首页 > 代码库 > uCGUI窗口的创建



/* 窗体管理结构体 共30个字节 */struct WM_Obj {  GUI_RECT Rect;        //窗体尺寸(x0,y0,x1,y1)     8个字节  GUI_RECT InvalidRect; //无效区域(x0,y0,x1,y1)     8个字节  WM_CALLBACK* cb;      //回调函数                     4个字节      WM_HWIN hNextLin;     //指向链表中的下一个窗体       2个字节      WM_HWIN hParent;      //当前窗体的父窗体             2个字节  WM_HWIN hFirstChild;  //当前窗体的第一个子窗体       2个字节  WM_HWIN hNext;        //下一个兄弟窗体               2个字节      U16 Status;           //标志位                       2个字节};



#define WM_CF_HASTRANS         (1<<0)  /* Has transparency. Needs to be defined for windows which do not fill the entire                                          section of their (client) rectangle. */#define WM_CF_HIDE             (0<<1)  /* Hide window after creation (default !) */#define WM_CF_SHOW             (1<<1)  /* Show window after creation */#define WM_CF_MEMDEV           (1<<2)  /* Use memory device for redraws */#define WM_CF_STAYONTOP        (1<<3)  /* Stay on top */#define WM_CF_DISABLED         (1<<4)  /* Disabled: Does not receive PID (mouse & touch) input *//* Create only flags ... Not available as status flags */#define WM_CF_ACTIVATE         (1<<5)  /* If automatic activation upon creation of window is desired */#define WM_CF_FGND             (0<<6)  /* Put window in foreground after creation (default !) */#define WM_CF_BGND             (1<<6)  /* Put window in background after creation *//* Anchor flags */#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_RIGHT     (1<<7)  /* Right anchor ... If parent is resized, distance to right will remain const (left is default) */#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM    (1<<8)  /* Bottom anchor ... If parent is resized, distance to bottom will remain const (top is default) */#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_LEFT      (1<<9)  /* Left anchor ... If parent is resized, distance to left will remain const (left is default) */#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_TOP       (1<<10) /* Top anchor ... If parent is resized, distance to top will remain const (top is default) */#define WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE    (1<<11) /* Constant outline. This is relevant for transparent windows only. If a window is transparent                                       and does not have a constant outline, its background is invalided instead of the window itself.                                       This causes add. computation time when redrawing. */#define WM_CF_LATE_CLIP        (1<<12)#define WM_CF_MEMDEV_ON_REDRAW (1<<13)#define WM_CF_RESERVED3        (1<<14)#define WM_CF_RESERVED4        (1<<15)





WM_HWIN WM_CreateWindowAsChild( int x0, int y0, int width, int height                               ,WM_HWIN hParent, U16 Style, WM_CALLBACK* cb                               ,int NumExtraBytes) {  WM_Obj* pWin;  WM_HWIN hWin;  WM_ASSERT_NOT_IN_PAINT();             //断言,这里没有使用  WM_LOCK();  Style |= WM__CreateFlags;             //给窗口的标志增加一个创建标志  /* Default parent is Desktop 0 */  if (!hParent) {                       //如果不存在父窗口,比如说桌面窗口    if (WM__NumWindows) {                //创建桌面窗口,这个不会执行的    #if GUI_NUM_LAYERS == 1      hParent = WM__ahDesktopWin[0];    //如果用户没有指定当前创建窗口的父窗口,而且该窗口                                               //又不是桌面窗口,默认的将桌面窗口作为其父窗口    #else      hParent = WM__ahDesktopWin[GUI_Context.SelLayer];    #endif    }  }  if (hParent == WM_UNATTACHED) {    hParent = WM_HWIN_NULL;  }    if (hParent) {    WM_Obj* pParent = WM_H2P(hParent);    x0 += pParent->Rect.x0;    y0 += pParent->Rect.y0;    if (width==0) {      width = pParent->Rect.x1 - pParent->Rect.x0+1;    }    if (height==0) {      height = pParent->Rect.y1 - pParent->Rect.y0+1;    }  }  if ((hWin = (WM_HWIN) GUI_ALLOC_AllocZero(NumExtraBytes + sizeof(WM_Obj))) == 0) {    GUI_DEBUG_ERROROUT("WM_CreateWindow: No memory to create window");    
//如果没有空间来创建需要的动态内存块 } else { //申请动态内存成功 WM__NumWindows++; //保存系统总窗口数目的计数器加1 pWin = WM_H2P(hWin); //计算获取动态内存数据区的地址 /* 向动态内存区写入当前窗口的参数 */ pWin->Rect.x0 = x0; pWin->Rect.y0 = y0; pWin->Rect.x1 = x0 + width - 1; pWin->Rect.y1 = y0 + height - 1; pWin->cb = cb; //保存回调函数 /* Copy the flags which can simply be accepted */ pWin->Status |= (Style & (WM_CF_SHOW | WM_SF_MEMDEV | WM_CF_MEMDEV_ON_REDRAW | WM_SF_STAYONTOP | WM_CF_DISABLED | WM_SF_CONST_OUTLINE | WM_SF_HASTRANS | WM_CF_ANCHOR_RIGHT | WM_CF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM | WM_CF_ANCHOR_LEFT | WM_CF_ANCHOR_TOP | WM_CF_LATE_CLIP)); /* Add to linked lists */ _AddToLinList(hWin); //将窗口插入到窗口管理链表当中 WM__InsertWindowIntoList(hWin, hParent); //插入到父窗体管理链表当中 /* 根据用户定义的窗口风格进行一些列的操作 */ /* Activate window if WM_CF_ACTIVATE is specified */ if (Style & WM_CF_ACTIVATE) { //如果带激活标志的话,就激活窗口 WM_SelectWindow(hWin); /* This is not needed if callbacks are being used, but it does not cost a lot and makes life easier ... */ } /* Handle the Style flags, one at a time */ #if WM_SUPPORT_TRANSPARENCY if (Style & WM_SF_HASTRANS) { //透明窗口 WM__TransWindowCnt++; /* Increment counter for transparency windows */ } #endif if (Style & WM_CF_BGND) { WM_BringToBottom(hWin); } if (Style & WM_CF_SHOW) { //显示窗口 pWin->Status |= WM_SF_ISVIS; //设置可视状态位 WM_InvalidateWindow(hWin); //如果有显示命令,还会设置窗口为无效,等待重绘 } WM__SendMsgNoData(hWin, WM_CREATE); //发一个创建消息,这样创建的时候就可以在回调函数中进行处理 } WM_UNLOCK(); return hWin;}

