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Couchbase IV(管理与维护)

Couchbase IV(管理与维护)



Command                 Descriptionserver-list             List all servers in a clusterserver-info             Show details on one serverserver-add              Add one or more servers to the clusterserver-readd            Readd a server that was failed overrebalance               Start a cluster rebalancingrebalance-stop          Stop current cluster rebalancingrebalance-status        Show status of current cluster rebalancingfailover                Failover one or more serverscluster-init            Set the username,password and port of the clustercluster-edit            Modify cluster settingsnode-init               Set node specific parametersbucket-list             List all buckets in a clusterbucket-create           Add a new bucket to the clusterbucket-edit             Modify an existing bucketbucket-delete           Delete an existing bucketbucket-flush            Flush all data from disk for a given bucketbucket-compact          Compact database and index datasetting-compaction      Set auto compaction settingssetting-notification    Set notifications.setting-alert           Email alert settingssetting-autofailover    Set auto failover settingssetting-xdcr            Set XDCR-related configuration which affect behavior.xdcr-setup              Set up XDCR replication.xdcr-replicate          Create and run replication via XDCRhelp show longer        usage/help and example


Command Option  Descriptionserver-add      --server-add=HOST[:PORT]    Server to add to clusterserver-add      --server-add-username=USERNAME  Admin username for the server to be addedserver-add      --server-add-password=PASSWORD  Admin password for the server to be addedserver-readd    --server-add=HOST[:PORT]    Server to re-add to clusterserver-readd    --server-add-username=USERNAME  Admin username for the server to be addedserver-readd    --server-add-password=PASSWORD  Admin password for the server to be addedrebalance    --server-add*  See server-add OPTIONSrebalance    --server-remove=HOST[:PORT]    The server to remove from clusterfailover     --server-failover=HOST[:PORT]  Server to failovercluster-*    --cluster-username=USER    New admin usernamecluster-*    --cluster-password=PASSWORD    New admin passwordcluster-*    --cluster-port=PORT    New cluster REST/http portcluster-*    --cluster-ramsize=RAMSIZEMB    Per node RAM quota in MBnode-init    --node-init-data-path=PATH Per node path to store datanode-init    --node-init-index-path=PATH    Per node path to store indexbucket-*     --bucket=BUCKETNAME    Named bucket to act onbucket-*     --bucket-type=TYPE Bucket type, either memcached or couchbasebucket-*     --bucket-port=PORT Supports ASCII protocol and does not require authenticationbucket-*     --bucket-password=PASSWORD Standard port, exclusive with bucket-portbucket-*     --bucket-ramsize=RAMSIZEMB Bucket RAM quota in MBbucket-*     --bucket-replica=COUNT Replication countbucket-*     --enable-flush=[0|1]   Enable/disable flushbucket-*     --enable-index-replica=[0|1]   Enable/disable index replicasbucket-*     --wait Wait for bucket create to be complete before returningbucket-*     --force    Force command execution without asking for confirmationbucket-*     --data-only    Compact database data onlybucket-*     --view-only    Compact view data onlysetting-compacttion  --compaction-db-percentage=PERCENTAGE  Percentage of disk fragmentation when database compaction is triggeredsetting-compacttion  --compaction-db-size=SIZE[MB]  Size of disk fragmentation when database compaction is triggeredsetting-compacttion  --compaction-view-percentage=PERCENTAGE    Percentage of disk fragmentation when views compaction is triggeredsetting-compacttion  --compaction-view-size=SIZE[MB]    Size of disk fragmentation when views compaction is triggeredsetting-compacttion  --compaction-period-from=HH:MM Enable compaction from this time onwardssetting-compacttion  --compaction-period-to=HH:MM   Stop enabling compaction at this timesetting-compacttion  --enable-compaction-abort=[0|1]    Allow compaction to abort when time expiressetting-compacttion  --enable-compaction-parallel=[0|1] Allow parallel compaction processes for database and viewsetting-notification    --enable-notification=[0|1] Allow notificationssetting-alert   --enable-email-alert=[0|1]  Allow email alertsetting-alert   --email-recipients=RECIPIENT    Email recipents, separate addresses with , or ;setting-alert   --email-sender=SENDER   Sender email addresssetting-alert   --email-user=USER   Email server usernamesetting-alert   --email-password=PWD    Email server passwordsetting-alert   --email-host=HOST   Email server hostnamesetting-alert   --email-port=PORT   Email server portsetting-alert   --enable-email-encrypt=[0|1]    Email encryption with 0 the default for no encryptionsetting-alert   --alert-auto-failover-node  Node was failed over via autofailoversetting-alert   --alert-auto-failover-max-reached   Maximum number of auto failover nodes reachedsetting-alert   --alert-auto-failover-node-down Node not auto failed-over as other nodes are down at the same timesetting-alert   --alert-auto-failover-cluster-small Node not auto failed-over as cluster was too smallsetting-alert   --alert-ip-changed  Node ip address changed unexpectedlysetting-alert   --alert-disk-space  Disk space used for persistent storage has reached at least 90% capacitysetting-alert   --alert-meta-overhead   Metadata overhead is more than 50% of RAM for nodesetting-alert   --alert-meta-oom    Bucket memory on a node is entirely used for metadatasetting-alert   --alert-write-failed    Writing data to disk for a specific bucket has failedsetting-autofailover    --enable-auto-failover=[0|1]    Allow auto failoversetting-autofailover    --auto-failover-timeout=TIMEOUT (>=30)  Specify amount of node timeout that triggers auto failoversetting-xdcr    --max-concurrent-reps=[32]  Maximum concurrent replicators per bucket, 8 to 256.setting-xdcr    --checkpoint-interval=[1800]    Intervals between checkpoints, 60 to 14400 seconds.setting-xdcr    --worker-batch-size=[500]   Doc batch size, 500 to 10000.setting-xdcr    --doc-batch-size=[2048]KB   Document batching size, 10 to 100000 KBsetting-xdcr    --failure-restart-interval=[30] Interval for restarting failed xdcr, 1 to 300 secondssetting-xdcr    --optimistic-replication-threshold=[256]    Document body size threshold (bytes) to trigger optimistic replicationxdcr-setup  --create    Create a new xdcr configurationxdcr-setup  --edit  Modify existed xdcr configurationxdcr-setup  --delete    Delete existing xdcr configurationxdcr-setup  --xdcr-cluster-name=CLUSTERNAME Remote cluster namexdcr-setup  --xdcr-hostname=HOSTNAME    Remote host name to connect toxdcr-setup  --xdcr-username=USERNAME    Remote cluster admin usernamexdcr-setup  --xdcr-password=PASSWORD    Remote cluster admin passwordxdcr-replicate  --create    Create and start a new replicationxdcr-replicate  --delete    Stop and cancel a replicationxdcr-replicate  --xdcr-from-bucket=BUCKET   Source bucket name to replicate fromxdcr-replicate  --xdcr-clucter-name=CLUSTERNAME Remote cluster to replicate toxdcr-replicate  --xdcr-to-bucket=BUCKETNAME Remote bucket to replicate to





