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php ioc and web rest design


1.公开访问web service配置 config.php

2.管理BEAN,扫描,注册,初始化等流程 ioc.php

3.管理 rest 拦载处理 ws.php


<?php    /**     * @author solq     * @deprecated blog http://solq.cnblogs.com     */    $_suffix = ".php";        $_beans=array(        ‘TestRef‘,    );     /**容器注册类*/    $_ioc= array();    $_app_path_index=1;?>



<?php    /**     * @author solq     * @deprecated blog http://solq.cnblogs.com     */include_once "config.php";/**扫描BEAN*/function scan_bean(){    global $_suffix;    global $_beans;    global $_ioc;        for($i=0;$i<count($_beans);$i++){         $name = $_beans[$i];        $file = $name.$_suffix;        include_once $file;        register_bean($name,new $name);    }}/**注册BEAN*/function register_bean($name,$bean){    global  $_ioc;        $_ioc[$name]=$bean;}/**获取BEAN*/function get_bean($name){    global  $_ioc;    return  $_ioc[$name];}/**容器注册后期阶段*/function postConstruct_bean(){    global  $_ioc;    foreach($_ioc as $bean){            if (is_subclass_of($bean, ‘Ioc‘)) {            $bean->{"setIoc"}($_ioc);            $bean->{"postConstruct"}();        }      }}/**容器销毁阶段*/function preDestroy_bean(){    global  $_ioc;    foreach($_ioc as $bean){         if (is_subclass_of($bean, ‘Ioc‘)) {            $bean->{"preDestroy"}();        }      }}interface  Ioc{    public function postConstruct();    public function preDestroy();    public function setIoc($_ioc);}abstract class AbstractIoc implements Ioc{    public function postConstruct(){}    public function preDestroy(){}    public function setIoc($_ioc){}}?>





<?php    /**     * @author solq     * @deprecated blog http://solq.cnblogs.com     */include_once "ioc.php";scan_bean();$page=$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI‘];$segments=explode(‘/‘,trim($page,‘/‘));global $_app_path_index;//应用$app = $segments[$_app_path_index];//服务$service = $segments[$_app_path_index+1];$method=$service;$get_params = $_GET;$post_params = $_POST;$bean = get_bean($app);if($bean ==null){    throw new Exception("bean  [".$app."] not find"); }postConstruct_bean();___call($bean,$method,$get_params,$post_params);preDestroy_bean();/**获取请求方式*/function get_request_method(){    return strtolower($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD‘]);}/**动态映射处理*/function ___call($bean,$method, $get_params = array(), $post_params = array()){     $method = get_request_method().‘_‘.$method;        $reflection = new ReflectionMethod($bean, $method);    $pass = array();     if(strpos($method,"post_")){        $args = $post_params;    }else{        $args = $get_params;                }        foreach($reflection->getParameters() as $param) {                //数据类型注入分解        $value = $args[$param->getName()];        if($value==null && !$param->isDefaultValueAvailable()){            throw new Exception("method [".$method."] param is not :".$param->getName());         }        $pass[] = $value;     }    return $reflection->invokeArgs($bean, $pass); } ?>



<?phpinclude_once "ioc.php";class TestRef extends AbstractIoc{    public $one = ‘aaaaaaaa‘;         public function __construct(){     }       /**        书写约定        [请求方式]_[服务]    */     public function get_test1($a,$b,$c=null){        echo $this->one."\n";        echo $b."\n";        echo $c."\n";    }        public function preDestroy(){        echo "<br/>postConstruct_bean";    }}?>


测试url :


aaaaaaaa 1212 postConstruct_bean


php ioc and web rest design