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Dynamic CRM 2013学习笔记(十四)复制/克隆记录



首先在界面上新加一个Clone的按钮,加一个new_clone的字段;点击按钮时,把new_clone字段设为clone以触发插件,插件里完成数据的复制工作,并再次把new_clone字段设成新数据的id,new_clone的onchange事件会调用Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("new_marketing_plan", cloneValue);来打开新的数据。




1. 界面上js:

  1: //clone field change event
  2: function openNewEntity() {
  3:     var clone = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_clone");
  4:     var cloneValue = http://www.mamicode.com/clone.getValue();>
  5:     if (cloneValue != "clone" && cloneValue != "") {
  6:         clone.setSubmitMode("always");
  7:         clone.setValue("");
  8:         Xrm.Page.data.entity.save();
  9:         Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("new_marketing_plan", cloneValue);
 10:     }
 11: }
 13: //clone button click event
 14: function clone() {
 15:     var clone = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_clone");
 16:     clone.setSubmitMode("always");
 17:     clone.setValue("clone");
 18:     Xrm.Page.data.entity.save();
 19: }

2. 主单据复制:

  1: new_marketing_plan newMP = (new_marketing_plan)Microsoft.Xrm.Client.EntityExtensions.Clone(curEnt, true);
  2: new_marketing_plan mp = new new_marketing_plan() { Id = newMP.Id };
  4: Guid newMPid = Guid.NewGuid();
  5: newMP.Attributes.Remove("new_marketing_planid");
  6: newMP.Attributes.Remove("new_name");
  7: newMP.new_approval_status = new OptionSetValue(1);
  8: newMP.new_clone = "";
  9: newMP.EntityState = null;
 10: newMP.Id = newMPid;
 11: adminService.Create(newMP);


3. 子表复制:

我这里有9个子表,所以抽出了一个方法以方便使用, 以后要是子单据有变化,只用改下这里的entNames就行了。

  1: string entNames = "new_print_plan,new_radio_plan,new_bill_board,new_tv_plan,new_btl_posm,new_btl_poe_fixed,new_promotion_girls,new_promotion_events,new_digital_plan";
  2: foreach (string entName in entNames.Split(‘,‘))
  3: {
  4: CloneRelatedEntities(adminService, newMPid, entName, "new_marketing_planid", mp);
  5: }
  7: curEnt["new_clone"] = newMPid.ToString();
  8: adminService.Update(curEnt);


  1: private void CloneRelatedEntities(IOrganizationService adminService, Guid newEntityId, string subEntityName, string filterName, Entity parentEntity)
  2: {
  3:     try
  4:     {
  5:         using (OrganizationServiceContext svcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(adminService))
  6:         {
  7:             var ents = svcContext.CreateQuery(subEntityName).Where(e => e[filterName] == parentEntity[filterName]).ToList();
  8:             foreach (var ent in ents)
  9:             {
 10:                 var newEnt = Microsoft.Xrm.Client.EntityExtensions.Clone(ent);
 11:                 newEnt.Attributes[filterName] = new EntityReference(subEntityName, newEntityId);
 12:                 newEnt.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
 13:                 newEnt.EntityState = null;
 14:                 adminService.Create(newEnt);
 15:             }
 16:         }
 17:     }
 18:     catch (Exception ex)
 19:     {
 20:         throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + ex.Message);
 21:     }
 22: }


4. 注意事项

  • 当我完成Unit Test,注册完插件后,报了下面的错:

Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Xrm.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35‘ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified

原来这个Client dll在服务器上是没有的,需要我们手动copy上去。从我们本机的“SDK\Bin”里copy到服务器上的“program files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\bin”下即可。


  • 再点击Clone按钮,又报了一个错:

This workflow job was canceled because the workflow that started it included aninfinite loop. Correct the workflow logic and try again. For information about workflow logic, see Help


            if (context.Depth > 1)




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