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【编程】leetcode_longest substring without repeating characters

class Solution {public:    int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {        char cHash[256];        int cnt = 0, maxCnt = 0;        int i, j, k, sSz = s.size();        char chRep;        memset(cHash, 0, 256);        cnt = 1;    // initialization                for(i = 0, cHash[0] = 0; i < sSz; )        {            cHash[s[i]] = 1;            for (j = i + 1; j < sSz; j++)            {                if (cHash[s[j]] == 0)                {                    cnt++;        // increase length                    cHash[s[j]] = 1;                }                else                {                    chRep = s[j];                    break;    // got the same character                }            }            if (cnt > maxCnt)    // renew the maxcnt            {                maxCnt = cnt;            }            // got the next i index, find where is the chSame            for (k = j - cnt; k < j; k++)            {                if (s[k] == chRep)                {                    break;                }                cnt--;                // decrease                cHash[s[k]] = 0;    // delete from hashtable            }            i = j;    // i start from the j position        }        return maxCnt;    }};


1. 使用char cHash[256]作为hash表来存储某个字符是否已经出现过;

2. 遍历字符串,出现的字符串在hash表中置1;

3. 一旦发现重复出现的字符串,返回当前子串查找,当前子串中在出现字符之前的字符从hash表中删除;

4. 下次循环可以接着子循环的位置继续下去,看上去是两层循环,其实对于整个字符串只会遍历一次。

【编程】leetcode_longest substring without repeating characters