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2.修改了IsFile 和 IsDir的实现,使区别于IfExistFile和IfExistDir;





/* ******* StrDirFile.h ******************* 字符串、文件、目录操作函数声明 ********** *//* author: autumoon */#ifndef _STR_DIR_FILE_#define _STR_DIR_FILE_#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type=‘win32‘ name=‘Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls‘ version=‘‘ processorArchitecture=‘x86‘ publicKeyToken=‘6595b64144ccf1df‘ language=‘*‘\"")#include <afxdlgs.h> //打开文件#include <ShlObj.h> //浏览文件夹#include <list>class CStrDirFile{public:    CString m_strInput;    CStrDirFile();    CStrDirFile(const char szPath[]);    CStrDirFile(CString strPath);public:    bool IsDir(); //    bool IsDir(CString strPath);    bool IsFile();    bool IsFile(CString strPath);    //字符串操作    bool IfCstringIsNum(const CString& strString); //判断是否为纯数字,不包含小数点和正负号    char* Cstring2Char(CString strCstring); //注意防止通过修改char*指向的内容损坏CString结构    CString AppendSlash(CString& strDirPath); //必要的时候在路径右侧添加‘\‘    CString GetDirOfDir();//获取目录的上一级目录 例如D:\\dir\\ -> D:    CString GetDirOfDir(CString strDirPath);//获取目录的上一级目录 例如D:\\dir\\ -> D:    CString GetDirOfFile(); //获取文件的所在的目录 例如D:\\dir\\a.txt -> D:\\dir\\a    CString GetDirOfFile(CString strFilePath); //获取文件的所在的目录 例如D:\\dir\\a.txt -> D:\\dir\\a    CString GetNameOfDir(CString strDirPath); //获取某个路径的最里层的目录名  例如D:\\dir\\ -> dir    CString GetNameOfFile(CString strFilePath, bool bWithSuffix = true); //获取文件全路径中的文件名 例如D:\\dir\\a.txt -> a.txt    CString GetNameOfSuffix(CString strFilePath, bool bWithDot = true);    CString Float2Cstring(const float fNum, const int nDigit = 6);    CString Int2Cstring(const int nNum);    CString ParseLineInCsv(CString strLine, const int nColumn); //返回csv行的某一列的值    CString ShowTheInput(); //显示当前输入参数    int CstringToInt(const CString& strNum);    //文件操作    bool IfExistFile();    bool IfExistFile(const char szPath[]);    bool IfExistFile(CString strFilePath);    //后缀相关的字符串注意都使用小写    CString OpenSuffixFile(const char szPath[]); //打开特定类型的文件,返回路径    CString OpenSuffixFile(CString strSuffix = CString("txt")); //打开特定类型的文件,返回路径    CString OpenSuffixFile(const int nSuffix, ...); //打开多种类型的文件,返回路径    CString OpenFile(); //打开任意类型的文件,返回路径    CString OpenTXT(); //打开txt文件,返回路径    int ParseTXTFile(CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);    int ParseTXTFile(std::list<CString>& lContentInFile);        int ParseTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);    int ParseTXTFile(const char szPath[], std::list<CString>& lContentInFile);    int ParseTXTFile(CString strFilePath, CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);    int ParseTXTFile(CString strFilePath, std::list<CString>& lContentInFile);    int SaveStrToFile(const char szPath[], CString strToSave = CString("hello!"));    int SaveStrToFile(CString strTxtPath, CString strToSave = CString("hello!"));    int SaveTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend = false);    int SaveTXTFile(CString strTxtPath, CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend = false);    //文件夹操作    bool IfExistDir();    bool IfExistDir(const char szPath[]);    bool IfExistDir(CString strDirPath);    bool RemoveAllFiles(const CString& strDirPath);    CString BrowseDir(char szTips[]);    CString BrowseDir(CString strTips = CString("请选择文件夹")); //浏览一个文件夹    CString BrowseDirPlus(CString strTips = CString("请选择文件夹")); //浏览一个文件夹,带新建按钮    int ReadCurrentDirs(CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder); //读取当前目录下的目录,不包含子目录    int ReadCurrentDirFiles(CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[] = ".txt"); //读取当前目录下的文件,不包含子目录    int ReadDirs(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder, bool bIncludeSub = true); //读取当前目录下的目录    int ReadDirFiles(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[] = ".txt", bool bIncludeSub = true); //读取当前目录下的文件    void ForeachSubDir(CString strPath,BOOL bSuccess); //递归法遍历并删除当前目录下的所有文件及文件夹;    //MFC其他常用操作    int CStringArr2list(CStringArray& arrCstring, std::list<CString>& lCstring);    int list2CstringArr(std::list<CString>& lCstring, CStringArray& arrCstring);    int SetButtonFont(CButton* pButton, const int& nWidth = 20, const int& nHeight = 0);    int SetEditFont(CEdit* pCEdit, const int& nWidth = 20, const int& nHeight = 0);    int StopWatch(); //代码耗时测量代码};#endif //_STR_DIR_FILE_



