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答:我们公司的ASP.NET 笔试题,你觉得难度如何



    public enum QuestionType    {        Text = 0,        MultipleChoice = 1    }    interface IQuestion    {        string Title { get; set; }        QuestionType QuestionType { get; }        string GetAnswer();    }




    public abstract class QuestionBase : IQuestion    {        public string Title { get; set; }        public abstract QuestionType QuestionType { get; }        public virtual string GetAnswer()        {            return "默认答案";        }    }



public class TextQuestion : QuestionBase    {        public override QuestionType QuestionType        {            get { return QuestionType.Text; }        }        public override string GetAnswer()        {            return "文本答案";        }    }    public class MultipleChoiceQuestion : QuestionBase    {        public override QuestionType QuestionType        {            get { return QuestionType.MultipleChoice; }        }        public override string GetAnswer()        {            return "单选答案";        }    }


  public class Product  {      public string Name { get; set; }      public string IsDeleted { get; set; }  }


  public List<Product> GetActiveProducts(IQueryable<Product> query)  {      return query.WhereNotDeleted().ToList();  }


static class ProductExtend    {        public static IQueryable<Product> WhereNotDeleted(this IQueryable<Product> product)        {            if (product == null || product.Count() < 1) { return null; }            else { return product.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == "1"); }        }    }




select name,[year],[month],sum([amount]) as income from [user] left join [income] on [user].id=[income].useridgroup by name,[year],[month] order by name


public class User{    public int Id { get; set; }    public string Name { get; set; }}public class Income{    public int Id { get; set; }    public int UserId { get; set; }    public decimal Amount { get; set; }    public int Year { get; set; }    public int Month { get; set; }}public class UserIncomeDto{    public string Name { get; set; }    public int Year { get; set; }    public int Month { get; set; }    public decimal Income { get; set; }}


public List<UserIncomeDto> GetUserIncomeDtos(IQueryable<User> users, IQueryable<Income> incomes){     throw new NotImplementedException();}


public List<UserIncomeDto> GetUserIncomeDtos(IQueryable<User> users, IQueryable<Income> incomes)        {            //linq 实现            var data = http://www.mamicode.com/from o in                           (                       from p in users                       join q in incomes                       on p.Id equals q.UserId                       select new { Name = p.Name, Year = q.Year, Month = q.Month, Income = q.Amount }                                  )                       group o by new { o.Name, o.Month, o.Year } into groupdata                       select new UserIncomeDto                       {                           Name = groupdata.Key.Name,                           Year = groupdata.Key.Year,                           Month = groupdata.Key.Month,                           Income = groupdata.Sum(p => p.Income)                       };            //泛型实现            var datal = users.GroupJoin(incomes, p => p.Id, q => q.UserId, (p, q) => new UserIncomeDto            {                Name = p.Name,                Year = q.Sum(o => o.Year),                Month = q.Sum(o => o.Month),                Income = q.Sum(o => o.Amount),            });            return data.ToList<UserIncomeDto>();        }

第7:在ASP.NET MVC应用程序中,假设有如下HTML表单:

<form action="/admin/mobile/user/login">     <input type="text" placeholder="username"/>    <input type="password" placeholder="password"/>     <input type="submit" value="login"/></form>
public class UserController : Controller{    [HttpPost]    public ActionResult Login(string username, string password)    {        throw new NotImplementedException();    }}


    <form action="/user/Login" method="post">    <input type="text" placeholder="username" name="username" />    <input type="password" placeholder="password" name="password" />    <input type="submit" value="login" />    </form>


public class Product{    public string Name { get; set; }    public string Description { get; set; }    public void Validate1()    {        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))        {            throw new Exception("please enter a name for the product");        }        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Description))        {            throw new Exception("product description is required");        }    }    public void Validate2()    {        this.Require(x => x.Name, "please enter a name for the product");        this.Require(x => x.Description, "product description is required");    }}


public void Require(Expression<Func<Product, string>> query, string msg)        {            Func<Product, string> func = query.Compile();            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(func(this)))            {                throw new Exception(msg);            }        }

评价:这几个题目,咋一看感觉不难,仔细一作觉得不简单,平心而论,考的很实用,偏重于C#基础的应用。就当学习巩固知识了,好久没写,有些语法感觉手生,但是思路还在,随便写写, 不足之处请多指教。

答:我们公司的ASP.NET 笔试题,你觉得难度如何