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Spark Shuffle(三)Executor是如何fetch shuffle的数据文件
1. 前言
在前面的博客中讨论了Executor, Driver之间如何汇报Executor生成的Shuffle的数据文件,以及Executor获取到Shuffle的数据文件的分布,那么Executor是如何获取到Shuffle的数据文件进行Action的算子的计算呢?
2. Fetch数据
Seq[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long)])]
class BlockManagerId private ( private var executorId_ : String, private var host_ : String, private var port_ : Int, private var topologyInfo_ : Option[String]) extends Externalizable
是以ExecutorId,Executor Host IP, Executor Port 标示从哪个Executor获取Shuffle的数据文件,通过Seq[BlockManagerId, Seq(BlockID,Long)]的结构,当前executor很容易区分究竟哪些是本地的数据文件,哪些是远端的数据,本地的数据可以直接本地读取,而需要不通过网络来获取。
2.1 读取本Executor文件
for ((address, blockInfos) <- blocksByAddress) { totalBlocks += blockInfos.size if (address.executorId == blockManager.blockManagerId.executorId) { // Filter out zero-sized blocks localBlocks ++= blockInfos.filter(_._2 != 0).map(_._1) numBlocksToFetch += localBlocks.size } }
- 同一个Executor会生成多个Task,单个Executor里的Task运行可以直接获取本地文件,不需要通过网络
- 同一台机器多个Executor,在这种情况下,不同的Executor获取相同机器下的其他的Executor的文件,需要通过网络
2.2 读取非本Executor文件
2.2.1 构造FetchRequest请求
spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight val targetRequestSize = math.max(maxBytesInFlight / 5, 1L)
val iterator = blockInfos.iterator var curRequestSize = 0L var curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long)] while (iterator.hasNext) { val (blockId, size) = iterator.next() // Skip empty blocks if (size > 0) { curBlocks += ((blockId, size)) remoteBlocks += blockId numBlocksToFetch += 1 curRequestSize += size } else if (size < 0) { throw new BlockException(blockId, "Negative block size " + size) } if (curRequestSize >= targetRequestSize) { // Add this FetchRequest remoteRequests += new FetchRequest(address, curBlocks) curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long)] logDebug(s"Creating fetch request of $curRequestSize at $address") curRequestSize = 0 } } // Add in the final request if (curBlocks.nonEmpty) { remoteRequests += new FetchRequest(address, curBlocks) }多个FetchRequest会被随机化后放入队列Queue中,每个Executor从Driver端获取的ShuffID对应的BlockManagerID所管理的BlockID的状态是相同的顺序,如果不对FetchRequest进行随机化,那么非常有可能存在多个Executor同时向同一个Executor获取发送FetchRequest的情况,从而导致Executor的负载增高,为了均衡每个Executor的数据获取,随机化FetchRequest是非常有必要的。
2.2.1 发送FetchRequest
- 当正在请求的所有BlockId的内容和下一个FetchRequest的请求内容之和小于maxBytesInFlight的时候,才能进行下一个FetchRequest 的请求
- 当正在请求的数量小于所设置的最大的允许请求数量的时候,才能进行下一个FetchRequest的请求,控制参数如下:
2.2.2 完整的FetchRequest流程
- Executor A 通过ExternalShuffleClient 进行fetchBlocks的操作,如果配置了
io.maxRetries最大重试参数的话,将启动一个能重试RetryingBlockFetcher的获取器- 初始化TransportClient,OneForOneBlockFetcher获取器
- 在OneForOneBlockFetcher里首先向另一个Executor B发送了OpenBlocks的询问请求,里面告知ExecutorID, APPID和BlockID的集合
- Executor B获取到BlockIDs,后通过BlockManager获取相关的BlockID的文件(通过mapid, reduceid获取相关的索引和数据文件),构建FileSegmentManagedBuffer
- 通过StreamManager(OneForOneStreamManager) registerStream 生成streamId,和StreamState(多个ManagedBuffer,AppID)的缓存
