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Retrieving data from a server

A system includes a server and a controller embedded in a device. Both the server and the embedded controller are capable of communicating over a computer network. The embedded controller sends a command to the server over the computer network that identifies an instance of the device. In response, the server identifies the instance of the device based on the command, retrieves data that is specific to the instance of the device, and sends the data to the embedded controller over the computer network.


This invention relates to a controller embedded in a device (an "embedded controller") that retrieves data from a remote server for a specific instance of the device.

A device may contain an embedded controller, such as a microprocessor, to monitor and control its operation. Any type of device may have an embedded controller, including, but not limited to, home appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, and televisions, and manufacturing equipment, such as robotics, conveyors and motors.

Embedded controllers, also referred to as "embedded devices", are often connected to an internal network, such as a local area network (LAN), with an interface to the Internet. Other devices on the internal network may communicate with the embedded controllers over the internal network. However, the embedded controllers are not generally addressable from the Internet.


In general, in one aspect, the invention is directed to a controller embedded in a device for retrieving data from a server. The controller sends a command to the server that identifies an instance of the device and receives, from the server and in response to the command, data that is specific to the instance of the device. The data identifies additional data to retrieve for the device.

This aspect of the invention may include one or more of the following. The command may include an operational parameter for the device and the data may include an updated value for the operational parameter. The command may include plural operational parameters for the device and the data may include updated values that differ from current values of the operational parameters.

The data may include a list of operational parameters. In this case, the embedded controller sends a second command to the server, which includes operational parameters from the list, and receives, from the server and in response to the second command, updated values of one or more of the operational parameters included in the second command. The data may include a list of operations to be performed by the controller. In this case, the embedded controller parses the operations from the list and performs the operations from the list.

The data may include a configuration file for the device. The command identifies the instance of the device by a device type and/or one or more of a serial number and a universal unique identifier. The embedded controller sends the command to the server periodically. The server runs the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the command contains Extensible Markup Language code. The device receives the data via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

The command may include a first operational parameter for the device and the data may include a second operational parameter that is unrelated to the first operational parameter. The data may include a uniform resource locator. The uniform resource locator is used to obtain additional data that relates to the device. The data may include an indication that additional data for the device is present at the server. A second command is sent to the server to retrieve the additional data. The server retrieves the additional data in response to the second command. Parameters in the command determine a content of the data. The data may be encrypted when the data is received and then decrypted. The data may contain a digital signature when the data is received, which is then authenticated. The data may include a list of operations to be performed by the controller. The list of operations includes Simple Object Access Protocol calls that are scripted using Extensible Markup Language.

In general, in another aspect, the invention is directed to a server for sending data over a network to a controller embedded in a device. The server receives a command from the embedded controller, identifies an instance of the device from information in the command, retrieves data that is specific to the instance of the device, and sends the data to the embedded controller. The data identifies additional data for the embedded controller to retrieve.

This aspect of the invention may include one or more of the following features. The command may include a device type and/or one or more of a serial number and a universal unique identifier. The instance of the device may be identified based on the device type and/or one or more of the serial number and the universal unique identifier. The server may parse the device type and one or more of the serial number and universal unique identifier from the command prior to identifying the instance of the device.

The command may include an operational parameter for the device. The data may include an updated value of the operational parameter. The data may include a list of operational parameters for the device. The server receives a second command from the embedded controller, which includes an operational parameter from the list of operational parameters, obtains an updated value of the operational parameter, and sends the updated value of the operational parameter to the embedded controller.

The data may include a list of operations to be performed by the embedded controller. The data may include a configuration file for the device. The server may receive the data specific to the instance of the device and store the data in memory, from which it is retrieved. The data specific to the instance of the device may be received via a Web page generated by the server. The server may run the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the command may contain Extensible Markup Language code. The data may be stored in a queue and retrieved from the queue.

