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function getatcode(byval widechar as string * 2) as string    dim byt(1 to 2) as byte    static bytptr as dword    bytptr = varptr(byt(1))
    !   push  esi    !   push  edi    !   lea   esi, offset widechar    !   mov   edi, bytptr    !   cld    !   mov   ecx, 1    !   rep   movsw    !   pop   edi    !   pop   esi    function = "&H" & hex$(byt(1) - &HA0, 2) & hex$(byt(2) - &HA0, 2)end functionfunction atcode2char(byval atcode as long) as string    dim byt(1 to 2) as byte    static widechar as string * 2, bytptr as dword    byt(1) = val("&H" & left$(hex$(atcode, 4), 2)) + &HA0    byt(2) = val("&H" & right$(hex$(atcode, 4), 2)) + &HA0    bytptr = varptr(byt(1))
    !   push  esi    !   push  edi    !   mov   esi, bytptr    !   lea   edi, offset widechar    !   cld    !   mov   ecx, 1    !   rep   movsw    !   pop   edi    !   pop   esi    function = widecharend function
