首页 > 代码库 > Python3利用BeautifulSoup4抓取站点小说全文的代码




#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport osimport sysimport reimport timeimport chardetimport urllib.request as urfrom urllib.parse import urljoin,urlparsefrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom threading import Threadclass Download(Thread):                          #为每个章节分配多线程    def __init__(self,filepath,info):        Thread.__init__(self)        self.filepath = filepath        (self.link,self.chapter) = info    def run(self):        print(开始下载: +self.chapter)        section(self.filepath,self.chapter,self.link)        print(完成下载: +self.chapter)def getData(url):                          #主要用于判断页面编码,但是发现BeautifulSoup自带判定能力,故废弃此函数    charsets = utf8    response = ur.urlopen(url,timeout = 10)    html = response.read()    charinfo = chardet.detect(html)    charsets = charinfo[encoding]    data = html.decode(charsets)    return datadef merge(tmpFiles,targetFile):             #将下载的章节合并    for tmpFile in tmpFiles:        with open(targetFile,a+) as wfile:            wfile.write(open(tmpFile,r).read())        os.remove(tmpFile)def content(link):                         #获取章节页面的小说内容。对于不同的站点,在此函数内修改获取章节内容的代码    html = ur.urlopen(link,timeout = 10)    soup =BeautifulSoup(html)    contents = soup.find(id = readtext).p.span.text.replace(  ,\n)   #BeautifulSoup会自动将&nbsp;转换为空格,<br/>转换为特殊符号    return contentsdef section(filepath,chapter,link):         #下载章节内容    while True:                #反复请求页面        try:            with open(filepath,w) as nfile:                nfile.write(chapter+\n+content(link)+\n)            break        except:            pass        def index(url):    indexs = []    while True:                   #反复请求页面        try:            html = ur.urlopen(url,timeout = 10)            #html = html.read().decode(‘gb2312‘)            #html = getData(url)            soup = BeautifulSoup(html,from_encoding = gbk)#BeautifulSoup能自动识别编码,但是会将gbk页面识别为gb2312页面,可能导致页面内部分数据获取失败            break        except:            pass    title = soup.find(name = div,attrs = {class:booktext}).text    indexDiv = soup.find(name = div,attrs = {class:booktext})    indexUl = [ul for ul in indexDiv.find_all(ul) if ul][1:]    for ul in indexUl:        indexList = [li.a for li in ul.find_all(li) if li]        index = [(urljoin(url,a.get(href)),a.text) for a in indexList if a]        indexs +=index    return indexsdef novel(url):    tmpFiles = []    tasks = []    try:        indexs = index(url)        tmpDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),tmp)        if not os.path.exists(tmpDir):             #创建章节片段存放的临时目录            os.mkdir(tmpDir)        for i,info in enumerate(indexs):            tmpFile = os.path.join(tmpDir,str(i))            tmpFiles.append(tmpFile)            task = Download(tmpFile,info)            #开启新线程下载章节内容            task.setDaemon(True)            task.start()            tasks.append(task)            if len(tasks) >= 20:                  #将线程总数控制在20个以内,如果线程过多会导致程序崩溃                while len([task for task in tasks if task.isAlive()]):                    print( 进度: {} / {}.format(i+1-len([task for task in tasks if task.isAlive()]),len(indexs)))  #显示下载进度                    time.sleep(2)                tasks = []            if i == len(indexs) - 1:                while len([task for task in tasks if task.isAlive()]):                    print( 进度: {} / {}.format(len(indexs) - len([task for task in tasks if task.isAlive()]),len(indexs)))                    time.sleep(2)        print( 进度: {} / {}.format(len(indexs),len(indexs)))        print(开始整合......)        merge(tmpFiles,os.path.join(os.getcwd(),title+.txt))        print(下载成功!)    except Exception as ex:        print(ex)        print(下载失败!)        sys.exit()def main(argv):    try:        novel(argv[0])    except KeyboardInterrupt as kbi:            #使用<C-c>中断下载后仍然能将已下载的章节合并        tmpDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),tmp)        if os.path.exists(tmpDir):            tmpFiles = [os.path.join(tmpDir,tfile) for tfile in os.listdir(tmpDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpDir,tfile))]            print(开始整合不完整的下载......)            try:                merge(tmpFiles,os.path.join(os.getcwd(),不完整文档.txt))                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),不完整文档.txt)):                    print(部分章节下载成功!)                else:                    print(下载失败!)            except:                print(下载失败!)                sys.exit()            os.rmdir(tmpDir)        else:            print(下载失败!)            sys.exit()    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),tmp)):            os.rmdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),tmp))if __name__ == "__main__":    if len(sys.argv) > 1:        main(sys.argv[1:])    #http://www.lueqiu.com/

