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>>> s = ‘hello‘

>>> s[2:5]


>>> s[0:5]


>>> s[3:]


>>> s[:3]


>>> s[0:3:2]











In [1]: s = ‘hello‘


In [2]: type(s)

Out[2]: str

In [4]: s.

s.capitalize  s.format      s.isupper     s.rindex      s.strip

s.center      s.index       s.join        s.rjust       s.swapcase

s.count       s.isalnum     s.ljust       s.rpartition  s.title

s.decode      s.isalpha     s.lower       s.rsplit      s.translate

s.encode      s.isdigit     s.lstrip      s.rstrip      s.upper

s.endswith    s.islower     s.partition   s.split       s.zfill

s.expandtabs  s.isspace     s.replace     s.splitlines  

s.find        s.istitle     s.rfind       s.startswith  



In [4]: s.capitalize()###将第一个转换成大写字母###

Out[4]: ‘Hello‘




In [5]: help (s.capitalize)###查看帮助,按q退出###


In [6]: help(s.c)

s.capitalize  s.center      s.count       


In [6]: help(s.center)###给一个宽度,如果字符串小于该宽度,就会自动填充,默认使用空格,如果传递的参数,除了数字还有字符,则会使用该字符填充,返回值为srt



In [16]: s.center(10,‘#‘)

Out[16]: ‘##hello###‘


In [17]: s.center(10)

Out[17]: ‘  hello   ‘


In [18]:




In [18]: s.

s.capitalize  s.format      s.isupper     s.rindex      s.strip

s.center      s.index       s.join        s.rjust       s.swapcase

s.count       s.isalnum     s.ljust       s.rpartition  s.title

s.decode      s.isalpha     s.lower       s.rsplit      s.translate

s.encode      s.isdigit     s.lstrip      s.rstrip      s.upper

s.endswith    s.islower     s.partition   s.split       s.zfill

s.expandtabs  s.isspace     s.replace     s.splitlines  

s.find        s.istitle     s.rfind       s.startswith  


In [18]: "WORD".isupper()###判断是否为大写,返回值为bool类型

Out[18]: True


In [19]: "2l".isalnum()###数字和字母###

Out[19]: True###返回bool值为true####


In [20]: "2l-".isalnum()

Out[20]: False


In [23]: "Wojfh".isalpha()###字母###

Out[23]: True


In [24]: "234".isdigit()###数字###

Out[24]: True


In [25]: "ldsjfkai".islower()###小写字母###

Out[25]: True


In [26]: "   ".isspace()###空格###

Out[26]: True


In [27]: "  d ".isspace()

Out[27]: False


In [28]: "Heloo".istitle()###开头为大子字母###

Out[28]: True


In [29]: help(s.isupper)###查看帮助###



Help on built-in function isupper:


In [29]:isupper(...)

    S.isupper() -> bool


    Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is

    at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.










In [33]: import string

In [34]: string.digits

Out[34]: ‘0123456789‘

In [35]: string.letters

Out[35]: ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ‘






import string

print "please input a string:"

a = raw_input()

if a[0] in string.letters + "_":

    for a in a[1:]:

        if a not in string.letters+string.letters+"_":

            print "faluse"



    print "true"

else:print "faluse"





In [48]: s = " hello   "


In [49]: s.strip()###屏蔽前后的空格###

Out[49]: ‘hello‘


In [50]: s.lstrip()###屏蔽左边的空格###

Out[50]: ‘hello   ‘


In [51]: s.rstrip()###屏蔽右边的空格###

Out[51]: ‘ hello‘


In [52]: s = "hel  lo" ###中间的空格不能屏蔽###


In [54]: s.strip()

Out[54]: ‘hel  lo‘


In [56]: ip = ""



In [57]: ip.split(‘.‘)###指定分隔符为".",默认为空格###

Out[57]: [‘172‘, ‘25‘, ‘254‘, ‘12‘]



In [59]: "user1:x:1001:1001::/home/user1:/bin/bash".split(":")

Out[59]: [‘user1‘, ‘x‘, ‘1001‘, ‘1001‘, ‘‘, ‘/home/user1‘, ‘/bin/bash‘]



In [61]: "user1:x:1001:1001::/home/user1:/bin/bash".endswith("bash")###以bash结尾###

Out[61]: True


In [62]: "user1:x:1001:1001::/home/user1:/bin/bash".startswith("user1")###以user1开头###

