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Windows Phone 8 APP 移植到Windows Phone 8.1 常见问题总结







        public async static void ShowCustomDialog(string title, string mes, string ok, Action ok_callback, string cancel, Action cancel_callback)        {            MessageDialog c = new MessageDialog(mes,title);            UICommand ok_cmd = new UICommand(ok);            ok_cmd.Invoked += (dd) =>            {                if (ok_callback != null)                {                    ok_callback.Invoke();                }            };            UICommand canle_cmd = new UICommand(cancel);            ok_cmd.Invoked += (dd) =>            {                if (cancel_callback != null)                {                    cancel_callback.Invoke();                };            };                c.Commands.Add(ok_cmd);            c.Commands.Add(canle_cmd);            IUICommand result = await c.ShowAsync();             }


       public static string GetDeviceInfo()        {            Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasClientDeviceInformation deviceInfo = new Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasClientDeviceInformation();            var firmwareVersion = deviceInfo.SystemFirmwareVersion;            string d = "{\"devicename\":\"" + deviceInfo.SystemProductName + "\",\"deviceManufacturer\":\"" + deviceInfo.SystemManufacturer + "\"}";            return d;        }

  获取设备唯一ID的类DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId", out uniqueId))被HardwareIdentification取代,具体使用如下

        public static string GetDeviceUniqueID()        {            HardwareToken token = HardwareIdentification.GetPackageSpecificToken(null);            IBuffer hardwareId = token.Id;            HashAlgorithmProvider hasher = HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm("MD5");            IBuffer hashed = hasher.HashData(hardwareId);            string hashedString = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(hashed);            return hashedString;        }

  在后台进程中执行UI进程任务时候用到的Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke 被CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher取代,具体用法

var dispatcher = CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;

   await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
   { // UI code goes here


//or CoreApplication.MainWindow.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(  CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,  ()=>{      // UI code goes here});

  当前线程睡眠的Thread.Sleep()被 await Task.Delay(1000)取代



  public class IsolatedStorageHelper    {      private static ApplicationDataContainer _appSettings= ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings;        public static T LoadSetttingFromStorage<T>(string Key, T defaultValue)        {            T ObjToLoad = default(T);            if (_appSettings.Values.Keys.Contains(Key))            {                ObjToLoad = (T)_appSettings.Values[Key];            }            else            {                ObjToLoad = defaultValue;            }            return ObjToLoad;        }        public static void SaveSettingToStorage(string Key, object Setting)        {            if (!_appSettings.Values.Keys.Contains(Key))            {                _appSettings.Values.Add(Key, Setting);            }            else            {                _appSettings.Values[Key] = Setting;            }             }        public static bool IsSettingPersisted(string Key)        {            return _appSettings.Values.Keys.Contains(Key);        }        public static bool DeleteSettingPersisted(string Key)        {            while (_appSettings.Values.Keys.Contains(Key))            {                 _appSettings.Values.Remove(Key);                            }                        return false;        }        public static async Task<bool> AppendStrToFolder(string str)        {            str = "时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + str;            // 获取应用程序数据存储文件夹            StorageFolder applicationFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            // 在指定的应用程序数据存储文件夹内创建指定的文件            StorageFile storageFile = await applicationFolder.CreateFileAsync("LuaPostJsonStr.txt", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);            // 将指定的文本内容写入到指定的文件            using (Stream stream = await storageFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())            {                byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);                await stream.WriteAsync(content, 0, content.Length);            }            return true;        }        public static async Task<bool> WriteFile(string filename,string content)        {            content = "时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "--------" + content;                 IStorageFolder applicationFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;                 IStorageFile storageFile = await applicationFolder.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);            try            {                using (Stream transaction = await storageFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())                {                    byte[] contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);                    //设置如何打开流的位置有内容就设置流的位置到结束位置                    if (transaction.CanSeek)                    {                        transaction.Seek(transaction.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);                    }                    await transaction.WriteAsync(contents,0, contents.Length);                    return true;                }            }            catch (Exception exce)            {                return false;                // OutputTextBlock.Text = "异常:" + exce.Message;            }        }        public static async Task SavePic(UIElement root, string filename)        {            RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap();            await renderTargetBitmap.RenderAsync(root);            var pixelBuffer = await renderTargetBitmap.GetPixelsAsync();            string path = "picSdk";            StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            StorageFolder store = await storageFolder.CreateFolderAsync(path, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);                string ss = Path.Combine(path, filename);            StorageFile file = await store.CreateFileAsync(ss);            using (var fileStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))            {                var encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, fileStream);                encoder.SetPixelData(                    BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8,                    BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore,                    (uint)renderTargetBitmap.PixelWidth,                    (uint)renderTargetBitmap.PixelHeight,                    DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi,                    DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi,                    pixelBuffer.ToArray());                await encoder.FlushAsync();            }            }        public static async Task<bool> SaveFile(StorageFile filee)        {            string path = "picSdk";            StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            StorageFolder store = await storageFolder.CreateFolderAsync(path, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);            string ss = Path.Combine(path, filee.Name);            StorageFile file = await store.CreateFileAsync(ss);            await filee.MoveAndReplaceAsync(file);            return true;                   }        public static async Task< BitmapImage> LoadPic(string folderName,string fileName)        {            BitmapImage source = new BitmapImage();            // Reopen and load the PNG file.            if (await IsExistFolder(folderName))            {                var folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;                if (await IsExistFile(fileName,folderName))                {                    StorageFile file = await folder.GetFileAsync(fileName);                    using (var fileStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))                    {                                            var encoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, fileStream);                        var stream = await encoder.GetPreviewAsync();                        source.SetSource(stream);                        source.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;                    }                }                           return source;            }            else            {                return null;            }        }        public static async Task<bool> IsExistFile(string fileName)        {            StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            try            {                StorageFile file = await storageFolder.GetFileAsync(fileName);                return true;            }            catch (FileNotFoundException e)            {                return false;            }            catch (Exception e)            {                return false;            }        }        public static async Task<bool> IsExistFile(string fileName,string folderName)        {            StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            StorageFolder folder= await storageFolder.GetFolderAsync(folderName);            try            {                StorageFile file = await folder.GetFileAsync(fileName);                return true;            }            catch (FileNotFoundException e)            {                return false;            }            catch (Exception e)            {                return false;            }        }        public static async Task<bool> IsExistFolder(string folderName)        {            StorageFolder storageFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            try            {                StorageFolder file = await storageFolder.GetFolderAsync(folderName);                return true;            }            catch (FileNotFoundException e)            {                return false;            }            catch (Exception e)            {                return false;            }        }        public static async Task< Stream> LoadPicByStream(string filename)        {            var store = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;            if ( await IsExistFile(filename))            {                StorageFile file= await store.GetFileAsync(filename);               // fileStream.Close();                return (await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)).AsStream();            }            else            {                return null;            }        }    }


Windows Phone 8 APP 移植到Windows Phone 8.1 常见问题总结