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Reporting in HANA





HANA 1.0 provides various interface reporting options



    Microsoft-driven specification for multidimensional ( cross-tab style ) reporting

    Requests are sent to the database via MDX ( MultiDimensional eXpression language )


ODBC - Open DataBase Connectivity

    Microsoft-driven specification for relational reporting

    Database requests are made via SQL( Structured Query Language)

    Heavily adopted in industry

    No longer Microsoft-centric  --  Unix and Linux drivers exist for ODBC


 JDBC - JAVA DataBase Connectivity? 

     Relational reporting drivers specified by the java community.

     Popular on Unix platforms.?


BICS – BI Consumer Services

?  SAP Proprietary interface that offers advantages for OLAP access over MDX on multidimensional reporting object.?


SQLDBC is SAP native database SDK

Reporting in HANA