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How to Be a Better conversationalist TED

Number one: Don‘t multitask.//三心二意

  Be present , Be that moment.

Number two: Don‘t pontificate.//好为人师

  The true listening requires a setting aside of oneself.

        Assume that you have something to learn; Everybody is an expert in something.

Number three: Use open-ended questions. //开放式问题


Number four: Go with the flow.

  Story comes to you ,you need to let them come and let them go.

Number five: If you don‘t know, say that you don‘t know.

  Talk should not be cheap.

Number six: Don‘t equate your experience with theirs.

  All experiences are individual, and more importantly, it is not about you .

  Conversations are not a promotional opportunity..//推销自己


Number seven: try not to repeat yourself.

Number eight: Stay out of the weeds.//少说废话


Number nine: Listen

  this is not the last one ,but it is the most importent one.

  If your mouth is open, you‘re not listening.

  Most of us don‘t listen with the interet to understand, we listen with the intent to reply.

Number ten:  Be brief.

  A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject...

ALL OF THE RULE ,COME INTO THAT:  Be interested in other people.  Go out ,talk to people, listen to people ,be prepared to be amazed.

How to Be a Better conversationalist TED