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            1.what‘s ur name and age? 可以知道你的名字和年龄吗?
            2.early age 小时候,从小。she like reading at her early age.她从小就喜欢阅读
            3.middle age 中年, Men tend to put on weight in /at middle age.男人往往中年发福。
            4.old age晚年,You‘d better save up some money for your old age. 你最好存点钱以防老。
            5.at the age of 在...岁的时候,  At the age of eighteen he began to work. 他18岁的时候已经开始工作了。
            6.ages 很长时间=a long time . I haven‘t seen you for ages=Long time no see. 很久不见。
            7.动词,变老. Almost overnight,she had aged ten years 她好像一夜之间老了十岁。
        she is ageing rapidly.她老的很快。
    二:名词,年代=era.      a new age 一个新时代。
           We are in the network/internet age  我们正身处网络时代。
    三:ageing名词,变老,Do you worry about aging?你担心变老吗?
           形容词:衰老的,逐渐老化的Getting too much or little sleep will speed the brain‘s aging process.睡得太多或者太     少都会加速人大脑的衰老过程。Everyone will be ageing,人人都会衰老。
    四:aged. 形容词 年老的,年迈的。
         1.She has aged parent她有年迈的父母。
         2.名词,前面加the,    the aged 老年人we should care for the aged 我们都应该关爱老年人。
         3,形容词 , ...岁的She has two daughters,aged two and four  .她有两个女儿,一个两岁一个四岁。 