cbbackup [options] [source] [backup_dir]
  • --single-node

  • --bucket-source or -b

  • Local Directory Reference

    使用couchstore-files的url形式备份在某node的单bucket:couchstore-files:///opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default这类方法不备份bucket的design document
  • cluster node

    备份整个节点,使用url形式:http://HOST:8091使用couchbase 协议前缀:couchbase://Administrator:password@HOST:8091url的多余选项可以用来指定备份整个集群或某一节点,或单bucket等



Backup all nodes and all buckets
shell> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501   -u Administrator -p password  [####################] 100.0% (231726/231718 msgs)bucket: default, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                 5298 |       5298 |      617.1 byte  :             10247683 |   10247683 |  1193705.5 msg   :               231726 |     231726 |    26992.7done  [####################] 100.0% (11458/11458 msgs)bucket: loggin, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                 5943 |       5943 |    15731.0 byte  :             11474121 |   11474121 | 30371673.5 msg   :84 |84 |   643701.2done
Backup all nodes, single bucket
shell> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501   -u Administrator -p password   -b default  [####################] 100.0% (231726/231718 msgs)bucket: default, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                 5294 |       5294 |      617.0 byte  :             10247683 |   10247683 |  1194346.7 msg   :               231726 |     231726 |    27007.2done
Backup single node, all buckets
shell> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501   -u Administrator -p password   --single-node
Backup single node, single bucket; backup files stored on same node
shell> ssh USER@HOSTremote-shell> sudo su - couchbaseremote-shell> cbbackup /mnt/backup-20120501   -u Administrator -p password   --single-node   -b default
#只备份key前缀为object.的内容数据shell> cbbackup http://HOST:8091 /backups/backup-20120501   -u Administrator -p password   -b default   -k ‘^object.*‘
shell> cbbackup couchstore-files:///opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default /mnt/backup-20120501#上面的cbbackup相当于:shell> cp -R /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default   /mnt/copy-20120501




cbrestore [options] [source] [destination]
  • --bucket-source

  • --bucket-destination



shell> cbrestore     /backups/backup-2012-05-10     http://Administrator:password@HOST:8091     --bucket-source=XXX  [####################] 100.0% (231726/231726 msgs)bucket: default, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                  232 |        232 |       33.1 byte  :             10247683 |   10247683 |  1462020.7 msg   :               231726 |     231726 |    33060.0done
shell> cbrestore     /backups/backup-2012-05-10     http://Administrator:password@HOST:8091     --bucket-source=XXX     --bucket-destination=YYY  [####################] 100.0% (231726/231726 msgs)bucket: default, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                  232 |        232 |       33.1 byte  :             10247683 |   10247683 |  1462020.7 msg   :               231726 |     231726 |    33060.0done
#恢复key前缀为obejct的文档shell> cbrestore /backups/backup-20120501 http://HOST:8091   -u Administrator -p password   -b default   -k ‘^object.*‘2013-02-18 10:39:09,476: w0 skipping msg with key: sales_7597_3783_6...2013-02-18 10:39:09,476: w0 skipping msg with key: sales_5575_3699_62013-02-18 10:39:09,476: w0 skipping msg with key: sales_7597_3840_6  [                    ] 0.0% (0/231726 msgs)bucket: default, msgs transferred...       :                total |       last |    per sec batch :                    1 |          1 |        0.1 byte  :                    0 |          0 |        0.0 msg   :                    0 |          0 |        0.0done

Couchbase IV(管理与维护)