首页 > 代码库 > 解决 linux [Fedora] 下 内核升级 导致VMware 启动出现"before you can run vmware workstation, serveral modules must be complied and loaded into the runing kernel"

解决 linux [Fedora] 下 内核升级 导致VMware 启动出现"before you can run vmware workstation, serveral modules must be complied and loaded into the runing kernel"


  开机启动 进入 升级之前的内核系统 然后 执行卸载 VMware 命令

# vmware-uninstall You have gotten this message because you are either downgrading VMwareWorkstation, Player, or VIX, or because you attempted to run eithervmware-uninstall or vmware-uninstall-vix.If you are downgrading, please uninstall all newer versions first, theninstall again.The vmware-uninstall* scripts have been deprecated.  Instead, please usethe vmware-installer.Long form:      vmware-installer --uninstall-product PRODUCTShort form:      vmware-installer -u PRODUCTWhere PRODUCT is one of vmware-workstation, vmware-player, or vmware-vix.For a list of which products are installed, you may run:      vmware-installer --list-productsor:      vmware-installer -l# vmware-installer -lProduct Name         Product Version     ==================== ====================vmware-workstation      # vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

然后重启进入最新的内核系统 安装

# ./VMware-Workstation-Full-10.0.4-2249910.x86_64_[JZ6WK-4529P-HZAA1-9RAG6-33JNR].bundle


解决 linux [Fedora] 下 内核升级 导致VMware 启动出现"before you can run vmware workstation, serveral modules must be complied and loaded into the runing kernel"