In general, in another aspect, the invention is directed to a system that includes a controller embedded in a device that is capable of communicating over a computer network, and a server that is capable of communicating over the computer network. The embedded controller sends a command to the server over the computer network that identifies an instance of the device and, in response, the server (i) identifies the instance of the device based on the command, (ii) retrieves data that is specific to the instance of the device, and (iii) sends the data to the embedded controller over the computer network. The data identifies additional data for the embedded controller to retrieve.

This aspect of the invention may include one or more of the following features. The embedded controller is not remotely-addressable from the computer network. The computer network is the Internet. The server runs the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the command may contain Extensible Markup Language code.


FIG. 1?shows a network?10. Network?10?includes a device?11?containing an embedded controller?17. Device?11?is any type of apparatus or system having functions that are monitored and controlled by embedded controller?17.

Device?11?is connected to an internal network?12, such as a LAN. A router or modem?14?couples internal network?12?to an external network?15, such as the Internet/World Wide Web (Web). External network?15?runs TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) or some other suitable protocol. Network connections are via Ethernet, telephone line, wireless, or other transmission media.

External network?15?contains a server?19, which is a computer or any other processing device. Server?19?communicates with embedded controller?17?over external network?15?and internal network?12. Embedded controller?17?has a local IP (Internet Protocol) address that can be resolved within internal network?12. However, this local IP address may not be recognizable by devices on external network?15, such as server?19. As such, server?19?may not be able to directly address device?11.

Embedded Controller

Embedded controller?17?runs software?20, which includes web client application21?and operating software?22. Web client application?21?includes a TCP/IP protocol stack that allows embedded controller?17?to communicate over external network?15. Device operating software?22?provides an interface between Web client application?21?and a database?24. Through device operating software?22, embedded controller?17?retrieves data stored in database?24?and stores data in database?24.

Database?24?is stored in a memory?25?on device?11?or internal to embedded controller?17. Database?24?stores data, including operational parameters, configuration files, and identification information for device?11.

The operational parameters constitute settings and/or control instructions for the device?11, which are implemented by embedded controller?17. The types of operational parameters that are stored in database?24?depend on the nature of device?11. For example, if device?11?is a heating/cooling system, the operational parameters may include temperature levels, humidity levels, airflow controls, vent/duct open/close controls, and fan motor speed settings. A configuration file is a file that contains a set of one or more operational parameters for an instance of device?11.

What is meant by "instance" is the specific identity of device?11?as distinguished from other identical devices. The identification information stored in database?24identifies the instance of device?11. This identification information includes, but is not limited to, data identifying the type of the device, a common (or "friendly") name for the device, the manufacturer of the device, the model name of the device, the model number of the device, the serial number of the device, and a universal unique identifier (UUID) for the device.

The device type specifies a uniform resource locator (URL) for the device, which includes the name of the device. This information identifies a Web site that is associated with, and generated by, server?19?for the device. For example, a device type might be:?
www.SonyVideo.com/television/Wega/XBR400 for a Sony? Wega? XBR400? television that includes an embedded controller. The common name of the device is how the device is known in the vernacular, e.g., "television". The manufacturer identifies the manufacturer of the device, e.g., Sony?. The model name identifies the particular model of the device, e.g., Wega?. The model number identifies the model number of the device, e.g., XBR400?. The serial number identifies the serial number of a particular instance of the device, e.g., 53266D. The UUID is a universal identifier for the instance of the device, e.g., 4A89EA70-73B4-11d4-80DF-0050DAB7BAC5. Of the data shown above, only the serial number and the UUID are unique to the instance of device?11.?

Server?19?is a computer that runs HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Server19?includes a controller?27, such as a microprocessor, for executing software to perform the functions described below. To avoid confusion in terminology, the following reads as though those functions are performed by server?19, even though software in controller?27?of server?19?performs the functions.

Server?19?executes Web server software?29?to communicate over external network?15. Web server software?29?also hosts a Web page associated with device?11. The Web page (not shown) is displayed on computer?13?of a user, such as the owner of device?11, who may input updated operational parameters for the device. These input updated operational parameters are transmitted to Web server software?29?over external network?15. Web server software?29stores the updated parameters in database?30.

