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实习日记:图像检索算法 LSH 的总结与分析

先贴上这两天刚出炉的C++代码。(利用 STL 偷了不少功夫,代码尚待优化)


 1 #ifndef HEAD_H 2 #define HEAD_H 3  4 #include "D:\\LiYangGuang\\VSPRO\\MYLSH\\HashTable.h" 5  6  7 #include <iostream> 8 #include <fstream> 9 #include <time.h>10 #include <cstdlib>11 #include <vector>12 #include <map>13 #include <set>14 #include <string>15 16 using namespace std;17 18 19 void loadData(bool (*data)[128], int n, char *filename);20 void createTable(HashTable HTSet[], bool data[][128], bool extDat[][n][k] );21 void insert(HT HTSet[], bool (*extDat)[n][k]);22 void standHash(HT HTSet[]);23 void search(vector<int>& record, bool query[128], HT HTSet[]);24 /*int getPosition(int V[], std::string s, int N);*/25 26 #endif


#include <string>#include <vector>enum{ k = 15, l = 1, n = 587329, M = n};typedef struct {    std::string key;    std::vector<int> elem; // element‘s index} bucket; struct INT {    bool used;    int val;    struct INT * next;    INT() : used(false), val(0), next(NULL){}};typedef struct HashTable {    int R[k];          // k random dimensions    int RNum[k];   //  random numbers little than M    //string DC;          // the contents of k dimensions     std::vector<bucket> BukSet;    INT Hash2[M];} HT;


#include <string>inline int getPosition(int V[], std::string s, int N){	int position = 0;	for(int col = 0; col < k; ++col)	{		position += V[col] * (s[col] - ‘0‘);		position %= M;	}	return position;}


inline int distance(bool v1[], bool v2[], int N){	int d = 0;	for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)		d += v1[i] ^ v2[i];	return d;}


#include "Head.h"#include "D:\\LiYangGuang\\VSPRO\\MYLSH\\computeDistance.h"using namespace std;// length of sub hashtable, as well the number of elements.const int MAX_Q = 1000; HT HTSet[l];bool data[n][128];bool extDat[l][n][k];bool query[MAX_Q][128]; // set the query item to 1000.int main(int argc, char *argv){	/************************************************************************/	/*             Firstly, create the HashTables                           */	/************************************************************************/	char *filename = "D:\\LiYangGuang\\VSPRO\\MYLSH\\data.txt";	loadData(data, n, filename);	createTable(HTSet, data, extDat);	insert(HTSet,extDat);	standHash(HTSet);	/************************************************************************/	/*              Secondly, start the LSH search                          */	/************************************************************************/	char *queryFile = "D:\\LiYangGuang\\VSPRO\\MYLSH\\query.txt";	loadData(query, MAX_Q, queryFile);	clock_t time0 = clock();	for(int qId = 0; qId < MAX_Q; ++qId)	{		vector<int> record;		clock_t timeA = clock();		search(record, query[qId], HTSet);		set<int> Dis;		for(size_t i = 0; i < record.size(); ++i)			Dis.insert(distance(data[record[i]], query[qId]));		clock_t timeB = clock();		cout << "第 " << qId + 1 << " 次查询时间:" << timeB - timeA << endl;	}	clock_t time1 = clock();	cout << "总查询时间:" << time1 - time0 << endl;    return 0;}


#include <string>#include <fstream>void loadData(bool (*data)[128], int n, char* filename){	std::ifstream ifs;	ifs.open(filename, std::ios::in);	for(int row = 0; row < n; ++row)	{		std::string line;		getline(ifs, line);		for(int col = 0; col < 128; ++col)			data[row][col] = (line[col] - ‘0‘) & 1;	/*	std::cout << row << std::endl;*/	}	ifs.close();}


#include "HashTable.h"#include <ctime>void createTable(HT HTSet[], bool data[][128], bool extDat[][n][k] ){	srand((unsigned)time(NULL));	for(int tableNum = 0; tableNum < l; ++tableNum)  	{      /*	creat the ith Table;*/		for(int randNum = 0; randNum < k; ++randNum)		{			HTSet[tableNum].R[randNum] = rand() % 128;			HTSet[tableNum].RNum[randNum] = rand() % M;			for(int item = 0; item < n; ++item)			{				extDat[tableNum][item][randNum] = 					data[item][HTSet[tableNum].R[randNum]];			}		}	}}


#include "HashTable.h"#include <iostream>#include <map>using namespace std;map<string, int> deRepeat;bool equal(bool V[], bool V2[], int n){	int i = 0;	while(i < n)	{		if(V[i] != V2[i])			return false;	}	return true;}string itoa(bool *v, int n, string s){	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)		s.push_back(v[i]+‘0‘);	return s;}void insert(HT HTSet[], bool (*extDat)[n][k]){	for(int t = 0; t < l; ++ t) /* t: table */	{		int bktNum = 0;		bucket bkt;		bkt.key = string(itoa(extDat[t][0], k, string("")));		bkt.elem.push_back(0);		HTSet[t].BukSet.push_back(bkt);		deRepeat.insert(make_pair(bkt.key, bktNum++)); // 0 为 bucket 的位置		for(int item = 1; item < n; ++item)		{			cout << item << endl;			string key = itoa(extDat[t][item], k, string(""));			//map<string, int>::iterator it = deRepeat.find(key);			if(deRepeat.find(key) != deRepeat.end())			{				HTSet[t].BukSet[deRepeat.find(key)->second].elem.push_back(item);				cout << "exist" << endl;			}			else{				bucket bkt2;				bkt2.key = key;				bkt2.elem.push_back(item);				HTSet[t].BukSet.push_back(bkt2);				deRepeat.insert(make_pair(bkt2.key, bktNum++));				cout << "creat" << endl;			}		}		deRepeat.clear();	}}


#include "HashTable.h"#include <iostream>#include "getPosition.h"void standHash(HT HTSet[]){	for(int t = 0; t < l; ++t)	{		int BktLen = HTSet[t].BukSet.size();		for(int b = 0; b < BktLen; ++b)		{			int position = getPosition(HTSet[t].RNum, HTSet[t].BukSet[b].key, k);			INT *pIn = &HTSet[t].Hash2[position];			while(pIn->used && pIn->next != NULL)				pIn = pIn->next;			if(pIn->used){				pIn->next = new INT;				pIn->next->val = b;				pIn->next->used = true;			}else{				pIn->val = b;				pIn->used = true;			}		}		std::cout << "the " << t << "th HashTable has been finished." << std::endl;	}}


#include "HashTable.h"#include "getPosition.h"#include <vector>using namespace std;void search(vector<int>& record, bool query[128], HT HTSet[]){	for(int t = 0; t < l; ++t)	{		string temKey;		int temPos = 0;		for(int c = 0; c < k; ++c)			temKey.push_back(query[HTSet[t].R[c]] + ‘0‘);		temPos = getPosition(HTSet[t].RNum, temKey, k);		vector<int> bktId;		INT *p = &HTSet[t].Hash2[temPos];		while(p != NULL && p->used)		{			bktId.push_back(p->val);			p = p->next;		}		for(size_t i = 0; i < bktId.size(); ++i)		{			bucket temB = HTSet[t].BukSet[bktId[i]];			if(temKey == temB.key)			{				for(size_t j = 0; j < temB.elem.size(); ++j)					record.push_back(temB.elem[j]);			}		}	}}



