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android orm之greendao







import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.DaoGenerator;import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Entity;import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Property;import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.Schema;import de.greenrobot.daogenerator.ToMany;public class daoGenerator {    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        Schema schema = new Schema(1,"com.example.menu");                addMenuDetail(schema);        addMenuTable(schema);        new DaoGenerator().generateAll(schema, "./");    }        private static void addMenuTable(Schema schema)    {        Entity menuTable = schema.addEntity("MenuTable");        menuTable.addStringProperty("menuName");//菜单的名称(周一早餐通用版)        menuTable.addIntProperty("menuType");//0早餐 1午餐 2晚餐        menuTable.addLongProperty("menuId").primaryKey().autoincrement();//菜单id        menuTable.addStringProperty("menuCreateTime");//菜单创建时间        menuTable.addLongProperty("storeId");//店铺的编号            }            private static void addMenuDetail(Schema schema) {        Entity menuDetail = schema.addEntity("MenuDetail");        menuDetail.addStringProperty("menuDateId");        menuDetail.addLongProperty("menuId");//菜单id        menuDetail.addIntProperty("widgetId");//控件id        menuDetail.addStringProperty("type");//控件类型:textview、pic、line、verticalLine、theme、tips        menuDetail.addStringProperty("name");//控件内容 "疙瘩汤"        menuDetail.addDoubleProperty("x");//x        menuDetail.addDoubleProperty("y");//y    }        }

该工程运行完毕会在当前目录下产生一个文件夹com,进入example再进入到menu(为什么会产生这样一个文件夹,这是由我们在程序中 Schema schema = new Schema(1,"com.example.menu"), new DaoGenerator().generateAll(schema, "./");这两行决定的,如果你运行出错,请查看你是不是路径写错),可以发现生成如下几个文件:




 1 package com.ShanFuBao.SmartCall.menu; 2  3 // THIS CODE IS GENERATED BY greenDAO, DO NOT EDIT. Enable "keep" sections if you want to edit.  4 /** 5  * Entity mapped to table MENU_TABLE. 6  */ 7 public class MenuTable { 8  9     private String menuName;10     private Integer menuType;11     private Long menuId;12     private String menuCreateTime;13     private Long storeId;14 15     public MenuTable() {16     }17 18     public MenuTable(Long menuId) {19         this.menuId = menuId;20     }21 22     public MenuTable(String menuName, Integer menuType, Long menuId, String menuCreateTime, Long storeId) {23         this.menuName = menuName;24         this.menuType = menuType;25         this.menuId = menuId;26         this.menuCreateTime = menuCreateTime;27         this.storeId = storeId;28     }29 30     public String getMenuName() {31         return menuName;32     }33 34     public void setMenuName(String menuName) {35         this.menuName = menuName;36     }37 38     public Integer getMenuType() {39         return menuType;40     }41 42     public void setMenuType(Integer menuType) {43         this.menuType = menuType;44     }45 46     public Long getMenuId() {47         return menuId;48     }49 50     public void setMenuId(Long menuId) {51         this.menuId = menuId;52     }53 54     public String getMenuCreateTime() {55         return menuCreateTime;56     }57 58     public void setMenuCreateTime(String menuCreateTime) {59         this.menuCreateTime = menuCreateTime;60     }61 62     public Long getStoreId() {63         return storeId;64     }65 66     public void setStoreId(Long storeId) {67         this.storeId = storeId;68     }69 70 }
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android orm之greendao