首页 > 代码库 > python正则表达式抽取mysql慢查询sql本身,de-parameterize,将参数值改为?


这个问题我提在了 StackOverflow 上,但没有回答。自己写吧

我的需求是,将mysql slow queries展现到页面上。但是如果原始展现,会带不同参数,不太好group等。其实我们关心的只是sql本身,比如

-- 这俩其实是一条慢查询
select * from a where a>1 and b=r and c=3;
select * from a where a>2 and b=x and c=5;
-- 希望能处理到
select * from a where a>? and b=? and c=?


  1. 最基本的,替换数字可以用r"\b\d+\b" 独立的一个或多个连续数字,这样不会替换如col1等对象中的数字
  2. 简单地,字符串可以用r"‘[^‘]*‘" 表示2个‘之间所有非‘的连续字符,这样可以适用大多数情况,除了字符串有空格的,比如‘a   bdf c‘就不行了
  3. 最严谨的方式,按‘对sql划分数组。这样所有‘‘里面的字符串都是偶数成员,其他部分奇数成员。替换偶数成员为?就可以了

代码如下import re

sql = r"select * from a where id=‘aaaaa haha wocao‘ and id1= ‘fff‘ and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99"
#[select * from a where id=, aaaaa haha wocao,  and id1= , fff,  and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99]
sarr = sql.split("")
#[select * from a where id=, aaaaa haha wocao,  and id1= , fff,  and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99]
#[select * from a where id=,  and id1= ,  and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99]
#[aaaaa haha wocao, fff]

sarr[1::2]= [? for x in sarr[1::2]]
#[select * from a where id=, ?,  and id1= , ?,  and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99]
#"select * from a where id=‘?‘ and id1= ‘?‘ and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99"
#"select * from a where id=‘aaaaa haha wocao‘ and id1= ‘fff‘ and xx=1 and a3= 4 and a4=3434343 and a5a>99"

aa = "‘".join(sarr)
#"select * from a where id=‘?‘ and id1= ‘?‘ and xx=? and a3= ? and a4=? and a5a>?"