Out[62]: True


In [63]: s.lower()###转换成小写字母###

Out[63]: ‘hel  lo‘


In [64]: s.upper()###转换成大写字母###

Out[64]: ‘HEL  LO‘


In [65]: s = ‘hElO‘


In [66]: s.swapcase()###将大写转换成小写,小写转换成大写###

Out[66]: ‘HeLo‘




测试:输入:i like python very much



a = raw_input("请输入一个英文句子:")


lengthen = len(a.split())###字符串计算长度:len()可以统计分隔数目###

print lengthen



请输入一个英文句子:i like python very much





import string

alphas = string.letters

nums = string.digits

print "欢迎进入变量检测系统V1.0".center(50,"*")

print ‘Test string must be at least 1 char long‘


variable = raw_input("输入检测的变量名:")


if len(variable) > 0:

    if variable[0] not in alphas:

        print ‘变量名必须为字母或下划线开头‘


        for ochar in variable[1:]:

            if ochar not in alphas + nums:

                print ‘无效的变量名‘


        print ‘%s 变量名合法‘ % variable


    print ‘变量名长度必须大于0‘












In [67]: li = []###定义一个空列表###


In [68]: type(li)

Out[68]: list


In [70]: li = ["fentiao",5, "male"]###列表中的元素可以是任意类型,列表,字符串,数字均可






In [71]: li[1]###索引###

Out[71]: 5


In [73]: li[0]

Out[73]: ‘fentiao‘


In [74]: li[2]

Out[74]: ‘male‘


In [75]: li[0:2]###切片###

Out[75]: [‘fentiao‘, 5]


In [76]: li[:]###全部###

Out[76]: [‘fentiao‘, 5, ‘male‘]


In [77]: li

Out[77]: [‘fentiao‘, 5, ‘male‘]


In [78]: len(li)###查看几个元素###

Out[78]: 3


In [79]: "fentiao" in li###查看fentiao是否在li列表中###

Out[79]: True


In [80]: "fendai" in li

Out[80]: False


In [81]: li1 = [1,2,3]+[2,3,4]###连接两个列表###     


In [82]: print li1

[1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]


In [83]: li3 = li*3###重复三次###


In [84]: print li3

[‘fentiao‘, 5, ‘male‘, ‘fentiao‘, 5, ‘male‘, ‘fentiao‘, 5, ‘male‘]


In [85]: li = [‘fentiao‘,7,‘male‘,[‘westos‘,‘redhat‘,‘linux‘]]###列表中可以在嵌套列表###


In [86]: li[3][2]###查询列表中的列表的元素##

Out[86]: ‘linux‘


In [87]: li[3]

Out[87]: [‘westos‘, ‘redhat‘, ‘linux‘]


In [88]: li.

li.append   li.extend   li.insert   li.remove   li.sort     

li.count    li.index    li.pop      li.reverse  


In [89]: li.append("hello")###在列表中添加hello,默认添加在末尾###


In [90]: print li

[‘fentiao‘, 7, ‘male‘, [‘westos‘, ‘redhat‘, ‘linux‘], ‘hello‘]


In [91]: li.insert(0,‘hel‘)###在索引0前添加hel###


In [92]: print li

[‘hel‘, ‘fentiao‘, 7, ‘male‘, [‘westos‘, ‘redhat‘, ‘linux‘], ‘hello‘]


In [93]: li.

li.append   li.extend   li.insert   li.remove   li.sort     

li.count    li.index    li.pop      li.reverse  


In [93]: help(li.extend)



In [94]:


In [95]: li.extend(‘hel‘)###添加多个元素###


In [96]: li






 [‘westos‘, ‘redhat‘, ‘linux‘],






In [97]: li = [‘hwllo‘,2,3,‘hao‘]


In [98]: li

Out[98]: [‘hwllo‘, 2, 3, ‘hao‘]


In [99]: li.extend([‘hello‘,‘world‘])###将hello,world,添加到列表中###


In [100]: li

Out[100]: [‘hwllo‘, 2, 3, ‘hao‘, ‘hello‘, ‘world‘]


In [101]: li[0]

Out[101]: ‘hwllo‘


In [102]: li[0] = ‘fentiao‘###列表中的元素是可变的,因此可修改列表中的元素,直接赋值,###


In [103]: li

Out[103]: [‘fentiao‘, 2, 3, ‘hao‘, ‘hello‘, ‘world‘]


