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eg:9.7 有n个结构体变量,内含学生学号,姓名和3门课成绩,要求输出平均成绩最高的学生的信息(内含学生学号,姓名和3门课成绩和平均成绩)。


 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #define N 2 3  4 struct Student 5 { 6     int num; 7     char name[20]; 8     float score[3]; 9     float aver;10 };11 12 void input(struct Student *stu)13 {14     int i;15     printf("input the student‘s information:\nname,num,three score\n");16     for(i=0;i<N;i++,stu++)17     {18         scanf("%s %d %f %f %f",stu->name,&stu->num ,19             &stu->score[0],&stu->score[1],&stu->score[2]);20         stu->aver=(stu->score[0]+stu->score[1]+stu->score[2])/3;21     }22 }23 24 struct Student *Max(struct Student *stu)25 {26     int i;27     int m=0;28     for(i=0;i<N;i++)29     {30         if(stu[i].aver>stu[m].aver)31         {32             m=i;33         }34     }35     return &stu[m];36 }37 38 void print_stu(struct Student *stud)39 {40     printf("\nThe average scores of the top students is:\n");41     printf("num:%d\nname:%s\nthe three subject:%5.1f,%5.1f,%5.1f\nthe aver score:%6.2f\n",stud->num,stud->name,stud->score[0],stud->score[1],stud->score[2],stud->aver);    42 }43 44 int main()45 {46     struct Student stu[N];47     struct Student *p = stu;48     input(p);49     print_stu(Max(p));50     return 0;51 }

