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可视化工具solo show-----Prefuse自带例子GraphView讲解





















  (1)prefuse.data包提供了 Table, Graph, Tree等数据结构;提供了一个data tables,他的行使用一个类 Tuple来表示;这个包中,Node和Edge来表示图或者树的一些成员。
  (2)prefuse.data.io包提供了文件的读写,包括表,图和树的结构,其中,表的格式:CSV和任意分割的文本文件,对于网络,有 GraphML和 TreeML(XML也能);prefuse.data.io.sql包提供了对SQL数据库的查询,并返回一个prefuse表
  (3)可视化抽象是通过将数据添加到Visulization实例中来得到的,它除了包含原始数据外,还建立了一套完整的可视化体系,包括x、y的坐标轴,颜色,大小字体等值,任意的Tuple, Node, 或者 Edge被添加到Visulization实例中时候,相关的VisualItems实例就建立好了,如NodeItem和 EdgeItem就是VisualItems的实例。(也就是说,可视化抽象实现了添加的数据元素与VisualItems之间的映射)
  (8)最后,prefuse.data.query 包提供了动态查询绑定(?)的功能,这些绑定能够生成合适的用户界面组建,来直接操作这些查询。




  1 //start of class GraphView  2   3 public class GraphView extends JPanel {  4   5     private static final String graph = "graph";  6   7     private static final String nodes = "graph.nodes";  8   9     private static final String edges = "graph.edges"; 10  11     private Visualization m_vis; 12  13     14  15     public GraphView(Graph g, String label) { 16  17          super(new BorderLayout());//在GraphView的构造函数中调用超类的构造方法,并创建布局BorderLayout对象。 18  19         // create a new, empty visualization for our data 20  21         m_vis = new Visualization();//创建Visualization对象,使用默认的渲染工厂(DefaultRendererFactory)。Visualization类负责管理源数据与可视化组件之间的映射。 22  23         // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24  25         // set up the renderers 26  27         LabelRenderer tr = new LabelRenderer(); 28  29         tr.setRoundedCorner(8, 8); 30  31         m_vis.setRendererFactory(new efaultRendererFactory(tr));//新建标签渲染器并注册到Visualization上,使用的还是DefaultRendererFactory。 32  33         // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 34         // register the data with a visualization 35  36         // adds graph to visualization and sets renderer label field 37  38         setGraph(g, label);// 向Visualization添加图形Graph并为标签域赋值。 39  40         41  42         // fix selected focus nodes   声明一个数据元组集合,并为该集合添加一个数据元组的监听器 43  44         TupleSet focusGroup = m_vis.getGroup(Visualization.FOCUS_ITEMS); 45  46         focusGroup.addTupleSetListener(new TupleSetListener() { 47  48         public void tupleSetChanged(TupleSet ts, Tuple[] add, Tuple[] rem) 49  50             { 51  52                 for ( int i=0; i<rem.length; ++i ) 53  54                     ((VisualItem)rem[i]).setFixed(false); 55  56                 for ( int i=0; i<add.length; ++i ) { 57  58                     ((VisualItem)add[i]).setFixed(false); 59  60                     ((VisualItem)add[i]).setFixed(true); 61  62                 } 63  64                 if ( ts.getTupleCount() == 0 ) { 65  66                     ts.addTuple(rem[0]); 67  68                     ((VisualItem)rem[0]).setFixed(false); 69  70                 } 71  72                 m_vis.run("draw"); 73  74             } 75  76         });//声明一个数据元组集合,并通过匿名内部类的形式为该集合添加一个数据元组的监听器(TupleSetListener),其中ts:变化的数据元组;add:已经加入的元组数组集合;rem:移除的数据集合。 77  78          // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 79  80         // create actions to process the visual data 81  82   83  84         int hops = 30; 85  86         final GraphDistanceFilter filter = new GraphDistanceFilter(graph, hops); 87  88   89  90         ColorAction fill = new ColorAction(nodes, 91  92                 VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(200,200,255)); 93  94         fill.add(VisualItem.FIXED, ColorLib.rgb(255,100,100)); 95  96         fill.add(VisualItem.HIGHLIGHT, ColorLib.rgb(255,200,125)); 97  98         99 100         ActionList draw = new ActionList();101 102         draw.add(filter);103 104         draw.add(fill);105 106         draw.add(new ColorAction(nodes, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, 0));107 108         draw.add(new ColorAction(nodes, VisualItem.TEXTCOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(0,0,0)));109 110         draw.add(new ColorAction(edges, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, ColorLib.gray(200)));111 112         draw.add(new ColorAction(edges, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, ColorLib.gray(200)));// 根据设定距离hops新建一个图形距离过滤器类;针对nodes,采取完全填充颜色的方式(FILLCOLOR),并对聚焦点(fixed )、高亮点(与fixed node相邻的点即highlight)以及剩余点分别赋予不同的颜色表现.将GraphDistanceFilter和ColorAction都注册到声明的ActionList对象上,并同时添加点与边的描边颜色以及填充颜色的ColorAction。      113 114         ActionList animate = new ActionList(Activity.INFINITY);115 116         animate.add(new ForceDirectedLayout(graph));117 118         animate.add(fill);119 120         animate.add(new RepaintAction());//声明一个ActionList的animate对象,在该对象上添加布局方式(这里采用力导向布局方法ForceDirectedLayout),并添加上面的ColorAction类的fill对象以及一个重绘图形Action。121         // finally, we register our ActionList with the Visualization.122 123         // we can later execute our Actions by invoking a method on our124 125         // Visualization, using the name we‘ve chosen below.126 127         m_vis.putAction("draw", draw);128 129         m_vis.putAction("layout", animate);130 131         m_vis.runAfter("draw", "layout");//将draw和animate注册到m_vis上,后面通过Visualization的方法触发执行每个注册的Action。