Web server software?29?stores and retrieves data in database?30?using application logic?32. Application logic?32?is software for accessing database?30using the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) protocol. CGI is a well-known protocol for accessing a database. The operational parameters can be stored in database?30?individually or as part of a configuration file for an instance of device11.

Database?30?is stored in a memory?31, which is inside of, or external to, server19. Database?30?stores data associated with device?11, including the operational parameters noted above. Other data that may be stored for device?11?is described below.

The Data Transfer Process

Embedded controller?17?executes software?20?to retrieve data, such as operational parameters, from remote server?19. Server?19?executes software?34to send the data to embedded controller?17.?FIG. 2?shows these processes in detail. The left half of?FIG. 2, titled "Embedded Controller" shows process?40performed by embedded controller?17, and the right half of?FIG. 2, titled, "Server", shows process?41?performed by server?19.

Process?40?generates and sends (201) a command to server?19. The command, or a modified version thereof, is sent by embedded controller?17?to server?19periodically. It is through this command that embedded controller?17?polls server19?to determine if there are any new/updated operational parameters for device11.

The command includes data identifying device?11. The data identifies the specific instance of device?11?and includes a device type field and one or both of a device serial number field and a device QUID. The command may also include the common name field, the manufacturer name field, the model name field, and the model number field, as set forth above.

The command may be either an HTTP GET command or an HTTP post command. The data included in those commands is similar, with the difference being that the HTTP GET command retrieves a document, such as a configuration file, that contains operational parameters and the HTTP POST command retrieves individual operational parameters. An example of an HTTP GET command is shown in Appendix A and an example of an HTTP POST command is shown in Appendix B.

The HTTP POST and GET commands shown in Appendices A and B contain XML (eXtensible Markup Language) commands. XML is a self-describing computer language in the sense that fields in the XML code identify variables and their values in the XML code. For example, as shown in the Appendices, the "manufacturer" field identifies a manufacturer, e.g., Sony?, and is delineated by "<manufacturer>" to indicate the start of the field and "</manufacturer>" to indicate the end of the field. XML is used because it can be generated, parsed and read relatively easily by server?19?and embedded controller?17.

As noted, the GET command is used to retrieve a document from server?19. The document to be retrieved corresponds to the fields in the GET command, in particular to the device type, serial number and/or UUID fields. By contrast, the POST command is used to retrieve individual operational parameters. The operational parameters that are to be retrieved are listed in the POST command itself. Changing these parameters changes the information the server provides to the embedded controller. By way of example, as shown in Appendix B, the operational parameters include airflow, humidity, motor and vent values for the fictitious "widget" device. The current values of these parameters are specified in the POST command shown in Appendix B as follows:




<Airflow xsd:type="integer">378</Airflow>


<Humidity xsd:type="double">46.7</Humidity>


<Motor xsd:type="integer">1500</Motor>


<Vent xsd:type="integer">4</Vent>




The updated values of these parameters are returned by server?19?to embedded controller?17?in a reply POST command. The updated values of these parameters are specified in the POST command shown in Appendix B as follows:




<Motor xsd:type="integer">1250</ Motor >


<Vent xsd:type="integer">2</Vent>




As shown, both the POST and GET commands include the URL of the device in the device type field. As described below, this directs server?19?to a Web site associated with device?11?and, thereafter, in the case of a GET Command, to retrieve a specific Web page that is generated for the device by server?19?or any other device in communication with network?15. It is noted that, since the POST command retrieves parameters, not a document like the GET command, the POST command need not include a URL of the device.

Referring back to?FIG. 2, process?41?(in server?19) receives (202) the command from embedded controller?17. Process?41?identifies the command as either a POST or GET command based on a header, such as "POST/CONTROL HTTP/1.1" (see the headers in Appendices A and B), in the command. Process41?uses an XML parser to parse (203) the various identifying fields, such as device type, serial number, and UUID, from the command.

Process?41?identifies (204) the instance of device?11?based on the information parsed from the command. That is, process?41?uses the device type, serial number, and UUID field information to identify the instance.

