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<h1>People</h1><ul data-bind="template: { name: ‘peopleList‘ }"></ul><script type="text/html" id="peopleList">    <% _.each(people(), function(person) { %>        <li>            <b data-bind="text: person.name"></b> is <%= person.age %> years old        </li>    <% }) %></script>        <p>This shows that you can use both Underscore-style evaluation (<%= ... %>) <em>and</em> data-bind attributes in the same templates.</p>


/* ---- Begin integration of Underscore template engine with Knockout. Could go in a separate file of course. ---- */    ko.underscoreTemplateEngine = function () { }    ko.underscoreTemplateEngine.prototype = ko.utils.extend(new ko.templateEngine(), {        renderTemplateSource: function (templateSource, bindingContext, options) {            // Precompile and cache the templates for efficiency            var precompiled = templateSource[‘data‘](‘precompiled‘);            if (!precompiled) {                precompiled = _.template("<% with($data) { %> " + templateSource.text() + " <% } %>");                templateSource[‘data‘](‘precompiled‘, precompiled);            }            // Run the template and parse its output into an array of DOM elements            var renderedMarkup = precompiled(bindingContext).replace(/\s+/g, " ");            return ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment(renderedMarkup);        },        createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock: function(script) {            return "<%= " + script + " %>";        }    });    ko.setTemplateEngine(new ko.underscoreTemplateEngine());/* ---- End integration of Underscore template engine with Knockout ---- */var viewModel = {    people: ko.observableArray([        { name: ‘Rod‘, age: 123 },        { name: ‘Jane‘, age: 125 },    ])        };        ko.applyBindings(viewModel);

