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<Spark><Programming><Key/Value Pairs><RDD>

Working with key/value Pairs


  • Pair RDDs are a useful building block in many programs, as they expose operations that allow u to act on each key in parallel or regroup data across network.
  • Eg: pair RDDs have a reduceByKey() method that can aggeragate data separately for each key; join() method that can merge two RDDs together by grouping elements with the same key.

Creating Pair RDDs

  • Many formats we loading from will directly return pair RDDs for their k/v values.
  • By turning a regular RDD into a pair RDD  --> Using map() function
val pairs = lines.map(x => (x.split(" ")(0), x))

Transformation on Pair RDDs

  • 我们同样可以给Spark传送函数,不过由于pair RDDs包含的是元组tuple,所以我们要传送的函数式操作在tuples之上的。实际上Pair RDDs就是RDDs of Tuple2 object。


  • reduceByKey()和reduce()很相似:它们都接收一个函数并使用该函数来combine values。它们的不同在于:
    1. reduceByKey()并行地为数据集中每个key运行reduce操作。
    2. reduceByKey()属于transformation,它返回一个新的RDD。这样做是考虑到数据集有大量的keys。

<Spark><Programming><Key/Value Pairs><RDD>