If The Command is a POST Command

The remaining identification information from the command is used to narrow the search through database?30?down to data for the specific instance of device?11. The device serial number and/or UUID are used to retrieve operational parameters specific to device?11.

Once the appropriate data has been identified (204), process?41?retrieves (205) that data using application logic?32. Process?41?compares the values of the operational parameters to those included in the POST command. If the values are the same, process?41?returns an indication that there are no new/updated values for device?11. If the values of the operational parameters are different, process?41?adds the appropriate updated value fields to the POST command and sends (206) the POST command, with the updated operational parameters, back to embedded controller?17. Thus, only those operational parameters that differ from their original values are returned to embedded controller?17?in the POST command.

If the Command is a GET Command

As was the case above with the POST command, the remaining identification information from the command is used to narrow the search through database30?down to data for the specific instance of device?11. In particular, the device serial number and/or UUID are used to retrieve (205) a configuration file that is specific to device?11. Process?41?sends (206) the configuration file to embedded controller?17. The configuration file may be a Web page identified by the URL in the device type field. This Web page is generated by server?19?using parameters stored in database?30?and then sent to device?11. It is noted that the complete Web page itself need not be stored. Alternatively, the GET command may retrieve separate configuration files and Web pages.

Process?40?in embedded controller?17?receives (207) the data (operational parameters or configuration file) from server?19?in response to sending (201) the command. Process?40?uses the data to update/reset device?11. For example, if device?11?is a heating system, a new operational parameter may be a new temperature setting for its thermostat. In this example, embedded controller?17?sets the new temperature accordingly. If the device is a television, a new operational parameter may indicate that certain pay television stations are now available. In this case, embedded controller?17performs any appropriate decoding/descrambling functions on the television signal.

For both the POST and GET commands, the reply from server?19?to embedded controller?17?may contain a URL. The URL directs embedded controller?17?to a Web site that contains additional information, e.g., operational parameters and the like, for device?11. Embedded controller?17?may then retrieve any necessary information from that Web site. Additionally, the reply may contain an indication that server?19?contains additional data for embedded controller?17?to retrieve. In this case, embedded controller issues a new POST or GET command, whichever is appropriate based on the additional data identified in the reply, and processes?40,41?described herein are repeated to retrieve the additional data from server?17. The initial command and/or reply may be encrypted by server?11?and decrypted by embedded controller?17. Any of a number of commercially-available encryption technologies may be used. Server?17?may also incorporate a digital signature into the reply. Embedded controller?17?authenticates the digital signature when it receives the reply, thereby authenticating the reply.

Process?41?may also add value fields to the POST or GET command that are unrelated to the fields originally included in the POST or GET commands output by controller?17. For example, if the data retrieved (205) by process?41?includes additional parameters that require updating and that were not included in an original POST command, process?41?adds the necessary fields and parameters to the POST command that it returns to embedded controller?17. In this regard, server?11may store data to be delivered to controller?17?in a queue. When controller?17?next contacts server?11, the data from the queue may be transferred to controller?17, regardless of whether the data corresponds to data in the original command.

Alternative Embodiment

FIG. 3?shows alternative embodiments of processes?40,41. In processes?40,41, the GET and POST commands request the same parameters each time the commands are issued. The parameters requested are "hard-coded" in the software that implements process?40. This embodiment provides a way to change the parameters that are requested without altering the software that generates the request/command.

Referring to?FIG. 3, process?45?in embedded controller?17?begins by sending (301) a command to server?19. The command, in this case, is an HTTP GET command, since it is requesting a document, not individual operational parameters. The document is an XML document that contains a list of operational parameters to be updated. Using this document, embedded controller?17?can change the operational parameters that it periodically updates.

Process?46?in server?19?receives (302) the command from embedded controller?17, parses (303) the command using an XML parser to obtain the information specific to the instance of device?11, and identifies (304) the appropriate document based on this information. As before, the information that identifies the instance of device?11?includes, among other things, the device type, its serial number, and its UUID. Process?46?retrieves (305) the document containing the list of operational parameters to be updated, and sends (306) the document back to embedded controller?17.

