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Select() 和 SelectMany() 的工作都是依据源值生成一个或多个结果值。


Select() 为每个源值生成一个结果值。因此,总体结果是一个与源集合具有相同元素数目的集合。与之相反,SelectMany() 将生成单一总体结果,其中包含来自每个源值的串联子集合。作为参数传递到 SelectMany() 的转换函数必须为每个源值返回一个可枚举值序列。然后,SelectMany() 将串联这些可枚举序列以创建一个大的序列。


string[] text ={ "Albert was here", "Burke slept late", "Connor is happy" };  var tokens = text.Select(s => s.Split(‘‘)); foreach (string[] line in tokens)      foreach (string token in line)              Console.Write("{0}.", token); string[] text ={ "Albert was here", "Burke slept late", "Connor is happy" };  var tokens = text.SelectMany(s => s.Split(‘‘));  foreach (string token in tokens)      Console.Write("{0}.", token);




下图描述 Select() 如何返回一个与源集合具有相同元素数目的集合。

Select() 的操作的概念图

下图描述 SelectMany() 如何将中间数组序列串联为一个最终结果值,其中包含每个中间数组中的每个值。

显示 SelectMany() 的操作的图。



class Bouquet{    public List<string> Flowers { get; set; }}static void SelectVsSelectMany(){    List<Bouquet> bouquets = new List<Bouquet>() {        new Bouquet { Flowers = new List<string> { "sunflower", "daisy", "daffodil", "larkspur" }},        new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "tulip", "rose", "orchid" }},        new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "gladiolis", "lily", "snapdragon", "aster", "protea" }},        new Bouquet{ Flowers = new List<string> { "larkspur", "lilac", "iris", "dahlia" }}    };    // *********** Select ***********                IEnumerable<List<string>> query1 = bouquets.Select(bq => bq.Flowers);    // ********* SelectMany *********    IEnumerable<string> query2 = bouquets.SelectMany(bq => bq.Flowers);    Console.WriteLine("Results by using Select():");    // Note the extra foreach loop here.    foreach (IEnumerable<String> collection in query1)        foreach (string item in collection)            Console.WriteLine(item);    Console.WriteLine("\nResults by using SelectMany():");    foreach (string item in query2)        Console.WriteLine(item);    /* This code produces the following output:       Results by using Select():        sunflower        daisy        daffodil        larkspur        tulip        rose        orchid        gladiolis        lily        snapdragon        aster        protea        larkspur        lilac        iris        dahlia       Results by using SelectMany():        sunflower        daisy        daffodil        larkspur        tulip        rose        orchid        gladiolis        lily        snapdragon        aster        protea        larkspur        lilac        iris        dahlia    */}

   Select() 和 SelectMany() 的工作都是依据源值生成一个或多个结果值。 Select() 为每个源值生成一个结果值。 因此,总体结果是一个与源集合具有相同元素数目的集合。 与之相反,SelectMany() 将生成单一总体结果,其中包含来自每个源值的串联子集合。



 public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>> selector) { if (source == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("source"); if (selector == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("selector"); return SelectManyIterator<TSource, TResult>(source, selector); } static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectManyIterator<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>> selector) { foreach (TSource element in source) { foreach (TResult subElement in selector(element)) { yield return subElement; } } }



                                                                                        string[] text ={ "Albert was here", "Burke slept late", "Connor is happy" }; 
                                                                                         var tokens = text.SelectMany(s => s.Split(‘‘)); 

text.SelectMany(s => s.Split(‘‘));      可以用SelectManyIterator<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> source,Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>> selector)替换,变成

SelectManyIterator(text,s=>s.Splt(‘ ‘))        ;而在SelectManyIterator内部的代码相应的变为:

                                                                                            foreach (string element in text) {             text是string[]数组 

                                                                                              foreach (string subElement in s=>s.Split(‘ ‘)) {     s.Split(‘ ‘)则编程text元素生成的可枚举数组序列,IEnumerable<string>
                                                                                                            yield return subElement;}}





博主:itjeff ,网址:http://www.cnblogs.com/itjeff/p/3368627.html