返回所生成的StreamId- Executor B 返回给 StreamHandle的消息,里面包含了StreamId和Chunk的数量,这里chunk的数量其实就是Block的数量
- Executor A 获取到 StreamHandle的消息,一个一个的发送ChunkFetchRequest里面包含了StreamId, Chunk index,去真实的获取Executor B的shuffle数据文件
- Executor B 通过传递的ChunkFetchRequest消息获取到StreamId, Chunk index, 通过缓存获取到对应的FileSgementManagedBuffer,返回chunkFetchSuccess消息,里面包含着streamID, 和FileSegmentManagedBuffer
- 在步骤3-6步骤里是堵塞在Task线程里,而步骤7一个一个发送ChunkFetchRequest后,并不堵塞等待返回结果,结果是通过回调函数来实现的,在调用前注册了一个回调函数
client.fetchChunk(streamHandle.streamId, i, chunkCallback); private class ChunkCallback implements ChunkReceivedCallback { @Override public void onSuccess(int chunkIndex, ManagedBuffer buffer) { // On receipt of a chunk, pass it upwards as a block. listener.onBlockFetchSuccess(blockIds[chunkIndex], buffer); } @Override public void onFailure(int chunkIndex, Throwable e) { // On receipt of a failure, fail every block from chunkIndex onwards. String[] remainingBlockIds = Arrays.copyOfRange(blockIds, chunkIndex, blockIds.length); failRemainingBlocks(remainingBlockIds, e); } }- 在这里的listener就是前面fetchBlocks里注入的BlockFetchingListener
new BlockFetchingListener { override def onBlockFetchSuccess(blockId: String, buf: ManagedBuffer): Unit = { // Only add the buffer to results queue if the iterator is not zombie, // i.e. cleanup() has not been called yet. ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator.this.synchronized { if (!isZombie) { // Increment the ref count because we need to pass this to a different thread. // This needs to be released after use. buf.retain() remainingBlocks -= blockId results.put(new SuccessFetchResult(BlockId(blockId), address, sizeMap(blockId), buf, remainingBlocks.isEmpty)) logDebug("remainingBlocks: " + remainingBlocks) } } logTrace("Got remote block " + blockId + " after " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTime)) } override def onBlockFetchFailure(blockId: String, e: Throwable): Unit = { logError(s"Failed to get block(s) from ${req.address.host}:${req.address.port}", e) results.put(new FailureFetchResult(BlockId(blockId), address, e)) } }- 如果获取成功将封装SuccessFetchResult里面保存着blockId,地址,数据大小,以及ManagedBuffer,并保存到results的queue中
2.2.3 Fetch 迭代获取数据文件
override def hasNext: Boolean = numBlocksProcessed < numBlocksToFetch在hasNext里判断当前的是否已经达到需要读取的block数量了,每一次读取下一个block的时候都会在numBlocksProcessed+1,在读取失败的情况下会直接抛出异常。
3. Fetch 交互协议
在前面的博客里描述了很多交互协议都使用了Java的原生态的反序列化,但在上文描述的Fetch协议中,是Spark单独定义的一套协议标准,自己实现encoder和decoderChunkFetchRequest, ChunkFetchSuccess, RpcRequest, RpcResponse.... 这些都是直接使用Java进行封装,在Network-Commmon的包里,所有的消息最后都实现了基本的接口。
3.1 Message Encoder
public interface Message extends Encodable{}
public interface Encodable { /** Number of bytes of the encoded form of this object. */ int encodedLength(); /** * Serializes this object by writing into the given ByteBuf. * This method must write exactly encodedLength() bytes. */ void encode(ByteBuf buf); }核心的序列话的encode的入参数是ByteBuf 很符合Netty里的NIO所暴露出的接口,同时也要注意这是Netty的ByteBuf 和Netty是耦合了
如何让Netty调用Encodable encode方法呢?
