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Engadget2014年度最糟糕的数码产品,竟然有made from china的

1、Samsung Gear S

2014 was without a doubt the year of the smartwatch, buoyed by the release of Android Wear and a slew of devices built to run it. The Gear S isn‘t one of those products; it‘s instead based on Tizen. From there, it further sets itself apart from other Samsung Gear devices in that it can be used as a full-fledged phone. But would you want to? Sure, it‘s comfortable, but it‘s also super chunky -- like wearing a shrunken-down Galaxy S5 on your wrist. You can talk to it Dick Tracy-style and it works pretty well, but you won‘t be tossing your handset just yet: You can‘t activate the smartwatch, install apps on it or even get notifications on the Gear S without a phone. As it stands, the Gear S might be a conversation piece, but you‘re better off taking your conversations elsewhere.

2014无疑是可穿戴设备井喷的一年,很多设备开始运行Android wear系统,但是三星的Gear S不是那一类产品,它搭载的是Tizen系统,从这点就可以看出它三星的其他可穿戴设备的区别之一就是它是完整的可以独立使用的电话。但是这是你想要的吗?当然,它戴着是很舒服的,就想是一台缩小版的Galaxy 5绑在你的手上,你可以对着它讲话,而且它确实运行得很好,但是通话的时候你不能摇晃你的手。没有一台手机你甚至不能激活启动它,在上面安装应用,和获取通知,也许Gear S是个通话的好助手,但是你打电话的时候最待一边儿角落去。


2、ZTE Sprint LivePro
It‘s a projector! It‘s a mobile hotspot! It‘s a media player! The ZTE Sprint LivePro can do all this and more, but the one thing it‘s not is Superman. That is to say, it doesn‘t do any of these things very well, though it‘ll certainly do in a pinch -- as long as that pinch doesn‘t last longer than an hour and a half, which is about how long the battery can manage in projector mode. But with a native resolution of 854 x 480, you really won‘t want to watch any movies on this thing, especially with the built-in fan drowning out the sound. While there are certainly a few travelers who could use a device that can pull double-duty in a portable package, a steep price of around $300 on-contract with Sprint means the ZTE LivePro will be nobody‘s hero.
这是一台投影仪,也是一个移动热点,更是一个多媒体播放器,没错,中兴的Sprint LivePro

能做的还有很多很多,但是它不是一个超人什么都能做,换句话说,就是它不能把每件事都做得很好,尽管它能做一个投影仪,但是如果续航时间实在太短了,基本不超过一个半小时。投影的分辨路是854 x 480,但是你肯定不想用它看电影,特别是利用它内置的扬声器,也学有些户外旅行者可能会很方便的在背包里面带上它,但是300美元Sprint版的合约价格我相信没有什么吸引力。


3、Microsoft Band
Some wearable devices are content to be simple fitness trackers; others aspire to feed you as much information as possible, kind of like a wrist-worn smartphone. Then there are products like the Microsoft Band, a fitness device at heart that can also deliver notifications from your handset. The included features are pretty great; the Band has a lot more sensors than your typical activity tracker, including GPS, heart rate and even ultraviolet light. But being crammed full of features comes at a cost: The Microsoft Band is incredibly uncomfortable, thanks to an inflexible loop that makes us feel like we‘re under house arrest.
有些可穿戴设备仅仅是想追踪你的运动数据,但是有些设备想尽多的提供给你信息,就想一台手机一样。想Microsoft Band就是这样的一款产品,它能追踪你的运动数据也能推送你手机上的通知。它还有很多很棒的特性,上面装有很多的传感器,包括GPS心率监测甚至紫外线监测,但是这么多的特点的一个代价就是,它戴着确实很不舒服,可伸缩的“表带”让人感觉就像被软禁起来了。

4、iBuyPower SBX
Valve was supposed to take over your living room in 2014 with SteamOS, adding PC games to your entertainment center in an attractive and easy-to-use package that could compete with dedicated game consoles. Now we‘re closing out the year and SteamOS is nowhere to be seen, and all the companies who announced Steam Machines a year ago are left holding the bag. Rather than just continue to wait around, a few have decided to release their products anyway. But, without the custom-designed SteamOS to back things up, the iBuyPower SBX feels half-baked. It looks like a console, but still acts like a PC, with plenty of pop-ups and errors to break the illusion for anyone who was thinking they‘d be replacing their Xbox or PlayStation. That is, if the fact that you have to use a mouse and keyboard to control the SBX didn‘t already make that clear.
Valve一直想着用SteamOS(一个流媒体系统)占据你家客厅,它希望用它家庭娱乐中心和简单易用的功能和游戏主机竞争。但是现在你一年快要过去了,SteamOS还是不见踪影,所有宣传过这款产品的公司在一年后都卷铺盖走人了,很少公司决定发布它们的产品而不是继续等待。没有定制的SteamOS的回归,iBuyPower SBX这款产品也半路夭折了。它想是一个工作站,也想一台电脑主机,常常弹出的错误让那些本想用来取代Xbox和PlayStation都产生了错觉,用鼠标和键盘来控制SBX让人真的觉得它的定位很模糊。

5、HP SlateBook 14
If Chromebooks are supposed to be lightweight, cheap laptops using a lightweight OS, then HP went one better by equipping its SlateBook 14 with Android. But it‘s not better than getting a Chromebook or a Windows machine, not by a long shot. It‘s a nice piece of hardware, with solid battery life and a comfy keyboard. However, lots of laptops can offer that -- the reason to specifically buy a SlateBook 14 is for the unique experience of having Android on a laptop. That said, you shouldn‘t buy it. Android is really meant to be touched and you will want to touch the screen, making the keyboard and trackpad superfluous most of the time. Just purchase an Android tablet and a detachable keyboard for those few occasions when you do need to do some heavy typing; you‘ll get a much better experience for roughly the same cost, if not less. A $430 asking price is just too much to spend on our lowest-rated product of 2014.

Chromebook主打轻薄廉价,使用的也是轻量级的操作系统,但是惠普的SlateBook 14却装上了安卓系统,相较于chromebook和windows的机子,这不会是个成功的尝试。它的硬件不错,电池续航也挺给力,键盘也是很舒服,这些东西很多的笔记本都会有,所以买这台机子的唯一理由就是在笔记本上体验一下安卓系统的感觉,换句话说,它不值得你有拥有。安卓系统是专门为触屏设计的,会有让你触摸屏幕的感觉,用键盘和触摸板是十分没有必要的,如果你需要经常打字的话那就买个安卓平板和可拆卸的键盘吧,送样的价格你能得到更好的体验,430美元的价格对于使用频率不高的产品来说太贵啦。


Engadget2014年度最糟糕的数码产品,竟然有made from china的