首页 > 代码库 > 第29课 循环链表的实现

第29课 循环链表的实现

1. 什么是循环链表








2. 循环链表的实现思路










#ifndef _ITERATOR_H_
#define _ITERATOR_H_

//#include "Exception.h"

namespace DTLib {

struct InputIterator_tag{};
struct OutputIterator_tag{};
struct ForwardIterator_tag : public InputIterator_tag{};
struct BidirectionalIterator_tag : public ForwardIterator_tag{};
struct RandomAccessIterator_tag : public BidirectionalIterator_tag{};

template <class Iterator>
struct IteratorTraits
    typedef typename Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
    typedef typename Iterator::value_type   value_type;
    typedef typename Iterator::difference_type  difference_type;
    typedef typename Iterator::pointer   pointer;
    typedef typename Iterator::reference reference;

template < class T>
struct IteratorTraits<T*>
    typedef RandomAccessIterator_tag iterator_category; //指针类型是可以随机访问的
    typedef T          value_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t  difference_type;
    typedef T*         pointer;
    typedef T&         reference;

template < class T>
struct IteratorTraits<const T*>
    typedef RandomAccessIterator_tag iterator_category; //指针类型是可以随机访问的
    typedef T          value_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t  difference_type;
    typedef const T*         pointer;
    typedef const T&         reference;

template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
struct ArrayIterator
    typedef ArrayIterator<T, T&, T*>   iterator;
    typedef ArrayIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
    typedef ArrayIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>   self;

    typedef RandomAccessIterator_tag  iterator_category; //迭代器类型
    typedef T   value_type; //值类型
    typedef Ptr pointer;    //指针类型
    typedef Ref  reference; //引用类型
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;

    T*  space;   //地址空间的起始位置
    T*  cursor;  //当前节点指针
    int length;

    ArrayIterator(T* x, int len = 0) : space(x),cursor(x),length(len){}
    ArrayIterator(const iterator& x) : space(x.space), cursor(x.cursor),length(x.length){}

    bool operator ==(const self& x) const
        return cursor == x.cursor;

    bool operator !=(const self& x) const
        return cursor != x.cursor;

    reference operator*() const
        return (*cursor);

    pointer operator->() const
        return &(operator*());

    self& operator++()
        if(cursor != NULL){
            if(cursor >= (space + length)){
                cursor = NULL;

        return *this;

    self operator++(int)
        self tmp = *this;

        return tmp;

    self& operator--()
        return *this;

    self operator--(int)
        self tmp = *this;

        return tmp;

    self& operator+(int n)
        if(cursor != NULL){
            cursor += n;
            if(cursor <= (space + length)){
                cursor = NULL;
        return *this;

    self& operator+=(int n)
        *this = *this + n;
        return *this ;

    self& operator-(int n)
        if(cursor != NULL){
            cursor -= n;
            if(cursor < (space)){
                cursor = NULL;
        return *this;

    self& operator-=(int n)
        *this = *this - n;
        return *this ;


template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr, class Node>
struct ForwardIterator
    typedef ForwardIterator<T, T&, T*, Node>   iterator;
    typedef ForwardIterator<T, const T&, const T*, Node> const_iterator;
    typedef ForwardIterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Node>   self;

    typedef ForwardIterator_tag  iterator_category; //迭代器类型
    typedef T   value_type; //值类型
    typedef Ptr pointer;    //指针类型
    typedef Ref  reference; //引用类型
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    typedef Node*  node_type; //节点指针类型

    node_type  cursor;  //迭代器当前所指节点

    ForwardIterator(node_type x) : cursor(x){}
    ForwardIterator(const iterator& x) : cursor(x.cursor){}

    bool operator ==(const self& x) const
        return cursor == x.cursor;

    bool operator !=(const self& x) const
        return cursor != x.cursor;

    reference operator*() const
        return (*cursor).value;

    pointer operator->() const
        return &(operator*());

    self& operator++()
        cursor = (node_type)(cursor->next);
        return *this;

    self operator++(int)
        self tmp = *this;

        return tmp;

    self& operator+(int n)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
            if(cursor != NULL)
                cursor = (node_type)(cursor->next);
        return *this;

    self& operator+=(int n)
        *this = *this + n;
        return *this ;


template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr, class Node>
struct ListIterator
    typedef ListIterator<T, T&, T*, Node>   iterator;
    typedef ListIterator<T, const T&, const T*, Node> const_iterator;
    typedef ListIterator<T, Ref, Ptr, Node>   self;

