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[Recompose] Add Local State with Redux-like Reducers using Recompose

Learn how to use the ‘withReducer‘ higher order component using the alternative reducer form. If you like using reducers in redux, you’ll be able to reuse that same technique but for local state.


import React from react;import {withReducer, withHandlers, compose} from recompose;const UserStyle = {    position: relative,    background: lightblue,    display: inline-block,    padding: 10px,    cursor: pointer,    marginTop: 50px};const StatusListStyle = {    background: #eee,    padding: 5px,    margin: 5px 0};const TooltipStyle =  {    fontSize: 10px,    position: absolute,    top: -10px,    width: 80px,    background: #666,    color: white,    textAlign: center};const StatusList = () =>    <div style={StatusListStyle}>        <div>pending</div>        <div>inactive</div>        <div>active</div>    </div>;const withToggle = compose(    withReducer(toggleState, dispatch, (state = false, action) => {        switch(action.type) {            case SHOW:                return true;            case HIDE:                return false;            case TOGGLE:                return !state;            default:                return state;        }    }, false),    withHandlers({        toggle: ({dispatch}) => (e) => dispatch({type: TOGGLE}),        show: ({dispatch}) => (e) => dispatch({type: SHOW}),        hide: ({dispatch}) => (e) => dispatch({type: HIDE})                 }));const Statue = withToggle(    ({ status, toggle, toggleState }) =>        (<span onClick={() => toggle(!toggleState)}>            {status}            {toggleState && <StatusList/>}        </span>));const Tooltip = withToggle(({ show, hide, toggleState, text, children }) => (    <span>        <span>            {toggleState && <div                style={TooltipStyle}>                { text }            </div>}             <span                 onm ouseOver={show}                 onm ouseOut={hide}             >                { children }            </span>        </span>    </span>));const User2 = ({ status, name }) => (    <div style={UserStyle}>        <Tooltip text="Cool Dude!">{name}</Tooltip>-        <Statue status={status}/>    </div>);export default User2;


‘withReducer‘ take (state_name, dispatch_function, reducer_function, init_state) as params.

[Recompose] Add Local State with Redux-like Reducers using Recompose