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hdu 1195 Open the Lock



 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <queue> 5 using namespace std; 6 char ch[10],str[10]; 7 int dir[2]= {1,-1},flag,vis[15][15][15][15]; 8  9 struct node10 {11     int x[5];12     int time;13 } ;14 15 void bfs()16 {17     queue<node>q;18     node s;19     for (int i=0; i<4; i++)20         s.x[i]=ch[i]-0;21     s.time=0;22     q.push(s);23     vis[s.x[0]][s.x[1]][s.x[2]][s.x[3]]=1;24     while (!q.empty())25     {26         //cout<<s.x[0]<<s.x[1]<<s.x[2]<<s.x[3]<<" ";27         //cout<<s.time<<" ";28         s=q.front();29         q.pop();30         int temp=0;31         for (int i=0; i<4; i++)32             if (s.x[i]==str[i]-0)33                 temp+=1;34         if (temp==4)35         {36             flag=s.time;37             return ;38         }39         else40         {41 42             for(int i=0; i<4; i++)43             {44                 for(int j=0; j<2; j++)45                 {46                     node ss=s;47                     ss.x[i]+=dir[j];48                     if (ss.x[i]==10)49                         ss.x[i]=1;50                     else if (ss.x[i]==0)51                         ss.x[i]=9;52                     if(!vis[ss.x[0]][ss.x[1]][ss.x[2]][ss.x[3]])53                     {54                         ss.time++;55                         vis[ss.x[0]][ss.x[1]][ss.x[2]][ss.x[3]]=1;56                         q.push(ss);//cout<<s.time<<endl;57                     }58                 }59             }60             for(int i=0; i<3; i++)61             {62                 node ss=s;63                 int ans=ss.x[i];64                 ss.x[i]=ss.x[i+1];65                 ss.x[i+1]=ans;66                 if(!vis[ss.x[0]][ss.x[1]][ss.x[2]][ss.x[3]])67                 {68                     ss.time++;69                     vis[ss.x[0]][ss.x[1]][ss.x[2]][ss.x[3]]=1;70                     q.push(ss);71                 }72             }73 74         }75 76     }77 }78 int main ()79 {80     int t;81     while (cin>>t)82     {83         while (t--)84         {85             flag=-1;86             memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));87             getchar();88             for (int i=0; i<4; i++)89                 scanf("%c",&ch[i]);90             getchar();91             for (int j=0; j<4; j++)92                 scanf ("%c",&str[j]);93             bfs();94             if (flag>-1)95                 printf ("%d\n",flag);96             getchar();97         }98     }99 }