首页 > 代码库 > tp3.2原生sql拼接查询


         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `br_esf_village_price` p,(SELECT villageId,MAX(updateTime) max_time FROM br_esf_village_price GROUP BY villageId) as b,br_esf_village v WHERE p.villageId= b.villageId AND p.updateTime=b.max_time AND v.villageId = p.villageId ";
         if($condition[‘qy‘]){ //区域
             $sql .= "and fangAreaId = ".$condition[‘qy‘]."   ";
         if($condition[‘qy‘]){ //商圈
             $sql .= "and fangTradingId = ".$condition[‘sq‘]."   ";
         if($condition[‘jg‘] || $condition[‘zdyjg‘]){ //价格
             $temp = array();
             $temp = $condition[‘zdyjg‘] ? explode(",",$condition[‘zdyjg‘]) : explode(",",$condition[‘jg‘]);
             if(count($temp) == 2){
                 $sql .= "and p.price >=".$temp[0]." and p.price <=".$temp[1]. " ";
         $temp = array();

         $temp = explode(",",$condition[‘ll‘]);

         if(count($temp) == 2){

             $temp[0] = date("Y",strtotime("-".$temp[1]." years"));//这里大的反而小,小的反而大

             $temp[1] = date("Y",strtotime("-".$temp[0]." years"));

             $sql .= "and buildingYears >= ".$temp[0]."";

         if($condition[‘dt‘] == ‘Y‘){//地铁
             $sql .= " and hasMetro = 1";

             $sql .=  "ORDER BY orderBy desc";
             $sql .=  "ORDER BY  p.price desc";
             $sql .=  "ORDER BY  p.price asc";

         $sql .= " limit $PageClass->firstRow,$PageClass->listRows";


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