/* ******* StrFileDir.cpp ******************* 字符串、文件、目录操作函数实现 ********** *//* author: autumoon */#include "StrDirFile.h"/* 构造函数 */CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile():m_strInput("D:\\autumoon"){}CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile(const char szPath[]){    CString strPath(szPath);    m_strInput = strPath;}CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile(CString strPath):m_strInput(strPath){}bool CStrDirFile::IsDir(){    return IsDir(m_strInput);}bool CStrDirFile::IsDir(CString strPath){    int nIndex = strPath.ReverseFind(\\);    if (nIndex != -1)    {        CString strDirName = strPath.Mid(nIndex + 1, strPath.GetLength() - nIndex - 1);        int nIndexP = strDirName.ReverseFind(.);        return nIndexP == -1;    }    return false;}bool CStrDirFile::IsFile(){    return IsFile(m_strInput);}bool CStrDirFile::IsFile(CString strPath){    int nIndex = strPath.ReverseFind(\\);    if (nIndex != -1)    {        CString strDirName = strPath.Mid(nIndex + 1, strPath.GetLength() - nIndex - 1);        int nIndexP = strDirName.ReverseFind(.);        return nIndexP != -1;    }    return false;}CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfDir(CString strDirPath){    if (strDirPath.Right(1) == \\)    {        strDirPath = strDirPath.Mid(0, strDirPath.GetLength() - 1);    }    int index = strDirPath.ReverseFind(\\);    if (index != -1)    {        return strDirPath.Mid(0, index);    }    else    {        return strDirPath;    }}CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfFile(){    return GetDirOfFile(m_strInput);}CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfFile(CString strFilePath){    if (IsDir(strFilePath))    {        return strFilePath;    }    int index = strFilePath.ReverseFind(\\);    return strFilePath.Mid(0, index);}CString CStrDirFile::OpenFile(){    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("所有文件(*.*)|*.*||"));    CString szFileName("");    if (IsDir())    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;    }    else    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();    }    if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)    {        szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();    }    return szFileName;}CString CStrDirFile::OpenTXT(){    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("txt文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*||"));    CString szFileName("");    if (IsDir())    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;    }    else    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();    }    if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)    {        szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();    }    return szFileName;}CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(CString strSuffix){    if (strSuffix.Left(1) == .)    {        //delete the ‘.‘ before suffix        strSuffix = strSuffix.Mid(1, strSuffix.GetLength() - 1);    }    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, strSuffix + "文件(*." + strSuffix + ")|*." + strSuffix + "|所有文件(*.*)|*.*||");    CString szFileName("");    if (IsDir())    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;    }    else    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();    }    if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)    {        szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();    }    return szFileName;}CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(const int nSuffix, ...){    va_list argp;    va_start(argp, nSuffix);    CStringArray arrSuffixs;    CString strSuffix;    for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)    {        strSuffix = va_arg(argp, char*);        arrSuffixs.Add(strSuffix);    }    va_end(argp);    //打开多种类型    for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)    {        if (arrSuffixs[i].Left(1) == .)        {            //delete the ‘.‘ before suffix            arrSuffixs[i] = arrSuffixs[i].Mid(1, arrSuffixs[i].GetLength() - 1);        }    }    CString strTemp("");    for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)    {        strTemp += arrSuffixs[i] + "文件(*." + arrSuffixs[i] + ")|*." + arrSuffixs[i] + "|";    }    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, strTemp + "所有文件(*.*)|*.*||");    CString szFileName("");    if (IsDir())    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;    }    else    {        dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();    }    if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)    {        szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();    }    return szFileName;}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile(){    return IfExistFile(m_strInput);}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile(const char szPath[]){    CString strFilePath = CString(szPath);    return IfExistFile(strFilePath);}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile(CString strFilePath){    CFile file;    if (file.Open(strFilePath,CFile::modeRead))    {        file.Close();        return true;    }    return false;}CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(const char szPath[]){    CString strPath(szPath);    return OpenSuffixFile(strPath);}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(CStringArray* pArrContentInFile){    return ParseTXTFile(m_strInput, pArrContentInFile);}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray* pArrContentInFile){    CString strFilePath(szPath);    return ParseTXTFile(strFilePath, pArrContentInFile);}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(CString strFilePath, CStringArray* pArrContentInFile){    CStdioFile file;    file.Open(strFilePath, CFile::modeRead);    if (!file.m_pStream)    {        return -1;    }    CString szLine;    while(file.ReadString(szLine))    {        pArrContentInFile->Add(szLine);    }    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile( CString strFilePath, std::list<CString>& lContentInFile ){    CStdioFile file;    file.Open(strFilePath, CFile::modeRead);    if (!file.m_pStream)    {        return -1;    }    CString szLine;    while(file.ReadString(szLine))    {        lContentInFile.push_back(szLine);    }    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile( const char szPath[], std::list<CString>& lContentInFile ){    CString strPath(szPath);    return ParseTXTFile(strPath, lContentInFile);}int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile( std::list<CString>& lContentInFile ){    return ParseTXTFile(m_strInput, lContentInFile);}int CStrDirFile::SaveStrToFile(const char szPath[], CString strToSave/* = CString("hello!")*/){    CString strPath(szPath);    return SaveStrToFile(strPath, strToSave);}int CStrDirFile::SaveStrToFile(CString strFilePath, CString strToSave/* = CString("hello!")*/){    CStdioFile file;    file.Open(strFilePath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::modeNoTruncate);    file.SeekToEnd();    file.WriteString(strToSave);    file.Close();    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::SaveTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend){    CString strTxtPath(szPath);    SaveTXTFile(strTxtPath, arrContent, bAppend);    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::SaveTXTFile(CString strTxtPath, CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend){    CStdioFile file;    if (bAppend)    {        file.Open(strTxtPath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::modeNoTruncate);        file.SeekToEnd();    }    else    {        file.Open(strTxtPath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite);    }    for (int i = 0; i < arrContent.GetCount(); i++)    {        file.WriteString(arrContent[i]);    }    file.Close();    return 0;}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir(){    return IfExistDir(m_strInput);}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir(const char szPath[]){    CString strDirPath(szPath);    return IfExistDir(strDirPath);}bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir(CString strDirPath){    //本方法不能判断根目录    WIN32_FIND_DATA fd;    bool ret = FALSE;    HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(strDirPath, &fd);    if ((hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))    {        //目录存在        ret = TRUE;    }    FindClose(hFind);    return ret;}bool CStrDirFile::RemoveAllFiles( const CString& strDirPath ){        //=========功能概要:删除给定路径下的所有文件========//    /*    * 功能:传入绝对路径,清空此文件夹内的所有内容(做为接口使用,故建议不在此函数内递归);    */    //==================================================//    bool bSuccess = true;//作为in/out参数传入;    ForeachSubDir(strDirPath, bSuccess);    return bSuccess;}CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDir(char szTips[]/* = "请选择文件夹"*/){    CString strTips = CString(szTips);    return BrowseDir(strTips);}CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDir(CString strTips/* = CString("请选择文件夹")*/){    CString szFileFolderPath;    TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH];    BROWSEINFO biFolder;    biFolder.hwndOwner = NULL;    biFolder.pidlRoot = NULL;    biFolder.pszDisplayName = NULL;    biFolder.lpszTitle = strTips;    biFolder.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT;    biFolder.lpfn = NULL;    biFolder.lParam = 0;    LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&biFolder);    if (!pidl)    {        return "";    }    else    {        SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszPath);        m_strInput = pszPath;        return pszPath;    }}CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDirPlus(CString strTips/* = CString("请选择文件夹")*/){    CString szFileFolderPath;    TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH];    BROWSEINFO biFolder;    biFolder.hwndOwner = NULL;    biFolder.pidlRoot = NULL;    biFolder.pszDisplayName = NULL;    biFolder.lpszTitle = strTips;    biFolder.