132 133         // --------------------------------------------------------------------134 135         // set up a display to show the visualization136         Display display = new Display(m_vis);137         display.setSize(700,700);138         display.pan(350, 350);139         display.setForeground(Color.GRAY);140         display.setBackground(Color.WHITE);141 142        143 144         // main display controls145         display.addControlListener(new FocusControl(1));146         display.addControlListener(new DragControl());147         display.addControlListener(new PanControl());148         display.addControlListener(new ZoomControl());149         display.addControlListener(new WheelZoomControl());150         display.addControlListener(new ZoomToFitControl());151         display.addControlListener(new NeighborHighlightControl());//通过Display展现Visualization包括:设置画布大小,平移范围,前景背景颜色以及添加聚焦、拖拽、平移、缩放、滑轮、缩放至适合显示、紧邻高亮监听器。152 153  154 155 // overview display156 157 //        Display overview = new Display(vis);158 159 //        overview.setSize(290,290);160 161 //        overview.addItemBoundsListener(new FitOverviewListener());162 163        164 165         display.setForeground(Color.GRAY);166 167         display.setBackground(Color.WHITE);168 169         170 171         // --------------------------------------------------------------------       172 173         // launch the visualization174 175        176 177         // create a panel for editing force values178 179         ForceSimulator fsim = ((ForceDirectedLayout)animate.get(0)).getForceSimulator();180 181         JForcePanel fpanel = new JForcePanel(fsim);182 183        184 185         final JValueSlider slider = new JValueSlider("Distance", 0, hops, hops);186 187         slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {188 189             public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {190 191                 filter.setDistance(slider.getValue().intValue());//只要调节面板上的值有变动就执行下面的run函数,重新布局界面192 193                 m_vis.run("draw");194 195             }196 197         });198 199         slider.setBackground(Color.WHITE);200 201         slider.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,30));202 203         slider.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(300,30));//设置调节面板的背景颜色、大小204 205  206 207        208 209         Box cf = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);210 211         cf.add(slider);212 213         cf.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Connectivity Filter"));214 215         fpanel.add(cf);216 217         //fpanel.add(opanel);218 219         fpanel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue());220 221        222 223         // create a new JSplitPane to present the interface224 225         JSplitPane split = new JSplitPane();226 227         split.setLeftComponent(display);228 229         split.setRightComponent(fpanel);230 231         split.setOneTouchExpandable(true);232 233         split.setContinuousLayout(false);234 235         split.setDividerLocation(700);//为整张画布布局,包括左边、右边应该呈现什么内容等236 237         // now we run our action list238 239         //m_vis.run("draw");240 241         add(split);242 243     }244 245    246 247     public void setGraph(Graph g, String label) {248 249         // update labeling250 251         DefaultRendererFactory drf = (DefaultRendererFactory)252 253                                                 m_vis.getRendererFactory();254 255         ((LabelRenderer)drf.getDefaultRenderer()).setTextField(label);256 257         // update graph258 259         m_vis.removeGroup(graph);260 261         VisualGraph vg = m_vis.addGraph(graph, g);262 263         m_vis.setValue(edges, null, VisualItem.INTERACTIVE, Boolean.FALSE);264 265         VisualItem f = (VisualItem)vg.getNode(0);266 267         m_vis.getGroup(Visualization.FOCUS_ITEMS).setTuple(f);268 269         f.setFixed(false);270 271     }272 273    274 275     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------276 277     // Main and demo methods278 279    280 281     public static void main(String[] args) {282 283         UILib.setPlatformLookAndFeel();284 285        286 287         // create graphview288 289         String datafile = null;290 291         String label = "label";292 293         if ( args.length > 1 ) {//如果用户在运行时有参数传值则分别赋值给datafile和label294 295             datafile = args[0];296 297             label = args[1];298 299         }300 301         JFrame frame = demo(datafile, label); //通过调用demo函数完成整个界面的设计布局等,最终呈现一个JFrame302 303         frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // 关闭按钮的动作为退出304     }305 306    307 308     public static JFrame demo() {309 310         return demo((String)null, "label");311 312     }313 314    315 316     public static JFrame demo(String datafile, String label) {317 318         Graph g = null;319 320         if ( datafile == null ) {321 322             g = GraphLib.getGrid(15,15);//如果datafile为空,则通过调用图形库GraphLib中的getGrid得到15*15的网状图形,如下图所示323             label = "label";324 325         } else {326 327             try {328 329                 g = new GraphMLReader().readGraph(datafile);//否则通过指定路径读取datafile文件并转换为图形330 331             } catch ( Exception e ) {332 333                 e.printStackTrace();334 335                 System.exit(1);336 337             }338 339         }340 341         return demo(g, label);342 343     }344 345    346 347     public static JFrame demo(Graph g, String label) {348 349         final GraphView view = new GraphView(g, label);350 351        352 353         // set up menu354 355         JMenu dataMenu = new JMenu("Data");//新建菜单栏356 357         dataMenu.add(new OpenGraphAction(view));//注册“打开文件”选项卡358 359         dataMenu.add(new GraphMenuAction("Grid","ctrl 1",view) {//添加网状布局选项卡360 361             protected Graph getGraph() {362 363                 return GraphLib.getGrid(15,15);364 365             }366 367         });368 369         dataMenu.add(new GraphMenuAction("Clique","ctrl 2",view) {//添加团状布局选项卡370 371             protected Graph getGraph() {372 373                 return GraphLib.getClique(10);374 375             }376 377         });378 379         dataMenu.add(new GraphMenuAction("Honeycomb","ctrl 3",view) {//添加蜂窝状布局选项卡380 381             protected Graph getGraph() {382 383                 return GraphLib.getHoneycomb(5);384 385             }386 387         });388 389         dataMenu.add(new GraphMenuAction("Balanced Tree","ctrl 4",view) {//添加平衡树布局选项卡390 391             protected Graph getGraph() {392 393                 return GraphLib.getBalancedTree(3,5);394 395             }396 397         });398 399         dataMenu.add(new GraphMenuAction("Diamond Tree","ctrl 5",view) {400 401             protected Graph getGraph() {402 403                 return GraphLib.getDiamondTree(3,3,3); //添加钻石树形图布局选项卡404 405             }406 407         });408 409         JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();410 411         menubar.add(dataMenu);//将以上菜单选项注册到menubar菜单栏上412 413        414 415         // launch window416 417         JFrame frame = new JFrame("p r e f u s e  |  g r a p h v i e w");418 419         frame.setJMenuBar(menubar);420 421         frame.setContentPane(view);422 423         frame.pack();424 425         frame.setVisible(true);//添加菜单栏、图形等426 427        428 429         frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {430 431             public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {432 433                 view.m_vis.run("layout");434 435             }436 437             public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {438 439                 view.m_vis.cancel("layout");440 441             }442 443         });444 445        446 447         return frame;448 449     }450 451 452     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------453 454     /**455 456      * Swing menu action that loads a graph into the graph viewer.457 458          * 该类主要负责为每一种布局选项配置相应的快捷键459 460      */461 462     public abstract static class GraphMenuAction extends AbstractAction {463 464         private GraphView m_view;465 466         public GraphMenuAction(String name, String accel, GraphView view) {467 468             m_view = view;469 470             this.putValue(AbstractAction.NAME, name);471 472             this.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY,473 474                           KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(accel));475 476         }477 478         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {479 480             m_view.setGraph(getGraph(), "label");481 482         }483 484         protected abstract Graph getGraph();485 486     }487 488     //该类负责对菜单栏的选项卡的响应489 490     public static class OpenGraphAction extends AbstractAction {491 492         private GraphView m_view;493 494  495 496         public OpenGraphAction(GraphView view) {497 498             m_view = view;499 500             this.putValue(AbstractAction.NAME, "Open File...");501 502             this.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY,503 504                           KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl O"));505 506         }507 508         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {509 510             Graph g = IOLib.getGraphFile(m_view);511 512             if ( g == null ) return;513 514             String label = getLabel(m_view, g);515 516             if ( label != null ) {517 518                 m_view.setGraph(g, label);519 520             }521 522         }523 524         public static String getLabel(Component c, Graph g) {525 526             // get the column names527 528             Table t = g.getNodeTable();529 530             int  cc = t.getColumnCount();531 532             String[] names = new String[cc];533 534             for ( int i=0; i<cc; ++i )535 536                 names[i] = t.getColumnName(i);537 538            539 540             // where to store the result541 542             final String[] label = new String[1];543 544             // -- build the dialog -----545 546             // we need to get the enclosing frame first547 548             while ( c != null && !