In [104]: li.count(‘hao‘)###统计hao出现的次数###

Out[104]: 1


In [105]: li.count(‘fentiao‘)

Out[105]: 1


In [106]: li.count(‘fendai‘)

Out[106]: 0


In [107]: li.insert(2,‘hello‘)


In [108]: li

Out[108]: [‘fentiao‘, 2, ‘hello‘, 3, ‘hao‘, ‘hello‘, ‘world‘]


In [109]: li.count(‘hello‘)

Out[109]: 2


In [110]: li.index(‘fentiao‘)###查看fentiao的索引###

Out[110]: 0


In [111]: li.index(2)

Out[111]: 1


In [113]: li.index(‘hello‘)

Out[113]: 2


In [114]: li.re

li.remove   li.reverse  


In [114]: li.remove("hello")###删除hello###


In [115]: li

Out[115]: [‘fentiao‘, 2, 3, ‘hao‘, ‘hello‘, ‘world‘]


In [116]: li.remove(li[3])###删除li[3]对应的元素###


In [117]: li

Out[117]: [‘fentiao‘, 2, 3, ‘hello‘, ‘world‘]


In [118]: li.pop()###弹出,默认弹出最后一个###

Out[118]: ‘world‘


In [119]: li.pop(3)###弹出索引为3的元素###

Out[119]: ‘hello‘


In [120]: li

Out[120]: [‘fentiao‘, 2, 3]


In [121]: li.pop()

Out[121]: 3


In [122]: li.pop()

Out[122]: 2


In [123]: li.pop()

Out[123]: ‘fentiao‘


In [124]: li

Out[124]: []


In [125]: li.pop()


IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-125-bdc59cbfe7c0> in <module>()

----> 1 li.pop()


IndexError: pop from empty list


In [126]: de

%%debug  %debug   def      del      delattr  


In [126]: del li###删除列表###


In [127]: li


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-127-5ce4e85ef0aa> in <module>()

----> 1 li


NameError: name ‘li‘ is not defined


In [128]:







In [137]: t = (1,2,3,4)###定义元组用()###


In [138]: t[0]###索引###

Out[138]: 1


In [139]: t[2]

Out[139]: 3


In [140]: t[-1]

Out[140]: 4


In [141]: t[:]###切片###

Out[141]: (1, 2, 3, 4)


In [142]: t[1:3]

Out[142]: (2, 3)


In [143]: t(0)=10###不可以对元组进行修改###

  File "<ipython-input-143-a7946ca4067e>", line 1


SyntaxError: can‘t assign to function call



In [144]: name,age,gender=(‘fentiao‘,5,‘male‘)###元组可以多个赋值###


In [145]: print name,age,gender

fentiao 5 male


In [146]: a,b,c = 1,2,3


In [147]: print a,b,c

1 2 3


In [148]: a,b,c = (1,2,3)


In [149]: print a,b,c

1 2 3


In [150]: a=(1)


In [151]: type(a)

Out[151]: int


In [152]: a=("hello")


In [153]: type(a)

Out[153]: str


In [154]: a=("hello",)###如果要定义单个元组,需要加逗号###


In [155]: type(a)

Out[155]: tuple


In [156]: t = (1,2,(1,2),[1,2])###元组里的元素类型可以是多种的###


In [157]: type(t)

Out[157]: tuple


In [158]: t[3][1]=10###可以对元组的类型为列表的元素赋值###


In [159]: t

Out[159]: (1, 2, (1, 2), [1, 10])



In [161]: t = (1,2,3)*3


In [162]: t

Out[162]: (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)


In [163]: t1 = (‘hello‘,‘world‘)


In [164]: t2 = (‘westos‘,‘linux‘)


In [165]: print t1+t2

(‘hello‘, ‘world‘, ‘westos‘, ‘linux‘)









a = raw_input("请输入一个英文句子:")


b = a.split()

lengthen = len(b)

print lengthen

c = set(b)

lengthen = len(c)

print lengthen





list1 = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3]

s1 = set(list1)

print s1

# print type(list1),type(s1)

s2 = {1,2,100,‘hello‘}

print s1.union(s2)###s1与s2的并集###

print s1.intersection(s2)###s1与s2的交集###


print s1

print s1.difference(s2)###差集###

print s1.symmetric_difference(s2)###对等差分###