Process?45?in embedded controller?17?receives (307) the document from server?19, parses (308) the operational parameters to be updated from the document, and formulates (309) a POST command to send to server?19. The command is formulated using a command template (not shown), into which process?45?inserts the operational parameters parsed from the document. Process?45?sends this second command to the server. At this point, processes?45?and?46?operate (310) in the same manner as processes?40?and?41, respectively, when used with a POST command. Accordingly, the details of processes?40,41?are not repeated here.

This alternative embodiment may be generalized further. For example, rather than simply retrieving a list of operational parameters, embedded controller?17?may retrieve, from server?19, a list of operations that it is to perform. For example, that list may contain operational parameters to be updated, times at which the updates are to occur, a schedule of diagnostic tests, and the like. Any operation that may be performed by embedded controller?17?may be included on the list.

The operations in the list may be Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) calls that are scripted using XML. Briefly, SOAP is a recognized standard for performing remote procedure calls. Scripting of SOAP calls using XML is described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/123960, filed concurrently herewith and entitled "XML Scripting of SOAP Commands", the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this application as if set forth herein in full.

The process for retrieving the list of operations is identical to processes?45?and?46, save for the contents of the list itself. The actions that embedded controller takes once it has the list (i.e.,?310) depend on the contents of the list. For example, the list might specify that parameters are to be updated every hour and may also contain a list of the parameters to be updated. The list may contain XML commands, which can be parsed by embedded controller?17. Thus, embedded controller?17?reads the commands in the list and performs the appropriate operations with respect to device?11.


Processes?40,41?and?45,46?are not limited to use with the hardware/software configuration of?FIG. 1; they may find applicability in any computing or processing environment. Processes?40,41?and?45,46?may be implemented in hardware (e.g., an ASIC {Application-Specific Integrated Circuit} and/or an FPGA {Field Programmable Gate Array}), software, or a combination of hardware and software.

Processes?40,41?and?45,46?may be implemented using one or more computer programs executing on programmable computers that each includes a processor, a storage medium readable by the processor (including volatile and non-volatile memory and/or storage elements), at least one input device, and one or more output devices.

Each such program may be implemented in a high level procedural or object-oriented programming language to communicate with a computer system. Also, the programs can be implemented in assembly or machine language. The language may be a compiled or an interpreted language.

Each computer program may be stored on a storage medium or device (e.g., CD-ROM, hard disk, or magnetic diskette) that is readable by a general or special purpose programmable computer for configuring and operating the computer when the storage medium or device is read by the computer to perform processes?40,41?and?45,46.

Processes?40,41?and?45,46?may also be implemented as a computer-readable storage medium, configured with a computer program, where, upon execution, instructions in the computer program cause the computer to operate in accordance with processes?40,41?and?45,46.

The invention is not limited to use with the protocols and standards described above. For example, Web server?19?may use Java Servlets, ASP (Active Server Pages), and/or ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) to communicate with application logic?32, instead of, or in addition to, CGI. The commands sent by embedded controller?17and/or server?19?(e.g., in?201,?301,?310) are not limited to HTTP GET and POST commands. Any commands and/or requests for requesting and receiving data may be used.

The data transferred to embedded controller?17?by server?19?is not limited to operational parameters or configuration files. The data may include, for example, a schedule of actions to be performed by device?11?that is based on information pertaining the owner of the device. For example, owner preferences may be stored in database?30. The instance-specific data may be used by server?19?to correlate the owner of the device to the appropriate preferences. These preferences then may be transmitted back to device?11?to control the operation thereof.

The original parameters sent by embedded controller?17?to server?19?may be used by server?19?to calculate new, updated parameters based on data stored in database?30. Thus, the invention is not limited to simply retrieving updated data, but may also include calculating new data based on currently-available data.

The documents and commands described above are not limited to XML format. Any computer language may be used for the commands. The documents may be in any format, for example, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) documents may be used. In addition, the invention is not limited to use with the Web, Web servers, and the like. The servers and embedded controllers described herein may be the same type of general-purpose computer appropriately programmed, or different devices.
