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 1 function AddFavorite(sURL, sTitle) { 2     try { 3         window.external.addFavorite(sURL, sTitle); 4     } catch (e) { 5         try { 6             window.sidebar.addPanel(sTitle, sURL, ""); 7         } catch (e) { 8             alert("Add to Favorites failed, please use Ctrl+D to add!"); 9         }10     }11 }
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 1 function SetHome(obj,vrl){ 2     try{ 3         obj.style.behavior=‘url(#default#homepage)‘;obj.setHomePage(vrl); 4     } 5     catch(e){ 6         if(window.netscape) { 7             try { 8                 netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); 9             }10             catch (e) {11                 alert("This operation is the browser to refuse!"+‘\n‘+"Please in the browser address bar enter“about:config”And press enter."+‘\n‘+"Then [signed.applets.codebase_principal_support]The value is set to‘true‘, you can double-click。");12             }13             var prefs = Components.classes[‘@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1‘].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);14             prefs.setCharPref(‘browser.startup.homepage‘,vrl);15         }else{16             alert("Your browser does not support, please follow the steps below:"+‘\n‘+"1 open the browser settings."+‘\n‘+" 2 click on the settings Webpage."+‘\n‘+"3 input:"+vrl+"Click OK。");17         }18     }19 }
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 1 function noConTextMenu(obj) { 2     obj.oncontextmenu = function () { 3         return false; 4     } 5 } 6 function noSelect(obj){ 7     obj.onselectstart=function(){ 8         return false; 9     }10 }
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 1 function getStyle(obj, attr) 2 { 3     if(obj.currentStyle) 4     { 5         return obj.currentStyle[attr]; 6     } 7     else 8     { 9         return getComputedStyle(obj, false)[attr];10     }11 }
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 1        function css(obj,attr,value){ 2             switch (arguments.length) 3             { 4                 case 2://2个参数,判断第二个参数 5                     if(typeof arguments[1]=="object") { //判断第二个参数是否是json对象,如果是json对象,就用for in函数来遍历json设置属性 6                         for (var i in attr) { 7                             obj.style[i] = attr[i]; 8                         } 9                     }else{              //如果不是对象,为普通的字符串string读取属性值,用的return方法10                         return obj.currentStyle ? obj.currentStyle[attr] : getComputedStyle(obj, null)[attr];11                         //这句话是判断方法currentStyle是否存在(标准浏览器包括IE),如果存在,则用这种方法,如果不存在,则用getComputerdStyle(FireFox)方法12                         //只有 IE 和 Opera 支持使用 currentStyle 获取 HTMLElement 的计算后的样式,其他浏览器中不支持。13                         //14                         //标准浏览器中使用getComputedStyle,IE9也支持getComputedStyle。15                         //firefox使用getComputedStyle方法16 17                         /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/18 19                         //style 标准的样式!可能是由style属性指定的!20                         //runtimeStyle 运行时的样式!如果与style的属性重叠,将覆盖style的属性!21                         //currentStyle 指 style 和 runtimeStyle 的结合!22                         // document.getElementById(element).style.xxx23                         //上面所诉方法可以获取元素的样式信息,但是对于引用的外部样式表的属性就获取不到了24 25                         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/26                     }27                     break;28                 case 3:29                         //3个参数,单一设置属性30                     obj.style[attr]=value;31                     break;32                 default :33                     alert("参数错误");34             }35         }
