首页 > 代码库 > HTML5实现屏幕手势解锁



How to use?

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mamicode.com/src/H5lock.publish.js">
var opt = {
chooseType: 3, // 3 , 4 , 5,
width: 300, // lock wrap width
height: 300, // lock wrap height
container: ‘element‘, // the id attribute of element
inputEnd: function(psw){} // when draw end param is password string
var lock = new H5lock(opt);

lock.drawStatusPoint(‘notright‘) // draw the last notright circle

lock.drawStatusPoint(‘right‘) // draw the last right circle

lock.reset() // reset the lock

http://www.inf.usi.ch/phd/wettel/codecity-download.html (JSCity:把源码可视化成建筑物的 JS 库)
http://www.alloyteam.com/2015/07/html5-shi-xian-ping-mu-shou-shi-jie-suo/ (Web前端 腾讯AlloyTeam Blog )
http://top.jobbole.com/22960/(JSCity:把源码可视化成建筑物的 JS 库)


(function(){        window.H5lock = function(obj){            this.height = obj.height;            this.width = obj.width;            this.chooseType = Number(window.localStorage.getItem(‘chooseType‘)) || obj.chooseType;        };        H5lock.prototype.drawCle = function(x, y) { // 初始化解锁密码面板            this.ctx.strokeStyle = ‘#CFE6FF‘;            this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;            this.ctx.beginPath();            this.ctx.arc(x, y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);            this.ctx.closePath();            this.ctx.stroke();        }        H5lock.prototype.drawPoint = function() { // 初始化圆心            for (var i = 0 ; i < this.lastPoint.length ; i++) {                this.ctx.fillStyle = ‘#CFE6FF‘;                this.ctx.beginPath();                this.ctx.arc(this.lastPoint[i].x, this.lastPoint[i].y, this.r / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);                this.ctx.closePath();                this.ctx.fill();            }        }        H5lock.prototype.drawStatusPoint = function(type) { // 初始化状态线条            for (var i = 0 ; i < this.lastPoint.length ; i++) {                this.ctx.strokeStyle = type;                this.ctx.beginPath();                this.ctx.arc(this.lastPoint[i].x, this.lastPoint[i].y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);                this.ctx.closePath();                this.ctx.stroke();            }        }        H5lock.prototype.drawLine = function(po, lastPoint) {// 解锁轨迹            this.ctx.beginPath();            this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;            this.ctx.moveTo(this.lastPoint[0].x, this.lastPoint[0].y);            console.log(this.lastPoint.length);            for (var i = 1 ; i < this.lastPoint.length ; i++) {                this.ctx.lineTo(this.lastPoint[i].x, this.lastPoint[i].y);            }            this.ctx.lineTo(po.x, po.y);            this.ctx.stroke();            this.ctx.closePath();        }        H5lock.prototype.createCircle = function() {// 创建解锁点的坐标,根据canvas的大小来平均分配半径            var n = this.chooseType;            var count = 0;            this.r = this.ctx.canvas.width / (2 + 4 * n);// 公式计算            this.lastPoint = [];            this.arr = [];            this.restPoint = [];            var r = this.r;            for (var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {                for (var j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {                    count++;                    var obj = {                        x: j * 4 * r + 3 * r,                        y: i * 4 * r + 3 * r,                        index: count                    };                    this.arr.push(obj);                    this.restPoint.push(obj);                }            }            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);            for (var i = 0 ; i < this.arr.length ; i++) {                this.drawCle(this.arr[i].x, this.arr[i].y);            }            //return arr;        }        H5lock.prototype.getPosition = function(e) {// 获取touch点相对于canvas的坐标            var rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();            var po = {                x: e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left,                y: e.touches[0].clientY - rect.top              };            return po;        }        H5lock.prototype.update = function(po) {// 核心变换方法在touchmove时候调用            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);            for (var i = 0 ; i < this.arr.length ; i++) { // 每帧先把面板画出来                this.drawCle(this.arr[i].x, this.arr[i].y);            }            this.drawPoint(this.lastPoint);// 每帧花轨迹            this.drawLine(po , this.lastPoint);// 每帧画圆心            for (var i = 0 ; i < this.restPoint.length ; i++) {                if (Math.abs(po.x - this.restPoint[i].x) < this.r && Math.abs(po.y - this.restPoint[i].y) < this.r) {                    this.drawPoint(this.restPoint[i].x, this.restPoint[i].y);                    this.lastPoint.push(this.restPoint[i]);                    this.restPoint.splice(i, 1);                    break;                }            }        }        H5lock.prototype.checkPass = function(psw1, psw2) {// 检测密码            var p1 = ‘‘,            p2 = ‘‘;            for (var i = 0 ; i < psw1.length ; i++) {                p1 += psw1[i].index + psw1[i].index;            }            for (var i = 0 ; i < psw2.length ; i++) {                p2 += psw2[i].index + psw2[i].index;            }            return p1 === p2;        }        H5lock.prototype.storePass = function(psw) {// touchend结束之后对密码和状态的处理            if (this.pswObj.step == 1) {                if (this.checkPass(this.pswObj.fpassword, psw)) {                    this.pswObj.step = 2;                    this.pswObj.spassword = psw;                    document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘密码保存成功‘;                    this.drawStatusPoint(‘#2CFF26‘);                    window.localStorage.setItem(‘passwordxx‘, JSON.stringify(this.pswObj.spassword));                    