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/// <summary>/// Floating text./// the GUI Text Floating system/// </summary>using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class FloatingText : MonoBehaviour {    public GUISkin CustomSkin;// GUISkin    public string Text = "";// Text    public float LifeTime = 1;// Life time    public bool FadeEnd = false;// Fade out at last 1 second before destroyed    public Color TextColor = Color.white; // Text color    public bool Position3D = false; // enabled when you need the text along with world 3d position    public Vector2 Position; // 2D Position        private float alpha = 1;    private float timeTemp = 0;    void Start () {        timeTemp = Time.time;        GameObject.Destroy(this.gameObject,LifeTime);        if(Position3D){            Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(this.transform.position);            Position = new Vector2(screenPos.x,Screen.height - screenPos.y);        }    }    void Update () {        if(FadeEnd){            if(Time.time >= ((timeTemp + LifeTime) - 1)){                alpha = 1.0f - (Time.time - ((timeTemp + LifeTime) - 1));            }        }else{            alpha = 1.0f - ((1.0f / LifeTime) * (Time.time - timeTemp));        }            if(Position3D){            Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(this.transform.position);            Position = new Vector2(screenPos.x,Screen.height - screenPos.y);        }        }    void OnGUI(){                GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r,GUI.color.g,GUI.color.b,alpha);        if(CustomSkin){            GUI.skin = CustomSkin;        }            Vector2 textsize = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(Text));        Rect rect = new Rect(Position.x - (textsize.x/2), Position.y,textsize.x,textsize.y);        GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor = TextColor;        GUI.Label(rect,Text);    }}


public void AddFloatingText(Vector3 pos,string text){        // Adding Floating Text Effect        if(FloatingText){            var floattext = (GameObject)Instantiate(FloatingText,pos,transform.rotation);            if(floattext.GetComponent<FloatingText>()){                floattext.GetComponent<FloatingText>().Text = text;            }            GameObject.Destroy(floattext,1);            }    }