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[020]转--C++ swap函数



1 template <class T> void swap ( T& a, T& b )  2 {  3     T c(a); 4     a=b; 5     b=c;  6 }  



1 void swap(int & __restrict a, int & __restrict b)  2 {  3   a ^= b;  4   b ^= a;  5   a ^= b;  6 } 



 1 template <typename T> void Swap(T & obj1,T & obj2)   2 {   3     unsigned char * pObj1 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&obj1);   4     unsigned char * pObj2 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&obj2);   5     for (unsigned long x = 0; x < sizeof(T); ++x)   6     {   7         pObj1[x] ^= pObj2[x];   8         pObj2[x] ^= pObj1[x];   9         pObj1[x] ^= pObj2[x];  10     }  11 }


3.针对内建类型的优化:  int, float, double 等,甚至重载运算符的用户自定义类型:向量,矩阵,图像等。。。

1 template <class T> void swap ( T& a, T& b )2 {3     a = a + b;4     b = a - b;5     a = a - b;  6 }

// 无需构造临时变量。使用基本运算操作符。

4.swap的一些特化:std::string, std::vector各自实现了swap函数


 1 template<class _Ty,   2     class _Alloc> inline   3     void swap(vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left, vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)   4     {   // swap _Left and _Right vectors   5     _Left.swap(_Right);   6     }   7     void swap(_Myt& _Right)   8         {   // exchange contents with _Right   9         if (this == &_Right)  10             ;   // same object, do nothing  11         else if (this->_Alval == _Right._Alval)  12             {   // same allocator, swap control information  13  #if _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING  14             this->_Swap_all(_Right);  15  #endif /* _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING */  16             this->_Swap_aux(_Right);  17             _STD swap(_Myfirst, _Right._Myfirst);  18             _STD swap(_Mylast, _Right._Mylast);  19             _STD swap(_Myend, _Right._Myend);  20             }  21         else  22             {   // different allocator, do multiple assigns  23             this->_Swap_aux(_Right);  24             _Myt _Ts = *this;  25             *this = _Right;  26             _Right = _Ts;  27             }  28         }  


 1 template<class _Elem,   2     class _Traits,   3     class _Alloc> inline   4     void __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL swap(basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>& _Left,   5         basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>& _Right)   6     {   // swap _Left and _Right strings   7     _Left.swap(_Right);   8     }   9     void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap(_Myt& _Right)  10         {   // exchange contents with _Right  11         if (this == &_Right)  12             ;   // same object, do nothing  13         else if (_Mybase::_Alval == _Right._Alval)  14             {   // same allocator, swap control information  15  #if _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING  16             this->_Swap_all(_Right);  17  #endif /* _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING */  18             _Bxty _Tbx = _Bx;  19             _Bx = _Right._Bx, _Right._Bx = _Tbx;  20             size_type _Tlen = _Mysize;  21             _Mysize = _Right._Mysize, _Right._Mysize = _Tlen;  22             size_type _Tres = _Myres;  23             _Myres = _Right._Myres, _Right._Myres = _Tres;  24             }  25         else  26             {   // different allocator, do multiple assigns  27             _Myt _Tmp = *this;  28             *this = _Right;  29             _Right = _Tmp;  30             }  31         }  


5.Copy and  Swap idiom


Loki中智能指针 临时变量跟this交换,临时变量自动销毁~

1 SmartPtr& operator=(SmartPtr<T1, OP1, CP1, KP1, SP1, CNP1 >& rhs)  2 {  3     SmartPtr temp(rhs);  4     temp.Swap(*this);  5     return *this;  6 }  


 1 shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr const & r ) // never throws   2 {   3     this_type(r).swap(*this);   4     return *this;   5 }   6 void swap(shared_ptr<T> & other) // never throws   7 {   8     std::swap(px, other.px);   9     pn.swap(other.pn);  10 }  


最一般的写法,特点:使用const string& 传参防止临时对象。

 1 String& String::operator =(const String & rhs)   2 {   3     if (itsString)   4         delete [] itsString;   5     itsLen = rhs.GetLen();   6     itsString = new char[itsLen+1];   7     for (unsigned short i = 0;i<itsLen;i++)   8         itsString[i] = rhs[i];   9     itsString[itsLen] = /0;  10     return *this;  11 }  

优化1,防止自我间接赋值,a = b; c = b; a = c; 如果没有第一个if判断,当把c赋给a的时候,删除了a.itsString,后面的拷贝就会出错。注意是if(this==&rhs), 而不是if(*this==rhs) .

 1 String& String::operator =(const String & rhs)   2 {   3     if (this == &rhs)   4         return *this;   5     if (itsString)   6         delete [] itsString;   7     itsLen=rhs.GetLen();   8     itsString = new char[itsLen+1];   9     for (unsigned short i = 0;i<itsLen;i++)  10         itsString[i] = rhs[i];  11     itsString[itsLen] = /0;  12     return *this;  13 }  


1 String & String::operator = (String const &rhs)  2 {  3     if (this != &rhs)  4         String(rhs).swap (*this); // Copy-constructor and non-throwing swap  5     // Old resources are released with the destruction of the temporary above  6     return *this;  7 }  


1 String & operator = (String s) // the pass-by-value parameter serves as a temporary  2 {  3    s.swap (*this); // Non-throwing swap  4    return *this;  5 }// Old resources released when destructor of s is called.  


[020]转--C++ swap函数