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The 4 Most Important Things You Need to Do

  We live in an age where food which used to take us hours to obtain can be delivered to your doorstep in under 30 minutes.

  Never in the history of mankind have we had this much free time on our hands until now.

  Yet, it’s sad to say, but the majority of us waste it.

  We turn on our TV or our gaming console, we medicate ourselves with weed, alcohol, drugs and pornography just to burn time.

  What a complete waste!

  What you should really be doing with all of this free time?

  Well, if you are even the slightest bit serious about becoming a winner in the game of life, here are the 4 most important things you need start spending your time on.


  No. 1 is exercise.

  Now this first task is crucial.

  With so much free time on our hands, we need to have energy to be active during this time.

  A few centuries age, we used to move around and lift things.

  Almost all of our jobs required us to work out our bodies, whether it’d be tending to the farms or creating tools in the workshop.

  But now most of us work behind computer screen and registers.

  We aren’t getting the right amount of exercise that or body needs to function properly.

  It’s actually been proven by studies that people who workout have more energy throughout the day.

  If you don’t have energy, you are gonna spend majority of your free time on effortless things like Netfix and gaming.

  A simple workout program like Starting Strength is energy for you to get started on improving your fitness and gaining more energy throughout the day.


  No. 2 is reading.

  I know, I know, you have probably heard this advice one hundred times over.

  But hear me out .

  The stuff that you are learning in school is outdated.

  The large majority of information you are learning over there will not be used once you graduate.

  This means that the vast majority people don’t know what in the world they are doing.

  Real-life knowledge is managing finances, social skills, dating, diet, and fitness are basically not existed among the population.

  And in my opinion, this is actually a very good thing for you.

  This means that you can easily climb to the top, because, well your competition kinda sucks.

  A famous entrepreneur once said that you can become an expert in any field by reading just 3 books on the subject.

  By simple reading 3 books, you’ll know more about any subject than 99% of people out there.

  Look, if you wanna succeed at the game of life, you have to read the instructions manual.

  Focus your reading on self-development books as they provide practical knowledge that can be applied in real life.


  No. 3 is meditation.

  Meditation is one of those things that have been proven a hundred times over to be extremely beneficial.

  Yet, nobody does it. Why!

  Well, it’s probably because on the surface, it’s once the most boring tasks out there.

  You sit down, and… you doning nothing. Right?

  Well, there’s a lot more to it.

  When you meditate, you are actually training your brain.

  You learn how to control what thoughts to focus on and which thoughts to ignore.

  This one skill is crucial to becoming a happier person.

  You will also have a lot more mental energy throughout the day.

  It’s so importation, actually, that if you have to ask me which one habit could change your life, I’d instantly respond with meditation.

  Meditating for just 10 minutes a day is more than energy to start reaping the benefits.


  No. 4 is a hobby / passion.

  It’s my strong belief that everyone has a passion that triggers the inner child in them.

  It’s something that brings out a sort of excitement in you.

  Instead of dreading the time spent on it, you kinda get lost in the exploration.

  The reason I listed this as the last task is because the other three supplement your ability to work on your hobby or your passion.

  Reading gives you the knowledge to grow in your hobby, meditation gives you the headspace for creativity and exercise ultimately gives your body the energy to focus on this hobby even after a long days of work.

  This hobby whether would be dance, art, writing… creating your own make-a wish foundation.

  Whatever it is, is your source of fulfillment.

  Without it, you will not feel whole.

  You will feel as if there something missing in your life.

  And it’s my strong belief that if you work on your hobby long enough and hone your craft, it can eventually be a source of income.

  Once you reach this stage, your life will transform from the one that you dread into one that excites you.

The 4 Most Important Things You Need to Do