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(中等) UESTC 94 Bracket Sequence,线段树+括号。

  There is a sequence of brackets, which supports two kinds of operations.

  1. we can choose a interval [l,r], and set all the elements range in this interval to left bracket or right bracket.
  2. we can reverse a interval, which means that for all the elements range in [l,r], if it‘s left bracket at that time, we change it into right bracket, vice versa.

  Fish is fond of Regular Bracket Sequence, so he want to know whether a interval [l,r] of the sequence is regular or not after doing some operations.

  Let us define a regular brackets sequence in the following way:

  1. Empty sequence is a regular sequence.
  2. If S is a regular sequence, then (S) is also a regular sequences.
  3. If A and B are regular sequences, then AB is a regular sequence.







#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#define lson L,M,po*2#define rson M+1,R,po*2+1#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)#define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)using namespace std;int BIT[100015*4];int QS[100015*4];int MS[100015*4];int XOR[100015*4];int COL[100015*4];char ss[100015];void pushUP(int po){    BIT[po]=BIT[po*2]+BIT[po*2+1];    QS[po]=max(QS[po*2],BIT[po*2]+QS[po*2+1]);            //这里要注意。    MS[po]=min(MS[po*2],BIT[po*2]+MS[po*2+1]);}void pushDown(int po,int len){    if(COL[po])    {        COL[po*2]=COL[po];        COL[po*2+1]=COL[po];        XOR[po*2]=XOR[po*2+1]=0;                //这里不能忘记。        BIT[po*2]=(len-(len/2))*COL[po];        BIT[po*2+1]=(len/2)*COL[po];                QS[po*2]=max(-1,BIT[po*2]);        QS[po*2+1]=max(-1,BIT[po*2+1]);        MS[po*2]=min(1,BIT[po*2]);        MS[po*2+1]=min(1,BIT[po*2+1]);        COL[po]=0;    }    if(XOR[po])    {        int temp;        XOR[po*2]=!XOR[po*2];        XOR[po*2+1]=!XOR[po*2+1];        BIT[po*2]=-BIT[po*2];        BIT[po*2+1]=-BIT[po*2+1];        temp=QS[po*2];        QS[po*2]=-MS[po*2];        MS[po*2]=-temp;        temp=QS[po*2+1];        QS[po*2+1]=-MS[po*2+1];        MS[po*2+1]=-temp;        XOR[po]=0;    }}void build_tree(int L,int R,int po){    XOR[po]=0;    COL[po]=0;    if(L==R)    {        if(ss[L]==()        {            BIT[po]=1;            QS[po]=1;            MS[po]=1;        }        else        {             BIT[po]=-1;            QS[po]=-1;            MS[po]=-1;        }        return;    }    int M=(L+R)/2;    build_tree(lson);    build_tree(rson);    pushUP(po);}void update_col(int ul,int ur,int ut,int L,int R,int po){    if(ul<=L&&ur>=R)    {        XOR[po]=0;        COL[po]=ut;        BIT[po]=ut*(R-L+1);                QS[po]=max(-1,BIT[po]);        MS[po]=min(1,BIT[po]);        return;    }    pushDown(po,R-L+1);    int M=(L+R)/2;    if(ul<=M)        update_col(ul,ur,ut,lson);    if(ur>M)        update_col(ul,ur,ut,rson);    pushUP(po);}void update_xor(int ul,int ur,int L,int R,int po){    if(ul<=L&&ur>=R)    {        XOR[po]=!XOR[po];        BIT[po]=-BIT[po];        int temp=QS[po];        QS[po]=-MS[po];        MS[po]=-temp;        return;    }    pushDown(po,R-L+1);    int M=(L+R)/2;    if(ul<=M)        update_xor(ul,ur,lson);    if(ur>M)        update_xor(ul,ur,rson);    pushUP(po);}int query(int &qs,int ql,int qr,int L,int R,int po)            //不能忘记写 & !!!{    if(ql<=L&&qr>=R)    {        qs=MS[po];        return BIT[po];    }    pushDown(po,R-L+1);    int M=(L+R)/2;    int ans=0;    if(qr<=M)        return query(qs,ql,qr,lson);    if(ql>M)        return query(qs,ql,qr,rson);    int temp1,temp2,a1;    a1=query(temp1,ql,qr,lson);    ans=a1+query(temp2,ql,qr,rson);    qs=min(temp1,temp2+a1);    return ans;}bool getans(int ql,int qr,int N){    int t1;    int ans;    if((qr-ql)%2==0)        return 0;    ans=query(t1,ql,qr,0,N,1);    if(ans==0&&t1==0)        return 1;    else        return 0;}int main(){    int T;    int N,Q;    char t1[20],t2[20];    int a,b;    cin>>T;    for(int cas=1;cas<=T;++cas)    {        printf("Case %d:\n",cas);        scanf("%d",&N);        scanf("%s",ss);        build_tree(0,N-1,1);                    //这里应该是N-1。        scanf("%d",&Q);        for(int i=0;i<Q;++i)        {            scanf("%s %d %d",t1,&a,&b);            if(t1[0]==s)            {                scanf("%s",t2);                update_col(a,b,t2[0]==(?1:-1,0,N-1,1);            }            else if(t1[0]==r)                update_xor(a,b,0,N-1,1);            else                if(getans(a,b,N-1))                    printf("YES\n");                else                    printf("NO\n");        }        printf("\n");    }    return 0;}
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(中等) UESTC 94 Bracket Sequence,线段树+括号。