首页 > 代码库 > python写的批量图片水印工具




万事先谷歌,找到个加水印的代码,修改了一番就用上了.^ ^

  1 import Image,ImageFilter,ImageEnhance  2 import os  3   4 def reduce_opacity(im, opacity):  5     """Returns an image with reduced opacity."""  6     assert opacity >= 0 and opacity <= 1  7     if im.mode != RGBA:  8         im = im.convert(RGBA)  9     else: 10         im = im.copy() 11     alpha = im.split()[3] 12     alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(opacity) 13     im.putalpha(alpha) 14     return im 15  16 def watermark(im, mark, position, opacity=1): 17     """Adds a watermark to an image.""" 18     if opacity < 1: 19         mark = reduce_opacity(mark, opacity) 20     if im.mode != RGBA: 21         im = im.convert(RGBA) 22     # create a transparent layer the size of the image and draw the 23     # watermark in that layer. 24     layer = Image.new(RGBA, im.size, (0,0,0,0)) 25     if position == tile: 26         for y in range(0, im.size[1], mark.size[1]): 27             for x in range(0, im.size[0], mark.size[0]): 28                 layer.paste(mark, (x, y)) 29     elif position == scale: 30         # scale, but preserve the aspect ratio 31         ratio = min( 32             float(im.size[0]) / mark.size[0], float(im.size[1]) / mark.size[1]) 33         w = int(mark.size[0] * ratio) 34         h = int(mark.size[1] * ratio) 35         mark = mark.resize((w, h)) 36         layer.paste(mark, ((im.size[0] - w) / 2, (im.size[1] - h) / 2)) 37     else: 38         layer.paste(mark, position) 39     # composite the watermark with the layer 40     return Image.composite(layer, im, layer) 41  42 def fetchdir(path): 43     """Get the source list""" 44     return os.listdir(path) 45  46 def fetchfile(path, basepath, flag):  #flag: 1 detail,2 product 47     """Get the source images path.""" 48     if flag == 1: 49         imageslist = os.listdir(basepath + path) 50         del imageslist[imageslist.index(index.htm)] 51         return imageslist 52     elif flag == 2: 53         imageslistraw = os.listdir(basepath + path) 54         imageslist = [] 55         for i in imageslistraw: 56             if not _ in i: 57                 imageslist.append(i) 58         return imageslist 59  60 def test(): 61     basepath = /var/img_test/ 62     detail_img_root_path = basepath + upload/ 63     product_img_root_path = basepath + 2014/ 64     mark = Image.open(/var/img_test/watermark.png) 65  66     #""" 67     for d in fetchdir(detail_img_root_path): 68         for p in fetchfile(d, detail_img_root_path, 1): 69             impath = detail_img_root_path + d + / + p 70             #print impath 71             #print ‘openpic=========>>>‘ + impath 72             try: 73                 im = Image.open(impath) 74                 _, im_ysize = im.size 75                 savepath = basepath + marked/upload/ 76                 if not os.path.isdir(savepath + d): 77                     os.makedirs(savepath + d) 78                 markedimg = watermark(im, mark, (506, im_ysize - 67), 0.8).convert(RGB) # 3: 2:596:47 1:476*86 79                 savepath = savepath + d + /+ p #.replace(‘jpg‘, ‘png‘) 80                 #markedimg.show() 81                 markedimg.save(savepath) 82             except IOError: 83                 print openfailed==============> + impath 84      #""" 85  86     for d1 in fetchdir(product_img_root_path): 87         d1_path = product_img_root_path + d1 88         for d2 in fetchdir(d1_path): 89             d2_path = d1_path + / + d2 90             for p in fetchfile(d2, d1_path + /, 2): 91                 impath = d2_path + / + p 92                 #print ‘openpic=========>>>‘ + d2_path + ‘/‘ + p 93                 try: 94                     im = Image.open(impath) 95                     _, im_ysize = im.size 96                     savepath = basepath + marked/2014/ 97                     if not os.path.isdir(savepath + d1 + / + d2): 98                         os.makedirs(savepath + d1 + / + d2) 99                     markedimg = watermark(im, mark, (506, im_ysize - 67), 0.8).convert(RGB)100                     markedimg.save(savepath + d1 + / + d2 + / + p)101                 except IOError:102                     print openfailed==============> + impath103 104 if __name__ == __main__:105     test()

