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[AngularFire2] Auth with Firebase auth -- email

First, you need to enable the email auth in Firebase console.


Then implement the auth service:

  login(email, password) {    return this.fromFirebaseAuthPromise(this.auth$.login({      email, password    },{      method: AuthMethods.Password,      provider: AuthProviders.Password    }));  }  fromFirebaseAuthPromise(promise) {    const subject = new Subject<any>();    promise.then((res) => {      subject.next(res);      subject.complete();    }, err => {      subject.error(err);      subject.complete();    });    return subject.asObservable();  }

Because login method return Promise, we need to convert it to Observable. The way we do it is using ‘subject‘.



  login(){    const formValue = http://www.mamicode.com/this.form.value;    this.authService.login(formValue.email, formValue.password)      .subscribe((res) => {         this.router.navigate([/home]);      })  }


[AngularFire2] Auth with Firebase auth -- email