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 1     function startMove(obj,attr,iTarget,fn){ 2         clearInterval(obj.time); 3         var iCur = 0; 4         obj.time=setInterval(function() { 5             attr == ‘opacity‘ ? iCur = parseInt(parseFloat(getStyle(obj, attr)) * 100) : iCur = parseInt(getStyle(obj, attr)); 6             var speed = (iTarget - iCur) / 8; 7             speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil(speed) : Math.floor(speed); 8             if (iCur == iTarget) { 9                 clearInterval(obj.time);10                 if(fn) {11                     fn();12                 }13             } else {14                 //这里是解决在webkit下小数问题,当浏览器认为他到达的时候事实上并没有到达,这里直接给他加上115                 if(obj.style.opacity == (iCur + speed) / 100){16                     iCur +=1;17                 }18                 attr == ‘opacity‘ ? obj.style.opacity = (iCur + speed) / 100 : obj.style[attr] = iCur + speed + "px";19             }20         },20)21     }
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 1 //运动框架 2         function getStyle ( obj, attr ) { 3             return obj.currentStyle ? obj.currentStyle[attr] : getComputedStyle ( obj, null )[attr]; 4         } 5         function startMove ( obj, json, iSpeed, fn ) { 6             clearInterval ( obj.time ); 7             obj.time = setInterval ( function () { 8                 var bStop=true;//每次在循环的开头定义一个变量来判断是否都达到了目标值,否则不会停下 9                 for(var attr in json){10                     var iCur = 0;11                     attr == ‘opacity‘ ? iCur = parseInt ( parseFloat ( getStyle ( obj, attr ) ) * 100 ) : iCur = parseInt ( getStyle ( obj, attr ) );12                     var speed = (json[attr] - iCur) / iSpeed;13                     speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil ( speed ) : Math.floor ( speed );14                     if ( iCur != json[attr] ) {  //如果当此循环中有一个没有达到目标值,bstop就是false15                         bStop=false;16                     }17 18                     /*19                      //这里是解决在webkit下小数问题,当浏览器认为他到达的时候事实上并没有到达,这里直接给他加上120                     if ( obj.style.opacity == (iCur + speed) / 100 ) {21                         iCur=json[‘opacity‘];22                     }23                     */24                     attr == ‘opacity‘ ? obj.style.opacity = (iCur + speed) / 100 : obj.style[attr] = iCur + speed + "px";25                    if(bStop) {    //都达到了目标值26                        clearInterval(obj.time);27                        if (fn) {28                            fn();29                        }30                    }31                 }32             },20)
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 1 //运动框架 2 function startMove(obj, json, fnEnd) 3 { 4     if(obj.timer) 5     { 6         clearInterval(obj.timer); 7     } 8     obj.timer=setInterval(function (){ 9         doMove(obj, json, fnEnd);10     }, 30);11 12     var oDate=new Date();13 14     if(oDate.getTime()-obj.lastMove>30)15     {16         doMove(obj, json, fnEnd);17     }18 }19 20 //获取obj的属性attr21 function getStyle(obj, attr)22 {23     if(obj.currentStyle)24     {25         return obj.currentStyle[attr];26     }27     else28     {29         return getComputedStyle(obj, false)[attr];30     }31 }32 //做运动函数33 function doMove(obj, json, fnEnd)34 {35     var iCur=0;36     var attr=‘‘;37     var bStop=true;    //假设运动已经该停止了38 39     for(attr in json)40     {41         if(attr==‘opacity‘)42         {43             iCur=parseInt(100*parseFloat(getStyle(obj, ‘opacity‘)));44         }45         else46         {47             iCur=parseInt(getStyle(obj, attr));48         }49 50         if(isNaN(iCur))51         {52             iCur=0;53         }54 55         var iSpeed=(json[attr]-iCur)/8;56         iSpeed=iSpeed>0?Math.ceil(iSpeed):Math.floor(iSpeed);57 58         if(parseInt(json[attr])!=iCur)59         {60             bStop=false;61         }62 63         if(attr==‘opacity‘)64         {65             obj.style.filter="alpha(opacity:"+(iCur+iSpeed)+")";66             obj.style.opacity=(iCur+iSpeed)/100;67         }68         else69         {70             obj.style[attr]=iCur+iSpeed+‘px‘;71         }72     }73 74     if(bStop)75     {76         clearInterval(obj.timer);77         obj.timer=null;78 79         if(fnEnd)80         {81             fnEnd();82         }83     }84 85     obj.lastMove=(new Date()).getTime();86 }
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