(c instanceof JFrame) ) {549 550                 c = c.getParent();551             }552 553             final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(554 555                     (JFrame)c, "Choose Label Field", true);556 557            558 559             // create the ok/cancel buttons560 561             final JButton ok = new JButton("OK");562 563             ok.setEnabled(false);564 565             ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {566 567                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {568 569                    dialog.setVisible(false);570 571                }572 573             });574 575             JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel");576 577             cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {578 579                 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {580 581                     label[0] = null;582 583                     dialog.setVisible(false);584 585                 }586 587             });588 589             // build the selection list590 591             final JList list = new JList(names);592        list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);593 594             list.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(595 596             new ListSelectionListener() {597 598                 public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {599 600                     int sel = list.getSelectedIndex();601 602                     if ( sel >= 0 ) {603 604                         ok.setEnabled(true);605 606                         label[0] = (String)list.getModel().getElementAt(sel);607 608                     } else {609 610                         ok.setEnabled(false);611 612                         label[0] = null;613 614                     }615 616                 }617 618             });619 620             JScrollPane scrollList = new JScrollPane(list);621 622            623 624             JLabel title = new JLabel("Choose a field to use for node labels:");625 626            627 628             // layout the buttons629 630             Box bbox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);631 632             bbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));633 634             bbox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());635 636             bbox.add(ok);637 638             bbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));639 640             bbox.add(cancel);641 642             bbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));643 644             645 646             // put everything into a panel647 648             JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());649 650             panel.add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);651 652             panel.add(scrollList, BorderLayout.CENTER);653 654             panel.add(bbox, BorderLayout.SOUTH);655 656             panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,2,2,2));657 658            659 660             // show the dialog661 662             dialog.setContentPane(panel);663 664             dialog.pack();665 666             dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(c);667 668             dialog.setVisible(true);669 670             dialog.dispose();671 672            673 674             // return the label field selection675 676             return label[0];677 678         }679 680     }681 682     //该类负责调整至适合屏幕显示683 684     public static class FitOverviewListener implements ItemBoundsListener {685 686         private Rectangle2D m_bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();687 688         private Rectangle2D m_temp = new Rectangle2D.Double();689 690         private double m_d = 15;691 692         public void itemBoundsChanged(Display d) {693 694             d.getItemBounds(m_temp);695 696             GraphicsLib.expand(m_temp, 25/d.getScale());697 698            699 700             double dd = m_d/d.getScale();701 702             double xd = Math.abs(m_temp.getMinX()-m_bounds.getMinX());703 704             double yd = Math.abs(m_temp.getMinY()-m_bounds.getMinY());705 706             double wd = Math.abs(m_temp.getWidth()-m_bounds.getWidth());707 708             double hd = Math.abs(m_temp.getHeight()-m_bounds.getHeight());709 710             if ( xd>dd || yd>dd || wd>dd || hd>dd ) {711 712                 m_bounds.setFrame(m_temp);713 714                 DisplayLib.fitViewToBounds(d, m_bounds, 0);715 716             }717 718         }719 720     }721 722    723 724 }725 726  // end of class GraphView





以上介绍了Prefuse的一些特征,模型结构以及自带Demo GraphView.java的理解,后续会继续研究Prefuse的其他Demo以及主要接口。



可视化工具solo show-----Prefuse自带例子GraphView讲解