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(中等) UESTC 360 Another LCIS ,线段树+区间更新。


  For a sequence S1,S2,?,SN, and a pair of integers (i,j), if 1ijN and Si<Si+1<Si+2<?<Sj1<Sj, then the sequence Si,Si+1,?,Sj is a CIS(Continuous Increasing Subsequence). The longest CIS of a sequence is called the LCIS (Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence).

In this problem, we will give you a sequence first, and then some add operations and some query operations. An add operation adds a value to each member in a specified interval. For a query operation, you should output the length of the LCIS of a specified interval.







#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)#define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)#define lson L,M,po*2#define rson M+1,R,po*2+1using namespace std;struct state{    int lef,rig,mid;    int x,y;};int N,Q;state BIT[100005*4];int COL[100005*4];int num[100005];void pushDown(int po){    if(COL[po])    {        COL[po*2]+=COL[po];        COL[po*2+1]+=COL[po];        BIT[po*2].x+=COL[po];        BIT[po*2].y+=COL[po];        BIT[po*2+1].x+=COL[po];        BIT[po*2+1].y+=COL[po];        COL[po]=0;    }}void pushUP(int L,int R,int po){    BIT[po].mid=max(BIT[po*2].mid,BIT[po*2+1].mid);    BIT[po].lef=BIT[po*2].lef;    BIT[po].rig=BIT[po*2+1].rig;    BIT[po].x=BIT[po*2].x;    BIT[po].y=BIT[po*2+1].y;    int M=(L+R)/2;    if(BIT[po*2].y<BIT[po*2+1].x)    {        BIT[po].mid=max(BIT[po].mid,BIT[po*2].rig+BIT[po*2+1].lef);        if(BIT[po*2].lef==M-L+1)            BIT[po].lef=M-L+1+BIT[po*2+1].lef;        if(BIT[po*2+1].rig==R-M)            BIT[po].rig=R-M+BIT[po*2].rig;    }}void build_tree(int L,int R,int po){    if(L==R)    {        BIT[po].lef=BIT[po].rig=BIT[po].mid=1;        scanf("%d",&COL[po]);        BIT[po].x=BIT[po].y=COL[po];        return;    }    int M=(L+R)/2;    COL[po]=0;    build_tree(lson);    build_tree(rson);    pushUP(L,R,po);}void update(int ul,int ur,int add,int L,int R,int po){    if(ul<=L&&ur>=R)    {        COL[po]+=add;        BIT[po].x+=add;        BIT[po].y+=add;        return;    }    pushDown(po);    int M=(L+R)/2;    if(ul<=M)        update(ul,ur,add,lson);    if(ur>M)        update(ul,ur,add,rson);    pushUP(L,R,po);}int query(int ql,int qr,int L,int R,int po){    if(ql<=L&&qr>=R)        return BIT[po].mid;    pushDown(po);    int M=(L+R)/2;    int maxn;    if(ql>M)        return query(ql,qr,rson);    else if(qr<=M)        return query(ql,qr,lson);    else    {        maxn=max(query(ql,qr,lson),query(ql,qr,rson));        if(BIT[po*2].y<BIT[po*2+1].x)            maxn=max(maxn,min(M-ql+1,BIT[po*2].rig)+min(qr-M,BIT[po*2+1].lef));        return maxn;    }}int main(){    int T;    char ch[5];    int a,b,c;    cin>>T;    for(int cas=1;cas<=T;++cas)    {        printf("Case #%d:\n",cas);        scanf("%d %d",&N,&Q);        build_tree(1,N,1);        for(int i=1;i<=Q;++i)        {            scanf("%s",ch);            if(ch[0]==q)            {                scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);                printf("%d\n",query(a,b,1,N,1));            }            else            {                scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);                update(a,b,c,1,N,1);            }        }    }    return 0;}
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(中等) UESTC 360 Another LCIS ,线段树+区间更新。