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT | BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE;    biFolder.lpfn = NULL;    biFolder.lParam = 0;    LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&biFolder);    if (!pidl)    {        return "";    }    else    {        SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszPath);        m_strInput = pszPath;        return pszPath;    }}CString CStrDirFile::GetNameOfDir(CString strDirPath){    if (IsFile(strDirPath))    {        strDirPath = GetDirOfFile(strDirPath);    }    int index = strDirPath.Trim(\\).ReverseFind(\\);    return strDirPath.Mid(index + 1, strDirPath.GetLength() - index -1);}CString CStrDirFile::GetNameOfFile(CString strFilePath, bool bWithSuffix){    int index = strFilePath.ReverseFind(\\);    CString strFileName = strFilePath.Mid(index + 1, strFilePath.GetLength() - index - 1);    if (bWithSuffix)    {        return strFileName;    }    else    {        int nIndexOfDot = strFileName.ReverseFind(.);        if (nIndexOfDot == -1)        {            return strFileName;        }        else        {            return strFileName.Mid(0, nIndexOfDot);        }    }}CString CStrDirFile::GetNameOfSuffix( CString strFilePath, bool bWithDot /*= true*/ ){    if (IsDir(strFilePath))    {        return _T("");    }    CString strFileName = GetNameOfFile(strFilePath);    int index = strFileName.ReverseFind(.);    if (index != -1)    {        if (bWithDot)        {            return strFileName.Mid(index, strFileName.GetLength() - index);        }        else        {            return strFileName.Mid(index + 1, strFileName.GetLength() - index - 1);        }    }    else    {        return _T("");    }}CString CStrDirFile::Float2Cstring(const float fNum, const int nDigit){    CString strTemp;    strTemp.Format(_T("%.") + Int2Cstring(nDigit) + _T("lf"), fNum);    return strTemp;}CString CStrDirFile::Int2Cstring(const int nNum){    CString strTemp;    strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nNum);    return strTemp;}CString CStrDirFile::ParseLineInCsv(CString strLine, const int nColumn){    CString strContent;    AfxExtractSubString(strContent, strLine, nColumn, ,);    return strContent;}CString CStrDirFile::AppendSlash(CString& strDirPath){    if (strDirPath.Right(1) != _T(\\))    {        strDirPath += _T(\\);    }    return strDirPath;}CString CStrDirFile::ShowTheInput(){    return m_strInput;}int CStrDirFile::CstringToInt( const CString& strNum ){    return _ttoi(strNum);    //return _ttoi64(strNum);}bool CStrDirFile::IfCstringIsNum(const CString& strContent){    int n = strContent.GetLength();    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)    {        if ((strContent[i] > 9) || (strContent[i] < 0))        {             return false;         }     }    return true;}char* CStrDirFile::Cstring2Char(CString strCstring){#ifdef _UNICODE    USES_CONVERSION;    return W2A(strCstring);#else    return (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)strCstring;#endif}int CStrDirFile::ReadCurrentDirs(CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder){    if (IsFile())    {        return -1;    }    return ReadDirs(m_strInput, pArrDirsInFolder, false);}int CStrDirFile::ReadCurrentDirFiles(CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[]/* = ".txt"*/){    if (IsFile())    {        return -1;    }    return ReadDirFiles(m_strInput, pArrFilesInFolder, szSuffix, false);}int CStrDirFile::ReadDirs(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder, bool bIncludeSub/* = true*/){    CFileFind ff;     DWORD size = 0;     CString szDir = strPath + _T("\\*.*"); //搜索路径,包括所有子目录     BOOL ret = ff.FindFile(szDir);     while (ret)     {         ret = ff.FindNextFile();         if(!ff.IsDots())         {             if(ff.IsDirectory() && !ff.IsHidden())             {                 //子目录结点,递归                pArrDirsInFolder->Add(ff.GetFilePath());                if (bIncludeSub)                {                    ReadDirs(ff.GetFilePath(), pArrDirsInFolder);                }            }         }     }    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::ReadDirFiles(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[]/* = "txt"*/, bool bIncludeSub/* = true*/){    CFileFind ff;     DWORD size = 0;     CString szDir = strPath + _T("\\*.