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Dependencies and prerequisites 依赖和先决条件

This class is not specific to any particular version of the Android platform. It is also primarily design-focused and does not require knowledge of the Android SDK. That said, you should have experience using an Android device for a better understanding of the context in which Android applications run.

这个课程不是特定于任何特定版本的Android平台。 它也主要以设计为中心,不需要了解Android SDK。 也就是说,您应该有使用Android设备的经验,以便更好地了解Android应用程序运行的上下文。

You should also have basic familiarity with the Action Bar (pattern docs at Android Design), used across most applications in devices running Android 3.0 and later.

您还应该熟悉Action Bar(Android设计中的pattern docs),用于运行Android 3.0及更高版本的设备中的大多数应用程序。

One of the very first steps to designing and developing an Android application is to determine what users are able to see and do with the app. Once you know what kinds of data users are interacting with in the app, the next step is to design the interactions that allow users to navigate across, into, and back out from the different pieces of content within the app.

设计和开发Android应用程序的第一步之一是确定用户可以看到和使用该应用程序。 一旦您知道用户在应用程序中进行什么样的数据交互,下一步就是设计互动,让用户在应用程序内的不同内容中进行浏览,退出和退出。

This class shows you how to plan out the high-level screen hierarchy for your application and then choose appropriate forms of navigation to allow users to effectively and intuitively traverse your content. Each lesson covers various stages in the interaction design process for navigation in Android applications, in roughly chronological order. After going through the lessons in this class, you should be able to apply the methodology and navigation paradigms outlined here to your own applications, providing a coherent navigation experience for your users.

该课程向您展示如何计划应用程序的高级屏幕层次结构,然后选择适当的导航形式,以便用户有效和直观地遍历您的内容。 每个课程涵盖Android应用程序中导航的交互设计过程的各个阶段,大致按时间顺序排列。 在通过课堂上的课程后,您应该能够将本文概述的方法和导航范例应用于您自己的应用程序,为用户提供一致的导航体验。

Dependencies and prerequisites 依赖和先决条件