    typedef BidirectionalIterator_tag  iterator_category; //迭代器类型
    typedef T   value_type; //值类型
    typedef Ptr pointer;    //指针类型
    typedef Ref  reference; //引用类型
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    typedef Node*  node_type; //节点指针类型

    node_type  cursor;  //迭代器当前所指节点

    ListIterator(node_type x) : cursor(x){}
    ListIterator(const iterator& x) : cursor(x.cursor){}

    bool operator ==(const self& x) const
        return cursor == x.cursor;

    bool operator !=(const self& x) const
        return cursor != x.cursor;

    reference operator*() const
        return (*cursor).value;

    pointer operator->() const
        return &(operator*());

    self& operator++()
        cursor = (node_type)(cursor->next);
        return *this;

    self operator++(int)
        self tmp = *this;

        return tmp;

    self& operator--()
        cursor = (node_type)(cursor->prev);
        return *this;

    self operator--(int)
        self tmp = *this;

        return tmp;

    self& operator+(int n)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
            if(cursor != NULL)
                cursor = (node_type)(cursor->next);
        return *this;

    self& operator+=(int n)
        *this = *this + n;
        return *this ;

    self& operator-(int n)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
            if(cursor != NULL)
                cursor = (node_type)(cursor->prev);
        return *this;

    self& operator-=(int n)
        *this = *this - n;
        return *this ;


#endif // _ITERATOR_H_


#ifndef _LINKLIST_H_
#define _LINKLIST_H_

#include "list.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Iterator.h"

namespace DTLib

template <typename T>
class LinkList : public List<T>
    struct Node : public Object
        T value;    //数据域
        Node* next; //指针域s

    //出异常,当LinkList<T> list时会产生异常。这时调用者可能会怀疑是
    //T的对象(如:T t),为了防止这种现象的出现,可“借尸还魂”,防止在定义
    //mutable Node m_header;  //头结点


    mutable struct : public Object{
        char reserved[sizeof(T)];
        Node* next;
    } m_header;
    int m_length;   //链表长度

    Node* position(int index) const   //O(n)
        Node* ret = (Node*)&m_header; //由于const对象不能修改成员变量的值

        for(int pos=0; pos<index; ++pos){
            ret = ret->next;

        return ret; //注意要查找的元素地址保存在该节点的next指针域中

    virtual Node* createNode()
        return new Node();

    virtual void destroyNode(Node* pn)
        delete pn;

        m_header.next = NULL;
        m_length = 0;


    bool insert(const T &elem) //O(n)
        return insert(m_length, elem);

    bool insert(int index, const T& elem)  //O(n)
        bool ret = ((0 <= index) && (index <= m_length));

        if (ret){
            Node* node = createNode();//new Node();

            if(node != NULL){
                Node* current = position(index);

                node->value =http://www.mamicode.com/ elem;
                node->next = current->next;
                current->next = node;

                THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughMemoryException, "Not enougth memory to insert new element ...");

        return ret;

    bool remove(int index)  //O(n)
        bool ret = ((0 <= index) && (index < m_length));

            Node* current = position(index); //要删除的元素地址保存在curr->next中

            Node* toDel = current->next;

            current->next = toDel->next;


            destroyNode(toDel); //delete toDel;如果Node析构中抛异常时会出现异常不安全行为


        return ret;

    virtual bool set(int index, const T& elem) //O(n)
        bool ret = (0 <= index) && (index < m_length);

            Node* current = position(index);

            (current->next)->value =http://www.mamicode.com/ elem;

        return ret;

    virtual T get(int index) const  //O(n)
        T ret;
        if(get(index, ret)){
            return ret;
            THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Invalid paramter index to get element ...");

    bool get(int index, T& elem) const  //O(n)
        bool ret = (0 <= index) && (index < m_length);

            Node* current = position(index);

            elem = (current->next)->value;

        return ret;

    void reverse()   //O(n)
        Node* curr = m_header.next; //从第1个节点开始
        Node* prev = NULL;//当前节点的上一个节点

        while(curr != NULL){
            Node* nxt = curr->next; //保存当前节点的下一个节点

            curr->next = prev; //开始反转:指向先前一个节点

            prev = curr;       //prev前进
            curr = nxt;        //curr前进

        m_header.next = prev;

    int find(const T& elem) const  //O(n)
        int ret = -1;
        int i = 0;
        Node* node = m_header.next;

            if(node->value =http://www.mamicode.com/= elem){
                ret = i;

            node = node->next;

        return ret;

    int length() const  //O(1)
        return m_length;

    void clear()  //O(n)
            Node* toDel = m_header.next;

            m_header.next = toDel->next;

            destroyNode(toDel); //delete toDel;Node析构中如果抛异常,会出现异常不安全。


    typedef ForwardIterator<T, T&, T*, Node>   iterator;
    typedef ForwardIterator<T, const T&, const T*, Node> const_iterator;

    iterator begin()
        return (Node*)(m_header.next);

    virtual iterator end()
        return  NULL;

    const_iterator begin() const
        return (Node*)(m_header.next);

    virtual const iterator end() const
        return  NULL;

    virtual iterator erase(iterator position)
        iterator ret = position.cursor->next;

