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LeetCode: Search in Rotated Sorted Array 解题报告

Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.

(i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2).

You are given a target value to search. If found in the array return its index, otherwise return -1.

You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.




while (l < r - 1) 可以避免mid与left重合的现象。


问题是我们每次要找出正常排序的部分,你只需要比较mid, left,如果它们是正序,就代表左边是



4567012 如果我们取mid为7,则左边是正常序列,而右边7012不正常。

然后 我们再将target与正常排序的这边进行比较,如果target在左边,就丢弃右边,反之,丢弃


 1 public class Solution { 2     public int search(int[] A, int target) { 3         if (A == null || A.length == 0) { 4             return -1; 5         } 6          7         int l = 0; 8         int r = A.length - 1; 9         10         while (l < r - 1) {11             int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;12             13             if (A[mid] == target) {14                 return mid;15             }16             17             // left side is sorted.18             // BUG 1: if don‘t use >= , and use L < r in while loop, than there is some problem.19             if (A[mid] > A[l]) {20                 if (target > A[mid] || target < A[l]) {21                     // move to right;22                     l = mid + 1;23                 } else {24                     r = mid - 1;25                 }26             } else {27                 if (target < A[mid] || target > A[r]) {28                     // move to left;29                     r = mid - 1;30                 } else {31                     l = mid + 1;32                 }33             }34         }35         36         if (A[l] == target) {37             return l;38         } else if (A[r] == target) {39             return r;40         }41         42         return -1;43     }44 }
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注意,如果while 循环使用l <= r来卡,则mid有可能会靠到l这这来,所以当判断是否有序时,我们必须使用<=


 1 public int search(int[] A, int target) { 2         if (A == null || A.length == 0) { 3             return -1; 4         } 5          6         int l = 0; 7         int r = A.length - 1; 8          9         while (l <= r) {10             int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;11             12             if (A[mid] == target) {13                 return mid;14             }15             16             // left side is sorted.17             // BUG 1: if don‘t use >= , and use L < r in while loop, than there is some problem.18             if (A[mid] >= A[l]) {19                 if (target > A[mid] || target < A[l]) {20                     // move to right;21                     l = mid + 1;22                 } else {23                     r = mid - 1;24                 }25             } else {26                 if (target < A[mid] || target > A[r]) {27                     // move to left;28                     r = mid - 1;29                 } else {30                     l = mid + 1;31                 }32             }33         }34         35         return -1;36     }
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LeetCode: Search in Rotated Sorted Array 解题报告