MessageToMessageEncoder在Spark里自己实现MessageToMessageEncoder的encoder的方法protected abstract void encode(ChannelHandlerContext paramChannelHandlerContext, I paramI, List<Object> paramList) /* */ throws Exception;
public final class MessageEncoder extends MessageToMessageEncoder<Message> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageEncoder.class); /*** * Encodes a Message by invoking its encode() method. For non-data messages, we will add one * ByteBuf to ‘out‘ containing the total frame length, the message type, and the message itself. * In the case of a ChunkFetchSuccess, we will also add the ManagedBuffer corresponding to the * data to ‘out‘, in order to enable zero-copy transfer. */ @Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Message in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { Object body = null; long bodyLength = 0; boolean isBodyInFrame = false; // If the message has a body, take it out to enable zero-copy transfer for the payload. if (in.body() != null) { try { bodyLength = in.body().size(); body = in.body().convertToNetty(); isBodyInFrame = in.isBodyInFrame(); } catch (Exception e) { in.body().release(); if (in instanceof AbstractResponseMessage) { AbstractResponseMessage resp = (AbstractResponseMessage) in; // Re-encode this message as a failure response. String error = e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null"; logger.error(String.format("Error processing %s for client %s", in, ctx.channel().remoteAddress()), e); encode(ctx, resp.createFailureResponse(error), out); } else { throw e; } return; } } Message.Type msgType = in.type(); // All messages have the frame length, message type, and message itself. The frame length // may optionally include the length of the body data, depending on what message is being // sent. int headerLength = 8 + msgType.encodedLength() + in.encodedLength(); long frameLength = headerLength + (isBodyInFrame ? bodyLength : 0); ByteBuf header = ctx.alloc().heapBuffer(headerLength); header.writeLong(frameLength); msgType.encode(header); in.encode(header); assert header.writableBytes() == 0; if (body != null) { // We transfer ownership of the reference on in.body() to MessageWithHeader. // This reference will be freed when MessageWithHeader.deallocate() is called. out.add(new MessageWithHeader(in.body(), header, body, bodyLength)); } else { out.add(header); } } }
3.2 Message Decoder
和3.1类似,Spark 针对Netty 封装了MessageDecoder
public final class MessageDecoder extends MessageToMessageDecoder<ByteBuf>在decode方法里,直接对ByteBuf进行decode会Message
public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { Message.Type msgType = Message.Type.decode(in); Message decoded = decode(msgType, in); assert decoded.type() == msgType; logger.trace("Received message {}: {}", msgType, decoded); out.add(decoded); }对每个不同的Message 分别调用了各自的decode的方法。
3.3 传递文件
3.3.1 发送文件
respond(new ChunkFetchSuccess(req.streamChunkId, buf));在buf里的ManagedBuffer是FileSegmentManagedBuffer,而在刚才的encode函数里
body = in.body().convertToNetty();
public Object convertToNetty() throws IOException { if (conf.lazyFileDescriptor()) { return new DefaultFileRegion(file, offset, length); } else { FileChannel fileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(); return new DefaultFileRegion(fileChannel, offset, length); } }使用了DefaultFileRegion,这是一个Netty里传递文件使用零拷贝的方式,在FileRegion里是调用TransferTo进行零拷贝复制文件,关于零拷贝在这里不介绍了
public abstract long transferTo(WritableByteChannel paramWritableByteChannel, long paramLong) throws IOException;但是问题是encode的方法里返回的MessageWithHeader对象,并不是DefaultFileRegion
if (body != null) { // We transfer ownership of the reference on in.body() to MessageWithHeader. // This reference will be freed when MessageWithHeader.deallocate() is called. out.add(new MessageWithHeader(in.body(), header, body, bodyLength)); }
class MessageWithHeader extends AbstractReferenceCounted implements FileRegion原来是FileRegion,对Netty来说FileRegion最后调用的TransferTo进行传递
public long transferTo(final WritableByteChannel target, final long position) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(position == totalBytesTransferred, "Invalid position."); // Bytes written for header in this call. long writtenHeader = 0; if (header.readableBytes() > 0) { writtenHeader = copyByteBuf(header, target); totalBytesTransferred += writtenHeader; if (header.readableBytes() > 0) { return writtenHeader; } } // Bytes written for body in this call. long writtenBody = 0; if (body instanceof FileRegion) { writtenBody = ((FileRegion) body).transferTo(target, totalBytesTransferred - headerLength); } else if (body instanceof ByteBuf) { writtenBody = copyByteBuf((ByteBuf) body, target); } totalBytesTransferred += writtenBody; return writtenHeader + writtenBody; }
writtenBody = ((FileRegion) body).transferTo(target, totalBytesTransferred - headerLength);来传递文件,而其他的ByteBuf 直接写到Write的channel 里。
3.3.2 接收文件
在3.2章节里介绍了如何decode message的方法,对消息ChunkFetchSuccess进行decode生成ChunkFetchSuccess对象
public static ChunkFetchSuccess decode(ByteBuf buf) { StreamChunkId streamChunkId = StreamChunkId.decode(buf); buf.retain(); NettyManagedBuffer managedBuf = new NettyManagedBuffer(buf.duplicate()); return new ChunkFetchSuccess(streamChunkId, managedBuf); }
4. 总结
- Fetch Shuffle data 数据区分本地数据,远端数据,本地数据和远端数据的区分依据是ExecutorID
- 单个Task线程Fetch Shuffle Data数据是以Block为最小单位,串行获取并进行运算
- 远端Fetch的多个Block 数据,是异步发送请求,通过回调函数来异步获取返回结果提交到堵塞的队列中,让Task线程获取、读取,运算
- Fetch的交互协议,并没有使用Java的默认反序列的协议,而是自己独立封装Encode、Decode,进行编码和解码
Spark Shuffle(三)Executor是如何fetch shuffle的数据文件
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