        Node* toDel = position.cursor;
        if(toDel != NULL){
            Node* prev = (Node*)&this->m_header;
            for(int i=0; i<this->m_length; i++){
                if (prev->next == position.cursor){
                    prev->next = position.cursor->next;

                    if(m_length == 0)
                        m_header.next = NULL;

                prev = prev->next;

        return ret;



#endif // _LINKLIST_H_


#ifndef _CIRCLELIST_H_
#define _CIRCLELIST_H_

#include "LinkList.h"

namespace DTLib

template <typename T>
class CircleList : public LinkList<T>
    typedef typename LinkList<T>::Node Node;
    Node* last() const
        return this->position(this->m_length-1)->next;

    void makeCircle() const
            last()->next = this->m_header.next;

    int mod(int value) const
        return (this->m_length == 0) ? 0 : (value % this->m_length);
    bool insert(int index, const T& elem)
        bool ret = true;

        index = index %(this->m_length + 1);

        ret = LinkList<T>::insert(index, elem);

        if(ret && (index == 0)){
            makeCircle(); //首尾相连

        return ret;

    bool insert(const T& elem)
        return insert(this->m_length, elem);

    bool remove(int index)
        bool ret = true;

        index = mod(index);

        if(index == 0){
            Node* toDel = this->m_header.next;

            if(toDel != NULL){
                this->m_header.next = toDel->next;

                if(this->m_length > 0){
                    this->m_header.next = NULL;
                    this->m_length = 0;


                ret = false;
        }else{  //删除其他位置(非0位置)的结点
            ret = LinkList<T>::remove(index);

        return ret;

    bool set(int index, const T& elem)
        return LinkList<T>::set(mod(index), elem);

    T get(int index) const
        return LinkList<T>::get(mod(index));

    bool get(int index, const T& elem) const
        return LinkList<T>::get(mod(index), elem);

    int find(const T& elem) const
        int ret = -1;
        Node* slider = this->m_header.next;

        for(int i=0; i<this->m_length; i++){
            if(slider->value =http://www.mamicode.com/= elem){
                ret = i;

            slider = slider->next;

        return ret;

    void clear()
        while(this->m_length > 1){

        if(this->m_length == 1){
            Node* toDel = this->m_header.next;
            this->m_header.next = NULL;
            this->m_length = 0;


    typedef ForwardIterator<T, T&, T*, Node>   iterator;
    //typedef ForwardIterator<T, const T&, const T*, Node> const_iterator;
    virtual iterator end()
        return this->m_header.next;

    virtual const iterator end() const
        return  this->m_header.next;

    iterator erase(iterator position)
        iterator ret = position.cursor->next;
        Node* toDel = position.cursor;

        if(position == this->begin()){
            if(toDel != NULL){
                this->m_header.next = (this->m_length<=1) ? NULL: toDel->next;
            return LinkList<T>::erase(position);

        return ret;


#endif // _CIRCLELIST_H_

3. 约瑟夫环问题








#include <iostream>
#include "CircleList.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace DTLib;

void josephus(int n, int s, int m)
    CircleList<int> cl;

    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)

    CircleList<int>::iterator iter = cl.begin();
    iter += (s-1);//移到开始位置

    int i = 0;
        iter += (m-1); //报到m的人出列
        cout <<"(" << ++i << ")" << *iter << "  ";
        if(i % 7 == 0)
            cout << endl;

        iter = cl.erase(iter);

int main()

    return 0;
(1)3   (2)6   (3)9   (4)12   (5)15   (6)18   (7)21
(8)24  (9)27  (10)30 (11)33  (12)36  (13)39  (14)1
(15)5  (16)10 (17)14 (18)19  (19)23  (20)28  (21)32
(22)37 (23)41 (24)7  (25)13  (26)20  (27)26  (28)34
(29)40 (30)8  (31)17 (32)29  (33)38  (34)11  (35)25
(36)2  (37)22 (38)4  (39)35  (40)16  (41)31

4. 小结





第29课 循环链表的实现