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/* solution of convertion of infix to postfix */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>struct StackRecord{    char Operator[32];    int TopIndex;    int Capacity;};typedef struct StackRecord * Stack;Stack CreateStack(){    Stack S = malloc(sizeof(struct StackRecord));    S->TopIndex = -1;    S->Capacity = 32;}inline int IsEmpty(Stack S){return S->TopIndex == -1;}inline int IsFull(Stack S){return S->TopIndex == 31;}void Push(Stack S,char Operator){    // assuming S is not NULL, hha    S->Operator[++S->TopIndex] = Operator;}char Pop(Stack S){    if(IsEmpty(S)) return 0;    return S->Operator[S->TopIndex--];}char Top(Stack S){    if(IsEmpty(S)) return 0;    return S->Operator[S->TopIndex];}int GetOperatorClass(char Operator){    switch(Operator)    {    case +: case -:        return 0;    case *: case /:        return 1;    case ^:        return 2;    case (:        return 10;    default:        return -1;    }}int IsOperator(char c){    switch(c)    {    case +:case -:case *:case /:case (:case ):case ^:        return 1;    default:        return 0;    }}void PrintStack(Stack S){    int i = 0;    printf("Current Stack: ");    for(; i <= S->TopIndex; ++i)        printf("%c ", S->Operator[i]);    printf("\n");}int main(){    char *infix = "a+b*c^h^i+(d*e+f)*g";    char postfix[128] = "\0";    int len = strlen(infix);    int i = 0;    Stack S = CreateStack();    char top;    int j = 0;    char curr;    for(;i < len; ++i)    {        postfix[j] = \0;        printf("Current Output: %s\n",postfix);        curr = infix[i];        if(IsOperator(curr))        {            PrintStack(S);            if (curr == ))            {                while(( != (top = Pop(S)))                    postfix[j++] = top;                            }else if(curr == ^)            {                top  = Top(S);                while(top != ^ &&                     (GetOperatorClass(curr) <= GetOperatorClass(top)) &&                     top != ()                {                    postfix[j++] = top; Pop(S);                    top = Top(S);                }                Push(S,curr);            }            else            {                {                    top = Top(S);                    while((GetOperatorClass(curr) <= GetOperatorClass(top)) && top != ()                    {                        postfix[j++] = top; Pop(S);                        top = Top(S);                    }                }                                Push(S,curr);            }                    }        else            postfix[j++] = curr;    }    while((top = Pop(S)) != 0)        postfix[j++] = top;    postfix[j++] = \0;    printf("%s",postfix);    return 0;}