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使用Erlang UDP做仿真通信



-export([start/0,client/1]). %%服务端



        server(19997) end).%%开启进程执行server函数 19997


        {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(Port, [binary, {active, false}]),%%打开udp端口

        io:format("server open socket:~p~n", [Socket]),%%输出内容




        inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),%%启动Socket


            {udp, Socket, Host, Port, Bin} ->

                io:format("server received:~p~n", [Bin]),

                {Identity, ReceiveBin} = getReceiveBin(Bin),

                io:format("server send:~p~n", [ReceiveBin]),

                gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, ReceiveBin),

                sendSlaveRequest(Socket, Host, Port, Identity, Bin),



    getReceiveBin(Bin) ->

         Arr = binary_to_list(Bin),

         [_,_,_,Identity,Len,SerialNum|_Others] = Arr,

         case Identity of

            16#02 ->

                 Res = [16#A5,16#5A,16#00,Identity,16#9,SerialNum,16#1],

                Crc = crc:comCrc16(Res),

                {Identity, Res ++ Crc};

           16#06 ->

                Res = [16#A5,16#5A,16#00,Identity,16#9,SerialNum,16#1],

                Crc = crc:comCrc16(Res),

                %%io:format("CRC:~p~n", [Crc]),%%输出内容

                {Identity, Res ++ Crc};

          16#23 ->

               Res = [16#A5,16#5A,16#00,Identity,16#9,SerialNum,16#1],

              Crc = crc:comCrc16(Res),

              {Identity, Res ++ Crc};

          16#07 ->

               DataLen = (Len - 8) * 8,

              <<_First:48,Data:DataLen,_Crc:16>> = Bin,%%从位数组中截取内如,每个字节8位,First截取前6个字节

              %%io:format("Data:~p~n", [Data]),  %%输出内容


          Other ->

              {Identity, Arr}



          sleep(T) ->


                after T ->





sendSlaveRequest(Socket, Host, Port, Identity, Bin) ->

          case Identity of

                16#02 ->

                        sendFeedback(Socket, Host, Port, Bin);

                 Other ->





sendFeedback(Socket, Host, Port, Bin) ->


         ListData = http://www.mamicode.com/binary_to_list(Bin),

         [_,_,_,Identity,Len,SerialNo|_T] = ListData,

        OtherLen = (Len-16)*8, <<_:48, _:80,Others:OtherLen>> = Bin,

        %% io:format("CrcAndPulse****:~p~n", [Others]),

        [P1, P2, P3, P4] = getPulseCnt(Others, OtherLen),

         %io:format("P1--P4: ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p ~n", [P1, P2, P3, P4]),

         NewSerialNo = if SerialNo >=255 -> 0; true -> SerialNo + 1 end,

         Body = getFeedbackBody(Bin, OtherLen),

         Request = [16#D3, 16#3D, 16#00, 16#85, 16#12, NewSerialNo] ++ Body,

         Crc = crc:comCrc16(Request),

         RequestList = Request ++ Crc,

         %%io:format("sendFeedback****(begin) ~p~n", [RequestList]),

          gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, RequestList),

          io:format("sendFeedback****(end) ~p~n", [RequestList]).


getFeedbackBody(Bin, OtherLen)->

    <<_:48, _:4,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap1:1,_:1,IsAdmix_AP1:1,IsPluginBottle_Ap1:1,

    %%注意 按位运算的时候,字节是反序的,高位在前,低位在后 

     _:4,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap2:1,_:1,IsAdmix_AP2:1,IsPluginBottle_Ap2:1,    _:4,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap3:1,_:1,IsAdmix_AP3:1,IsPluginBottle_Ap3:1,

    _:4,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap4:1,_:1,IsAdmix_AP4:1,IsPluginBottle_Ap4:1, BoxTurnDirection:1,_:2,BoxTurnCnt:5, CellTurnCnt:3,_:4,CellTurnDirection:1,

     PushBoxInfo:8, _:5,IsCutoffFilm:1,IsEncBox:1,IsPushFilm:1, _:8,_:8,Others:OtherLen>> = Bin,

    AP1 = calcAdmixpartFeedback(IsPluginBottle_Ap1,IsAdmix_AP1,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap1),

    AP2 = calcAdmixpartFeedback(IsPluginBottle_Ap2,IsAdmix_AP2,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap2),

    AP3 = calcAdmixpartFeedback(IsPluginBottle_Ap3,IsAdmix_AP3,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap3),

    AP4 = calcAdmixpartFeedback(IsPluginBottle_Ap4,IsAdmix_AP4,IsTurnOffBottle_Ap4),

    io:format("***admixpart command:IsTurnOffBottle_Ap4:~p,IsAdmix_AP4:~p,IsPluginBottle_Ap4:~p ~n", [IsTurnOffBottle_Ap4,IsAdmix_AP4,IsPluginBottle_Ap4]),

    BoxRotate = case BoxTurnCnt > 0 of true -> (BoxTurnDirection bsl 7) bor BoxTurnCnt; _ -> 0 end,

    CellRotate = case CellTurnCnt > 0 of true -> (CellTurnDirection bsl 7) bor CellTurnCnt; _ -> 0 end,

    IsPushInBox = PushBoxInfo band 16#01,

    IsPushOutBox = (PushBoxInfo bsr 1) band 16#01,

    BoxOther = PushBoxInfo band 16#3F,

    %%io:format("++++IsPushInBox:~p IsPushOutBox:~p BoxOther:~p ~n", [IsPushInBox,IsPushOutBox,BoxOther]),

    PushBox = (IsPushOutBox bsl 1) bor IsPushInBox,

    Enc = if IsEncBox =:= 1 -> 2#111; true -> 0 end,

    Body = [AP1, AP2, AP3, AP4, BoxRotate, CellRotate, PushBox, Enc, 0, 0].


calcAdmixpartFeedback(IsPluginBottle,IsAdmix,IsTurnOffBottle) ->

    B1 = if IsPluginBottle =:= 1 -> 1; true -> 0 end,

    B2 = if IsAdmix =:= 1 -> 2#111; true -> 0 end,

    B3 = if IsTurnOffBottle =:= 1 -> 1; true -> 0 end,

    (B3 bsl 4) bor (B2 bsl 1) bor B1. getPulseCnt(Crc, 16)-> [0,0,0,0];


getPulseCnt(Crc, 48)->

    [Crc bsr 16,0,0,0];

getPulseCnt(Crc, 80)->

    [Crc bsr 48,(Crc bsr 16) band 16#FFFFFFFF,0,0];

getPulseCnt(Crc, 112)->

    [Crc bsr 80, (Crc bsr 48) band 16#FFFFFFFF, (Crc bsr 16) band 16#FFFFFFFF,0];

getPulseCnt(Crc, 144)->

    [Crc bsr 112, (Crc bsr 80) band 16#FFFFFFFF, (Crc bsr 48) band 16#FFFFFFFF, (Crc bsr 16) band 16#FFFFFFFF]. %%客户端


client(N) ->

    {Res, Socket} = gen_udp:open(0, [binary]),

     io:format("client opened socket:~p ~p~n", [Res, Socket]),

    ok = gen_udp:send(Socket, "localhost", 4000, N),

    Value = http://www.mamicode.com/receive

         {udp, Socket, _, _, Bin} ->

            io:format("client received:~p~n", [Bin])


            2000 -> 0




使用Erlang UDP做仿真通信