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Codeforces 371C Hanburgers

Can I use Chinese? <br/>
这个题是一道二分题目 <br/>
he question is a two-point question. <br/>
题意很简单,不需要解释了 <br/>
It is very simple, do not need to explain. <br/>
但是我一直没过样例,原因是我的变量类型搞错了 <br/>
But I haven‘t had the sample because my variables are wrong. <br/>
应该是`long long`,但是我写成了`int` <br/>
It should be `long long`, but I use the `int`. <br/>
下面是代码 <br/>
Next is my code. <br/>

#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;int q[5]; // B C Sint c[5];int m[5];char s[110];int B,C,S;long long tot,ans;int check(long long n){    long long tmp=tot;    if(n*c[1]>q[1])    tmp-=(n*c[1]-q[1])*m[1];    if(n*c[2]>q[2])    tmp-=(n*c[2]-q[2])*m[2];    if(n*c[3]>q[3])    tmp-=(n*c[3]-q[3])*m[3];    if(tmp>=0)        return 1;    else        return 0;}int main(){    cin>>s;    for(int i=0;i<strlen(s);i++)    {    if(s[i]==B)    c[1]++;    if(s[i]==S)    c[2]++;    if(s[i]==C)    c[3]++;    }    cin>>q[1]>>q[2]>>q[3];    cin>>m[1]>>m[2]>>m[3];    cin>>tot;    int d=tot;    long long l=1,r=2333333333333;    long long mid;    while(l<=r)    {        mid=(l+r)/2;        if(check(mid))        l=mid+1,ans=mid;        else    r=mid-1;    }    cout<<ans;    return 0;}        


Codeforces 371C Hanburgers