*"); //搜索路径,包括所有子目录     BOOL ret = ff.FindFile(szDir);     if (IfExistFile(strPath))    {        return -1;    }    while (ret)     {         ret = ff.FindNextFile();         if(!ff.IsDots())         {             if(ff.IsDirectory() && bIncludeSub)             {                 //子目录结点,递归                ReadDirFiles(ff.GetFilePath(), pArrFilesInFolder, szSuffix, bIncludeSub);            }             else             {                 if (ff.GetFileName().MakeLower().Find(CString(szSuffix)) != -1)                {                    pArrFilesInFolder->Add(ff.GetFilePath());                }            }         }     }    return 0;}void CStrDirFile::ForeachSubDir( CString strPath, BOOL bSuccess ){    if (strPath.Right(1)!="\\")    {        strPath += "\\";    }    strPath += "*.*";  //形如c:\windows\system32\*.*    CFileFind fileFinder;    BOOL bFile = fileFinder.FindFile(strPath);    while(bFile)    {        bFile = fileFinder.FindNextFile();        if (fileFinder.IsDirectory() && !fileFinder.IsDots())  //当为文件夹时;        {            CString temp = strPath;            int i = temp.Find("*.*");            temp.Delete(i,3);            temp = temp + fileFinder.GetFileName();  //获取文件夹的全路径,诸如:c:\windows\system32\drivers            if(fileFinder.GetLength()==0)//如果为空目录,则删除文件夹;            {                RemoveDirectory(temp.GetBuffer());            }            else            {                ForeachSubDir(temp,TRUE);            }           }        else if(!fileFinder.IsDirectory() && !fileFinder.IsDots()) //当为文件时;        {            CString strFullName = fileFinder.GetFilePath();            //因为CFile::Remove可能会抛出CFile的异常,所以应该用try..catch来处理异常;            try            {                CFile::Remove(strFullName.GetBuffer());            }            catch (CFileException* pEx)            {#ifdef _DEBUG                afxDump << "File " << strFullName.GetBuffer() << " cannot be removed\n";#endif                pEx->Delete();                bSuccess = FALSE;//遇到异常,返回FALSE;                return ;            }        }    }//--end--while    fileFinder.Close();}int CStrDirFile::CStringArr2list( CStringArray& arrCstring, std::list<CString>& lCstring ){    lCstring.clear();    int nCount = arrCstring.GetCount();    for (int i = 0; i <nCount; i++)    {        lCstring.push_back(arrCstring[i]);    }    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::list2CstringArr( std::list<CString>& lCstring, CStringArray& arrCstring ){    arrCstring.RemoveAll();    for (std::list<CString>::iterator it = lCstring.begin(); it != lCstring.end(); it++)    {        arrCstring.Add(*it);    }    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::SetButtonFont(CButton* pButton, const int& nWidth/* = 20*/, const int& nHeight/* = 0*/){    CFont *f = new CFont;    f->CreateFont(nWidth,  // nHeight //高度        nHeight,  // nWidth        0,  // nEscapement        0,  // nOrientation        0,  // nWeight        FALSE, // bItalic        FALSE, // bUnderline        0,  // cStrikeOut        ANSI_CHARSET,   // nCharSet        OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision        CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision        DEFAULT_QUALITY,  // nQuality        DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily        _T("微软雅黑"));    // lpszFac  字体名字    pButton->SetFont(f);    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::SetEditFont(CEdit* pCEdit, const int& nWidth, const int& nHeight){    CFont *f = new CFont;    f->CreateFont(nWidth,  // nHeight //高度        nHeight,  // nWidth        0,  // nEscapement        0,  // nOrientation        0,  // nWeight        FALSE, // bItalic        FALSE, // bUnderline        0,  // cStrikeOut        ANSI_CHARSET,   // nCharSet        OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision        CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision        DEFAULT_QUALITY,  // nQuality        DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily        _T("微软雅黑"));    // lpszFac  字体名字    pCEdit->SetFont(f);    return 0;}int CStrDirFile::StopWatch(){    //测量时注意区分是Debug版本还是Release版本    LARGE_INTEGER   litmp;       LONGLONG   QPart1,QPart2;       double   dfMinus,   dfFreq,   dfTim;       QueryPerformanceFrequency(&litmp); //获得计数器的时钟频率       dfFreq   =   (double)litmp.QuadPart;       QueryPerformanceCounter(&litmp);   //获得初始值         QPart1   =   litmp.QuadPart;       //----------------------------------------------    // 插入待测试的代码或函数    //----------------------------------------------    QueryPerformanceCounter(&litmp);   //获得中止值       QPart2   =   litmp.QuadPart;      dfMinus = (double)(QPart2 - QPart1);//获得对应的时间值      dfTim   =   dfMinus   /   dfFreq;       CString strrr;    strrr.Format("%f", dfTim*1000000);    strrr += "微秒";    AfxMessageBox(strrr);    return 0;}

