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[AngularFire2] Build a Custom Node Backend Using Firebase Queue

In this lesson we are going to learn how to build a custom Node process for batch processing of Firebase data using the Firebase queue library.


From UI, we create a request to add ‘queue/tasks‘ node in database which contains the data to be deleted by queue later.


  requestLessonDeletion() {    this.courseService.deleteLEssonById(      this.lesson.$key,      this.lesson.courseId    )      .then(() => alert("lesson delete successfully"))      .catch((err) => console.error(err));  }


this.rootDb = fb.database().ref()  


deleteLEssonById(lessonId: string, courseId) { return this.rootDb.child(queue/tasks) .push({ lessonId, courseId }) }



Then we will build a node server to do the deletion:


"batch-server": "./node_modules/.bin/ts-node ./batch-server.ts",


npm install --save-dev ts-promise firebase-queue
import {firebaseConfig} from "./src/environments/firebase.config";import {initializeApp, auth,database} from firebase;const Queue = require(firebase-queue);import Promise from "ts-promise";console.log(Running batch server ...);initializeApp(firebaseConfig);auth()  .signInWithEmailAndPassword(o@you.com, youdontknow)  .then(runConsumer)  .catch(onError);function one rror(err) {  console.error("Could not login", err);  process.exit();}function runConsumer() {  console.log("Running consumer ...");  const lessonsRef = database().ref("lessons");  const lessonsPerCourseRef = database().ref("lessonsPerCourse");  const queueRef = database().ref(queue);  const queue = new Queue(queueRef, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {    console.log(received delete request ...,data);    const deleteLessonPromise = lessonsRef.child(data.lessonId).remove();    const deleteLessonPerCoursePromise =      lessonsPerCourseRef.child(`${data.courseId}/${data.lessonId}`).remove();    Promise.all([deleteLessonPromise, deleteLessonPerCoursePromise])      .then(        () => {          console.log("lesson deleted");          resolve();        }      )      .catch(() => {        console.log("lesson deletion in error");        reject();      });  });}

Run ‘npm run batch-server‘, then the data inside "lessons" & "lessonsPreCourse" & "queue/tasks" will all be deleted.

{  "rules": {    ".read": "auth != null",    ".write": "auth != null",      "courses": {        ".indexOn": ["url"]       },    "lessons": {      ".indexOn": ["url"]    },      "queue": {        "tasks": {          ".indexOn": ["_state"]        }      }  }}

Need to add "queue" to the firebase ruels to get rid of error message.



[AngularFire2] Build a Custom Node Backend Using Firebase Queue