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Oracle EBS 初始化用户密码(转)

---修改密码,并且将限制用户下次登录的时候(第一次登录),强制要换一个新的口令:---此过程可以完全模拟我们在标准用户的Form里面初始化用户的密码的动作! ---最后要说明的是,这个处理过程是通过研究标准创建用户的画面得出来的结果,所以,如果有需要,请放心使用!SELECT last_logon_date,password_date,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATE_LOGINFROM FND_USERWHERE USER_NAME = QWR01; DECLARE   P_USER_NAME FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE;   P_INIT_PASSWORD VARCHAR2(30);---初始化密码,非加密的。   ---   l_change_flag VARCHAR2(10);   l_reason varchar2(2000);BEGIN    ---输入参数(用户名和初始化的密码)    P_USER_NAME := QWR01;    P_INIT_PASSWORD := PWD123;       ---------    ---处理--    L_change_FLAG := fnd_web_sec.change_password(P_USER_NAME,P_INIT_PASSWORD);      IF L_change_FLAG = Y THEN        -- Bug 7016473 - During an administrative reset, set the last_logon_date to NULL        -- instead of SYSDATE.  last_logon_date should reflect the date the user last        -- logged in successfully, not the date the user‘s password was reset.        -- This does not regress the fix for bug 4690441 because in fnd_web_sec.disable_user        -- if last_logon_date is NULL, the last_update_date will be used which is the same        -- date of the sysadmin reset, so the effect is the same.        --        -- Reset password_date field to null to force password        -- expiration the next time user logs on.        --        UPDATE FND_USER        SET last_logon_date= NULL           ,password_date = NULL           --,LAST_UPDATE_DATE = SYSDATE           --,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID         WHERE USER_NAME = P_USER_NAME;               COMMIT;        ----        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(成功初始化用户(||P_USER_NAME||)的密码为:||P_INIT_PASSWORD);    ELSE        ---显示为什么不可以修改        l_reason := fnd_message.get;        fnd_message.set_name(FND, FND_CHANGE_PASSWORD_FAILED);        fnd_message.set_token(USER_NAME, P_USER_NAME);        fnd_message.set_token(REASON, l_reason);        app_exception.raise_exception;    END IF;END;


Oracle EBS 初始化用户密码(转)