window.localStorage.setItem(‘chooseType‘, this.chooseType);                } else {                    document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘两次不一致,重新输入‘;                    this.drawStatusPoint(‘red‘);                    delete this.pswObj.step;                }            } else if (this.pswObj.step == 2) {                if (this.checkPass(this.pswObj.spassword, psw)) {                    document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘解锁成功‘;                    this.drawStatusPoint(‘#2CFF26‘);                } else {                    this.drawStatusPoint(‘red‘);                    document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘解锁失败‘;                }            } else {                this.pswObj.step = 1;                this.pswObj.fpassword = psw;                document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘再次输入‘;            }        }        H5lock.prototype.makeState = function() {            if (this.pswObj.step == 2) {                document.getElementById(‘updatePassword‘).style.display = ‘block‘;                //document.getElementById(‘chooseType‘).style.display = ‘none‘;                document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘请解锁‘;            } else if (this.pswObj.step == 1) {                //document.getElementById(‘chooseType‘).style.display = ‘none‘;                document.getElementById(‘updatePassword‘).style.display = ‘none‘;            } else {                document.getElementById(‘updatePassword‘).style.display = ‘none‘;                //document.getElementById(‘chooseType‘).style.display = ‘block‘;            }        }        H5lock.prototype.setChooseType = function(type){            chooseType = type;            init();        }        H5lock.prototype.updatePassword = function(){            window.localStorage.removeItem(‘passwordxx‘);            window.localStorage.removeItem(‘chooseType‘);            this.pswObj = {};            document.getElementById(‘title‘).innerHTML = ‘绘制解锁图案‘;            this.reset();        }        H5lock.prototype.initDom = function(){            var wrap = document.createElement(‘div‘);            var str = ‘<h4 id="title" class="title">绘制解锁图案</h4>‘+                      ‘<a id="updatePassword" style="position: absolute;right: 5px;top: 5px;color:#fff;font-size: 10px;display:none;">重置密码</a>‘+                      ‘<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300" style="display: inline-block;margin-top: 15px;"></canvas>‘;            wrap.setAttribute(‘style‘,‘position: absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;‘);            wrap.innerHTML = str;            document.body.appendChild(wrap);        }        H5lock.prototype.init = function() {            this.initDom();            this.pswObj = window.localStorage.getItem(‘passwordxx‘) ? {                step: 2,                spassword: JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(‘passwordxx‘))            } : {};            this.lastPoint = [];            this.makeState();            this.touchFlag = false;            this.canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas‘);            this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext(‘2d‘);            this.createCircle();            this.bindEvent();        }        H5lock.prototype.reset = function() {            this.makeState();            this.createCircle();        }        H5lock.prototype.bindEvent = function() {            var self = this;            this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {                e.preventDefault();// 某些android 的 touchmove不宜触发 所以增加此行代码                 var po = self.getPosition(e);                 console.log(po);                 for (var i = 0 ; i < self.arr.length ; i++) {                    if (Math.abs(po.x - self.arr[i].x) < self.r && Math.abs(po.y - self.arr[i].y) < self.r) {                        self.touchFlag = true;                        self.drawPoint(self.arr[i].x,self.arr[i].y);                        self.lastPoint.push(self.arr[i]);                        self.restPoint.splice(i,1);                        break;                    }                 }             }, false);             this.canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) {                if (self.touchFlag) {                    self.update(self.getPosition(e));                }             }, false);             this.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {                 if (self.touchFlag) {                     self.touchFlag = false;                     self.storePass(self.lastPoint);                     setTimeout(function(){                        self.reset();                    }, 300);                 }             }, false);             document.addEventListener(‘touchmove‘, function(e){                e.preventDefault();             },false);             document.getElementById(‘updatePassword‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function(){                 self.updatePassword();              });        }})();


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">    <title>H5lock</title>    <style type="text/css">        body {            text-align: center;            background-color: #305066;        }        .title {            color: #22C3AA;        }    </style>        </head><body><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mamicode.com/javascripts/H5lock.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">//http://www.nihaoshijie.com.cn/index.php/archives/537http://www.nihaoshijie.com.cn/index.php/archives/537 /* http://top.jobbole.com/22960/ http://threejs.org/examples/http://www.inf.usi.ch/phd/wettel/codecity-download.htmlhttps://github.com/lvming6816077/H5lockhttp://www.alloyteam.com/2015/07/html5-shi-xian-ping-mu-shou-shi-jie-suo/ */new H5lock({    chooseType: 3}).init();</script></body></html>
