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This class holds the address and the user ticket. The client connections to servers are uniquely identified by <remoteAddress, protocol, ticket>这个是源码的解释,


Nagle算法是以他的发明人John Nagle的名字命名的,它用于自动连接许多的小缓冲器消息;这一过程(称为nagling)通过减少必须发送包的个数来增加网络软件系统的效率。Nagle的算 法通常会在TCP程 序里添加两行代码,在未确认数据发送的时候让发送器把数据送到缓存里。任何数据随后继续直到得到明显的数据确认或者直到攒到了一定数量的数据了再发包。

    InetSocketAddress address;
     UserGroupInformation ticket;
     Class<?> protocol;
     private static final int PRIME = 16777619;//这个家伙也就是在hashcode里边用了一下
     private int rpcTimeout;
     private String serverPrincipal;
     private int maxIdleTime; //connections will be culled if it was idle for maxIdleTime msecs
     private final RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy;
     private boolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle‘s Algorithm
     private int pingInterval; // how often sends ping to the server in msecs

Thread that reads responses and notifies callers.  Each connection owns a socket connected to a remote address.  Calls are multiplexed through this socket: responses may be delivered out of order.




This class sends a ping to the remote side when timeout on reading. If no failure is detected, it retries until at least  a byte is read.

   private class PingInputStream extends FilterInputStream {}


  private InetSocketAddress server;             // server ip:port,这个ConnectionId里边有
  private String serverPrincipal;  // server‘s krb5 principal name   kerberos这个是一种安全认证系统,如果失败了会用SASL :简单认证与安全层(Simple Authentication And Security Layer),简单认证和安全层,简单身份验证和安全层 ?
  private ConnectionHeader header;              // connection header
  private final ConnectionId remoteId;                // connection id
  private AuthMethod authMethod; // authentication method
  private boolean useSasl;
  private Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token;
  private SaslRpcClient saslRpcClient;
  private Socket socket = null;                 // connected socket
  private DataInputStream in;
  private DataOutputStream out;

  private int rpcTimeout;
  private int maxIdleTime; //connections will be culled if it was idle for maxIdleTime msecs
  private final RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy;
  private boolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle‘s Algorithm
  private int pingInterval; // how often sends ping to the server in msecs

  // currently active calls,并发的这几个要注意下,自己不是很熟,以前自己也没见过把Exception定义为属性变量
  private Hashtable<Integer, Call> calls = new Hashtable<Integer, Call>();
  private AtomicLong lastActivity = new AtomicLong();// last I/O activity time
  private AtomicBoolean shouldCloseConnection = new AtomicBoolean();  // indicate if the connection is closed
  private IOException closeException; // close reason


A call waiting for a value.


   int id;                                       // call id
   Writable param;                               // parameter
   Writable value;                               // value, null if error
   IOException error;                            // exception, null if value
   boolean done;                                 // true when call is done


Call implementation used for parallel calls.


private ParallelResults results;
private int index;

Result collector for parallel calls.


private Writable[] values;// store the value
private int size;//if (count == size)     notify();                          // if all values are in  then notify waiting caller
private int count; // count it
