车    [Arguments]    ${jpushid}    ${loginName}    ${password}    ${dict}    create dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    create session    api    http://dfc-test.sqaproxy.souche.com    ${dict}    ${data}    create dictionary    jpushid=${jpushid}    loginName=${loginName}    password=${password}    ${req}    Post Request    api    //rest/account/login    data=http://www.mamicode.com/${data}    log    ${req.status_code}    #?    log    ${req.content}    ${reqj}    to json    ${req.content}    #?    log    ${reqj}    ${reqdata}    get from dictionary    ${reqj}    data    ${TT}    get from dictionary    ${reqdata}    token    ${procode}    get from dictionary    ${reqdata}    provinceCode    ${shopcode}    get from dictionary    ${reqdata}    store    set global variable    ${jpushid}    set global variable    ${TT}    set global variable    ${shopcode}    set global variable    ${procode}    ${form}    create dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    set global variable    ${form}MoGet    [Arguments]    ${apiurl}    ${params}==${EMPTY}    ${formget}    create dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    ${proxy}    set variable    set global variable    ${formget}    create session    api    http://lol.sqaproxy.souche.com    ${formget}    ${resget}    get request    api    ${apiurl}    params=${params}    should be equal as strings    ${resget.status_code}    200    log    ${resget}    ${resj}    to json    ${resget.content}    log    ${resj}MoPost    [Arguments]    ${apiurl}    ${type}==${EMPTY}    ${pd}==data    ${params}==${EMPTY}    [Documentation]    … …    ${proxy}    set variable    ${top}    run keyword if    "${type}"=="form"    create dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    ...    ELSE    create dictionary    Content-Type=application/json    log    abc    create session    api    http://lol.sqaproxy.souche.com    ${top}    ${res}    run keyword if    "${pd}" =="data"    post request    api    ${apiurl}    data=http://www.mamicode.com/${params}    ...    ELSE    post request    api    ${apiurl}    params=${params}    should be equal as strings    ${res.status_code}    200    log    ${res.status_code}    ${resj}    to json    ${res.content}    log    ${resj}    #set global variable    ${type}




 1 *** Settings *** 2 Library           json 3 Library           Collections 4 Library           requests 5 Library           RequestsLibrary 6 Resource          基础关键字a.robot 7  8 *** Test Cases *** 9 接受联盟10     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498708    a1234567811     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}    msgId=099e06c4b5b44cd2aaf69714c0c09ec412     MoPost    //manage/acceptAlly.json    form    data    ${data}13 14 申请联盟15     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498708    a1234567816     ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=000055    memo=“您好,申请联盟”    _security_token=${TT}17     MoPost    //manage/addAlly.json    form    data    ${data}18 19 拒绝联盟20     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15810001002    a1234567821     ${data}    create dictionary    msgId=163b8f7ab4314e9cbab85d3790d194cc    _security_token=${TT}22     MoPost    //manage/denyAlly.json    form    data    ${data}23 24 获取我的盟友列表25     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567826     ${data}    create dictionary    page=1    pageSize=10    jpushid= 161a3797c8346bb1fc1    _security_token=${TT}27     MoGet    //manage/getAllyList.json    params=${data}28 29 获取我的筛选盟友列表30     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567831     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}32     MoGet    /manage/getAllyListForSel.json    ${data}33 34 供工作台获取联盟角标35     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567836     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}37     MoGet    /manage/getDashboardNum.json    ${data}38 39 获取联盟消息列表40     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567841     ${data}    create dictionary    page=1    pageSize=10    _security_token=${TT}42     MoGet    /manage/getMsgList.json    ${data}43 44 获取联盟信息45     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567846     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}47     MoGet    /manage/getOverview.json    ${data}48 49 获取店铺联盟设置50     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567851     ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=${shopcode}    _security_token=${TT}52     MoGet    /manage/getSetting.json    ${data}53 54 获取当前盟友数量55     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567856     ${data}    create dictionary    shopCode=${shopcode}    _security_token=${TT}57     MoGet    /manage/isAllyNumValid.json    ${data}58 59 搜索盟友60     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498702    a1234567861     ${data}    create dictionary    pageSize=5    page=1    province=${procode}    _security_token=${TT}62     MoGet    /manage/searchAlly.json    ${data}63 64 解除联盟65     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498704    a1234567866     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}    shopCode=00218767     MoPost    /manage/removeAlly.json    form    data    ${data}68 69 联盟设置70     [Setup]    登录大风车    161a3797c8346bb1fc1    15868498704    a1234567871     ${data}    create dictionary    _security_token=${TT}    linkName=4s用例一级    linkPhone=15868498705    shopDesc=哈哈哈哈72     MoPost    /manage/setSetting.json    form    data    ${data}


robot framework接口测试之一-完整的测试用例